Focusing on the little things bring deep happiness and contenment
When a plant is easy to grow and propagate, and never any trouble do you find that you also take it for granted? Cordelines are like that with me, I can just cut the top off, stick the cut end into the ground and it will grow a new plant. If I want a whole row of cordelines I place the stick horizonatally in the ground, cover with a bit of dirt and a new plant will pop up at every node. I add them here and there to break up the green. Now the cordelines are in flower, and over the weekend I took a step back and looked at these plants through new eyes. Just look at a close up of these lovely flowers..... I dont know why I have never really looked that hard at the cordeline flowers. Maybe because they come at a time when the garden is growing so profusely and all the large tropical flowers are in bloom. Once I started really looking I noticed quite a few "hidden" beauties. These chleredon (I thought that was what they are c...