Getting the soil ready
At the change of the season I always seem to have some crops that don't seem willing to move along, so that I can rip them out! The Rosella were like that this year. They took up the front half of the bed where I plant most of my veggies. They were inundated with some kind of bug, and it did not look as though they were going to produce flowers or fruit, so in the end I ripped them out. Some wet season plants are only now starting to fruit - notably the loofas! This has been a strange year with the wet season running late. Already the temperature has moderated and the humidity has dropped so it is lovely outside, although we are still getting a fair amount of rain. I dug out the few sweet potatoes that I had planted - there were one or two tiny ones that the grubs did not get - a very disappointing crop. The big bin against the fence started out ...