
Showing posts with the label cats whiskers

Birdbaths and paths

A while back I decided the rhoeo was encroaching too far into the path.  Once I started cutting it back I decided it looked better without it.  So much better with an edging of ground orchids.  I placed a few flat rocks to define the edge. I think this showcases the orchids more.  I am not sure if I should put some bigger rocks there to hold them up from the path a bit or just more soil.  I like them hanging over but feel a bit more height would look better.  Out front I also want to define this entrance as more of a pathway, maybe a couple of pavers in the stones?  I put the pots along the sort of curve I want to create, but they might have to be moved when the pavers are put in....Dont you just love my new little birdbath I got for Christmas?  The birds have yet to discover it.....It is right next to a hibiscus which the honeyeaters an butterflies love so maybe it will just take time. At long last this cutting has taken, the fl...

This and that and the sunshine....

"You are my sunshine,.......... you are my sunshine" has been playing through my head this weekend.  We have been having a few days where the sun is shining during the day although it still rains at night.   The garden is loving it, and look!  a butterfly hatched!  I only found out after the fact, so didn't see it emerging, but there are three empty chrysalis cases.  One has still not hatched, so hope I can catch that one in the act. It is weird that this one has so much white on the wings - maybe this is a female and the other one might have been a male? I saw an image like this labelled a female on wikipedia.  In other news around the garden: The cats whiskers are always lovely, and I thought this one looking at its own reflection in the birdbath as a few petals dropped off was rather a nice image. The beehive ginger flower has collapsed under the weig...

The garden thinks it christmas!

All year long we have to pay to take landscaping to the public dump, then one weekend (4 days) a year you can go and pick up free mulch!  My hubby borrowed his sons ute (pickup) on Friday and got three loads, and it was almost finished by the end of the day, there was a line every time he went back for another load.  Just as well we didn't wait until the weekend!  I spent the entire weekend moving mulch and spreading mulch.  The garden has lapped it up and now looks lovely.   Doesn't this look just like a white tropical Christmas tree? I think a lot of the mozzie problems we have in the back yard has come from fallen leaves.  I do realise just how lucky I am to have landscapers come in every fortnight and mow and edge, but I have asked them repeatedly not to blow the leaves into the garden.  I would rather they blew them into a pile and I can mulch and collect them when I get home.  I try to mulch them before they come, but cant always ...