
Showing posts with the label pumpkin vine tips

Baby jap pumpkins and eating pumpkin vine tips

Continuing on from my last post I have been hankering for baby vegetables.  This weekend I decided to pull out the eggplant bush that seemed to develop some kind of wilt.  I am not sure it is bacterial wilt as another one is growing up right alongside it.  This one has produced nonstop for about 18 months but definitely suffered some sort of malady, and since there is another one on the way I ripped the entire bush out..  It was covered in tiny eggplant - yeah!   I also had to hack away some of the pumpkin vine which is trying to overtake my entire veggie patch rather than stay in its assigned spot.  I cut some of the tips and then went researching where I had read that they were edible (and tasty!) I found the information I was looking for - I had read it in a marvelous book called Tropical Cuisine, by Claire Richards.  See details  here .  I also threw in al...