
Showing posts with the label harvest day

Garden bloggers harvest day for March 5th

Barbie and Christine from  the gardening blog  in South Africa is running a harvest day meme on the 5th of every month, and  I thought I would join in. This is the month when most of the "normal" type of vegetables have not yet been planted, I have some tropical wet season type of vegetables to share.   I wouldn't call them "abnormal" but some of them sure are different! I have been wanting to grow winged beans for the longest time, and  eventually got some seeds from  a Brisbane forum.  They have a faint taste of snow peas, but the main reason I wanted to grow them is that they are so pretty, and the fact that they taste so good is an added bonus.  Here they are growing up a tepee and then over a makeshift support down the center of the veggie patch.  They are just under a pawpaw tree, you can see passionfruit and loofah hanging from the vine in the top lef...