Dragon fruit loves all this rain

We have had flooding and rain, and more flooded roads and mudslides. It was a busy week last week just trying to get around! some of the plants though are in their element with all this rain. The dragonfruit has burst into flower again. I think this is the third flush of fruit this season! It is supposed to be part of the cactus family which I thought didn't like too much water. Shows what I know! Here you can see the native bees which gather around pollinating the flowers. There are also green ants, so not sure if it needs both, but they definitely do their job well! The flowers open during the night and then by the afternoon are just a hanging bunch of petals. Short but sweet life! Off to the left you can see the flowers that flowered the night before. This is the most beautiful flower, followed by very tasty fruit! I know I do go on about the dragonfruit , but this yummy goodness on my yoghurt is what is to ...