On Saturday we went to the schools Annual Barbeque. The weather gods were smiling down on us and the sun shined all day long. Georgia had such fun, she had her face painted as a pink bunny rabbit...Boy did she look cute.
So the next Proud Mummy Moment came yesterday. Georgia was entered into her first Gymnastics competition. She only started with MKSpringers during the Whitsun holiday, and only does an hour per week. But she continues to improve and her confidence grows. She was so nervous, she told me she was too scared and didn't want to do it. I was reluctant to force her, so just persuaded her to get ready and if she really didn't want to do it, then she didn't have to. So we are in the queue for registration and we see her friend Alice from school. While we were in the registration queue the gymnasts were called to go and warm up, so off they went together. Anyway I could see her warming up, doing her bridge (I always used to call it a crab...lol). Finally it was her turn to go on the first piece of equipment, a beam...they have to run up and then stop, climb on and walk along and do a lovely jump off to the finish position. Here is a picture of her waiting in line for her turn....too cute...
After she had done there, she went over to do her floor routine. All the younger gymnast had to do the same routine. For the first time ever she did it perfectly, the best I had ever seen. At the end they were all lined up for the prize giving. We seriously never expected to win anything she entered for the experience and for fun. So you can imagine the surprise we got when her name was called out...for First Place....she won a GOLD MEDAL.....yippeeeeeee
Here she is having just received her medal. Please forgive me on the picture quality, but the venue was a photographic nightmare. Indoors, no natural light, flourescent lights, we were sitting on a big bleacher style seating thing, and it moved when people walked up the stairs...so what with using a zoom lense with no tripod and poor lighting...it really challenged my limited photography skills. Although I did feel better when Alice's parents told me they hadn't managed to even get a single half decent shot. The amount of pictures I had with people blurred heads in was unbelievable...lol