
Showing posts with the label plastic

Permaculture and plastics

I noticed for the first time when we went shopping this weekend that more and more shops are now charging for plastic bags.  Target sells compostable plastic bags. I must admit have been a bit lax in the plastic bag department. Some reasons: (excuses, if you like!) 1. We re-use the supermarket bags in our little kitchen garbage bin. 2. I keep forgetting my green bags in the car and only remember when I get to the checkout. 3. I have a very cute little storage bag for used plastic bags in the kitchen. 4.  We never throw them out or re-cycle them, every one of them is re-used. 5.  I actually thought they were all now compostable! So I have decided to be a little more pro-active and in response to the above excuses will take the following steps: 1.  All of the veggie peelings and messy stuff goes into the compost, tins and bottles go into the re-cycling, so really the rubbish can just go straight into the bin and then get thrown into the large...