Garden share collective February 2015

Golly how is it already time for another garden update! Yes, like Lizzie at Garden share collective who hosts this link up, we have had a bit of rain over the last month, but not what we normally get. We have also had incredible heat. 36 degrees celcius, with 68% humidity! Basically the garden is just humming along on its own. I nip out every now and then to check that it is still there, and dribble on a bit of water if anything looks dry. Within a half hour it is dry as a bone again! The okra is doing ok, although they still look rather spindly, I popped in a few more seeds, they have to be hardy plants to survive this weather. I was hoping for a little okra forest, but not sure that is going to happen. I have one little okra pod, and it has stayed this size for weeks. Is it ready to be picked? I thought it was supposed to be burgundy. The okra is in the front of the herb spiral - that area does not g...