Birdbaths and paths
A while back I decided the rhoeo was encroaching too far into the path. Once I started cutting it back I decided it looked better without it. So much better with an edging of ground orchids. I placed a few flat rocks to define the edge. I think this showcases the orchids more. I am not sure if I should put some bigger rocks there to hold them up from the path a bit or just more soil. I like them hanging over but feel a bit more height would look better. Out front I also want to define this entrance as more of a pathway, maybe a couple of pavers in the stones? I put the pots along the sort of curve I want to create, but they might have to be moved when the pavers are put in....Dont you just love my new little birdbath I got for Christmas? The birds have yet to discover it.....It is right next to a hibiscus which the honeyeaters an butterflies love so maybe it will just take time. At long last this cutting has taken, the fl...