Wandering through the garden, camera in hand

I had a little time over the weekend to plant out some of my little seedlings, and give the garden a good drink of seaweed tea. The honeyeaters have a great time when there are little droplets of water of the plants, and they seem to chatter back and forth excitedly - way too fast for my camera. In the shady area alongside the path this lovely little bush has started flowering. I have forgotten what it is called, so for now it is just the white butterfly bush. It doesn't really attract butterflies, but the flowers remind me of a butterfly. I used to have a plant with blue flowers just like this when I lived and gardened in Florida USA. I also have another plant settling in - it is like a mini caladium. These areas of white are great in the shady garden - they seem to pop right out at you. The pink ginger is going great guns, and in fact I still...