Showing posts with label and Blue Bundle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label and Blue Bundle. Show all posts

Jun 26, 2014

Pelicans and Sunshine

Happy Thursday, ribbon lovers!  Julie O here today from Muddy Paws & Inky Fingers.   Our Summertime challenge is winding down, but summer is just getting started, so I made a summer themed card for today.

A pelican in a straw hat -- definitely summer, right?  I used 3 Girl JAM  crinkle ribbon from the Red, White, and Blue Bundle for this card.  I LOVE the red in this bundle.  It's such a true, vibrant red.
Need some of this red ribbon for yourself?  Use discount code JO10 at checkout and you'll get 10% off!  
For more details about this card, and for your chance at a giveaway (including some 3 Girl JAM ribbon), please visit my blog.
Have I told you?  I love SUMMER!

Jul 4, 2013

Stickpins & Pinwheels

Happy 4th of July.  This is Cheri from DJ's Sundries and I am so thankful to live in this great country.  I trust that everyone will have a great and safe time celebrating our country's birthday.  I think that crafting for the 4th of July is so much fun and I wanted to share this little craft with you today.

I enjoy participating in swaps.  One of my favorite items to swap is stick pins because they are so pretty.  The current swap that I am participating in is a red, white, and blue swap.  The stick pins have to be in a holder of some kind.  As I was playing on Pinterest recently, I ran across these pinwheel hair clips.  I decided that they would make a perfect holder for this month's stick pins once I modified them to fit my needs.  That's right - 2 fun gifts in 1.

You will need:
3Girl JAM Red, White, and Blue bundle found here
red, white and blue felt - cut into 4" squares
Adhesive or thread to make pinwheels (I used E600 and thread)
Hair clips or barretts
Stick Pins (if you want to use this as a dual purpose project)

I am unsure of the measurement or the instructions for the pinwheels that I found on Pinterest.  However, 4 inches made the perfect little holders for me.  They also used little painted wooden stars in place of the button and ribbon centers.

Please head over to DJ's Sundries by clicking here to find the full tutorial on how I made these pretty holders.  Thanks for stopping by and remember to take some time to enjoy the little things.

Jun 5, 2012

Lucky Sneak Peek

    Hey guys and gals....Happy first Tuesday of the month of June. Where did May go?....I've been so busy, I think I forgot to enjoy the warm spring month before the hot Summer months arrive. But I did have some time during the rainy days to complete some layouts. And you guys are in luck today....I get to give you a sneak peak at the wonderful, new, limited edition ribbon that Julie has. ( Make sure you come back on Wednesday for the awesome blog hop we have going on....the ladies will have some amazing projects to share. And you never know, there may be some prizes during the hop too).

 So, without holding you guys in suspense for much longer, here is my layout...

(excuse the pictures, I didn't have a clean undisrupted area except the livingroom window, Not ideal. )

   This is just a quick peak at the amazing blue crinkle ribbon Julie has made. Isn't it a great BLUE. I just love how it pops. Head over to my blog to see what other products I've used. And MAKE SURE you head back here tomorrow June 6th for our wonderful blog hop.