
Showing posts with the label Cassia butterfly

Critters on the cosmos

Over the weekend the veggie garden was just alive with buzzing, swooping and darting.  Do those butterflies know that the mosaic butterfly/birdbath is busy curing, waiting to be filled with sparkling water?  I hope they like it.  I feel as though I have a present waiting - wrapped and ready to be opened and admired, and used.  I wonder if this little sweetie thought we couldn't see her - what  a match! The sun was bright, but it didn't keep them away - zinnias and the basil are also flowering, but cosmos seems to be the big draw card.  Even ONE  in Malaysia has commented on that in her garden.  I was doing the backbreaking work of re-doing the edges of the vegetable beds with stone (more user friendly in the tropics than wood )  Every time I would stretch to relieve my aching back my hubby would say - stay still, don't move..... so I feel I had something to do with these lovely pho...