Fertilizer Friday/ Flower Flaunt Friday

There I was, once again, admiring Bernie's bloom day post when I thought - oh gosh I have some wonderful photos of my torch ginger ready to go and it is Friday so why don't I enter? I have been a long time lurker viewing everyone else's wonderful flowers every Friday. It is time I joined in the fun! I don't use fertilizer - just my own yummy compost and natural amendments like seaweed and comfrey juice, so I will flaunt without the fertilizing. The torch ginger has opened up even more - the best thing about these flowers is that they hang around for so long - it has been in bloom for over a month now. You can see more photos when it was just opening up. Just look at the detail :) You can see a little ant off to the side if you look closely. These are green ants (and can give you a nasty bite!) and they make nests every now and then in our garden. They are supposedly benefic...