
Showing posts with the label evodia

Lots of colour in the garden despite the lack of rain.

Last night we had a little rain, and it was lovely to walk around this morning and see how the garden had drunk it all up.  We have stage two water restrictions at the moment - unheard of at this time of year here in the wet tropics......  The grass is brown and dry and crunchy underfoot.  The wet season is taking its time arriving, it is muggy and hot as we wait. The kookaburra like to sit on the fence post surveying where their next meal will be coming from.  With this dry weather my poor dear hubby is on a conintual quest to mulch up all the leaves.  All my bins are full, and yet they continue to drop.  The evodia tree is in bloom - so pretty as the flowers from along the branches.  This tree hosts the ulysses butterfly and lots of other nectar feeding birds.  Look at the flowers close-up - arent they awesome?  They start out like little pink origami boxes, and then the white loops arrive and pop!  they open up! The la...


I spent the weekend spreading 6 bales of hay around the communal area and then some more in my little garden.   Hopefully it will keep the weeds from running rampant this wet season and then also hold in some nutrients once the rains really start. Whew!    Tired old me flopped down into the swing  for a  rest and a huge jug of iced water, then looked up to see..... my little buds on  the Ulysses host tree (I really need to find out what to call it now) they have burst into the prettiest little flowers.... Isn't that just the prettiest little bundle of pink cuteness you have ever seen?  Pink is my youngest daughters favourite colour and she would be calling this pinktastic, and I totally agree. No other word for it. I haven't seen any Ulysses butterflies around lately - gotta get the word out ...