The area is not so shady that things that like moist shade will be happy (right now it gets morning shade and afternoon sun), the ground does drain pretty well, as does most of the yard, thankfully. Today while waiting for the bus home, I came up with this "plan", with room for rainbarrels, two blueberry bushes, two black elderberries, and room for other plants, possibly something else edible in the central section. There would be a small bench at the end of the garden bed (rather than across from the window) and some kind of garden-art/memorial. The area next to the house would be mulched but not planted right next to the side of the house.
So far I have been trying to come up with possibilities for flowering plants... I'm thinking about what will make nice cut flowers for in the house, that will bloom at different times of the year. So far I have thought of having some white japanese anemone for fall bloom - I love them, and once there is some shade, they will do okay if I water them. Maybe some white campion...I was thinking about planting small bulbs for early spring - grape hyacinth, wood hyacinth, and snowdrops, maybe some of the pheasant-eye narcissus. Can you see, I am getting a kind of mostly white (with some blue) color scheme going here? I'll probably keep some of the lambs ears around as well. I am not sure about easy-to-grow cut flowers for between spring and autumn?. My ideal would be to have two different things for each season, not sure how realistic that is given the small space.
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Lookit what I ran across while wandering around on Ravelry... is this not the most awesome Aran motif?!?Since I don't have back issues of knitting magazines lying around the house, I made use of the periodical room at the downtown library to copy off the pattern. I'm wondering about adapting the motif to use around the crown of the hat, as I'm not sure about committing to an Aran sweater right now... If you are on Ravelry, look here for better pictures, and a similar pattern, as well as a clever vest using these motifs
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Back to the workroom now, I've spent enough time online for now...