Showing posts with label WH Auden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WH Auden. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 May 2013


"... pettiness that plays so rough ..."                                                                     Up, Down.                           May Day 

Krishna & Radha, Holi, Amritsar.Contents: Certainties, Uncertainties, Complicity, The Public Square, How To Live? Dysfunctional Stories, Yoni Yum, Misgivings, Raisg Amazônia GIS.

Nothing here but megrims gentle reader, somewhat bitter & confused, best left shut unless you are piqued at 'yoni-yum' or appreciate the boobage presented as an example of dysfunction. I'm sorry. This is what's left: bottom of the barrel, dregs, 'swish' the old lads call it; now sold as Screech & the NLC make money & bogus myth out of it. London Dock is the real rum, or was. 

Certainties:   "Nothing is certain but death & taxes," they say. Maybe it's more like "eating shitting death & taxes," or even "eating shitting fucking and death," (knowing how easily the rich avoid taxes anyway).

Northrop Frye mentions primary and secondary concerns in 'Double Vision (Chapter 1):
Primary concerns are such things as food, sex, property, and freedom of movement: concerns that we share with animals on a physical level. Secondary concerns include our political, religious, and other ideological loyalties.
He rolls in property - 'place' might have been better; and freedom - of a kind and to a degree, but it has been well proven experimentally that slaves do not die from lack of freedom per se, stories of animals gnawing off their limbs to escape traps notwithstanding; food & sex in the same order at least ... He goes on:
We want to live and love, but we go to war; we want freedom, but depend on the exploiting of other peoples, of the natural environment, even of ourselves. In the twentieth century, with a pollution that threatens the supply of air to breathe and water to drink, it is obvious that we cannot afford the supremacy of ideological concerns any more. The need to eat, love, own property, and move about freely must come first, and such needs require peace, good will, and a caring and responsible attitude to nature. A continuing of ideological conflict, a reckless exploiting of the environment, a persistence in believing, with Mao Tse-Tung, that power comes out of the barrel of a gun, would mean, quite simply, that the human race cannot be long for this world.
If you read it carefully you may see some ... holes in the secondary part, but you may also see why I remember the paragraph.

'Would' mean that the human race cannot be long for this world? There's no 'would' about it sir. It is CERTAINLY  happening already. WAKE UP CANADA! 
Uncertainties:   The latest Greenspiration newsletter mentions a documentary to be shown by Cinema Politica at UofT at the end of the month about the Weather Underground; which I download from IsoHunt and watch (can't wait for a whole month!) and which segues nicely into ongoing meditations about where to draw the line between say, Michael Brune, Tim Dechristopher, and such as the Weather Underground & Earth Liberation Front ... since ... you know ... something has to be done eh?

Revolution becomes increasingly unrealistic and meaningless to me - relative to a planetary population of seven-plus billion humans more-and-more of whom are spending more-and-more of their time & energy with the 'eating' primary concern.

Resistance not so much; and distinguishing violence & non-violence, if only in terms of some relatively short-lived legacy. How will one be remembered by whatever generations follow? Even given that most are convinced the problem can only be realistically approached globally, top-down through political leaders (whose legacies will be the only ones remembered anyway) it is still worth considering (or seems to be) the ethical continuum from passive non-violence, up through monkey-wrenching and property damage, to the degrees of risk of injuring someone, or many, and how badly ... and so on.

If I were CSIS I would have a web robot and AI tool (designed perhaps by my friend Martin) sifting email & blog posts to distinguish individuals at risk of going off the rails anytime soon. So let me say that despite a lack of Quaker or Amish roots I am firmly at the non-violent end of this continuum - and anyway I can hardly walk anymore nor lift anything much; a feeble feckless & lame old fart idly speculating. (Please don't hurt me!)

"Do not go gentle into that good night," says our Dylan Thomas - and he doesn't - but it gives me no comfort in the night I am looking at. Thinking of Bokonon on a mountain top giving God the finger does; and more comes to me lately from a contemplation of humility, equanimity, mindful Buddhist equanimity even.
[Surprised to find myself saying this.] 
Complicity:   Someone gave me a mouse-pad with "Punk Billionaire Genius" and a picture of Mark Zuckerberg. I rejected Facebook years ago for other reasons. Last week he let slip his support for Keystone & drill-baby-drill - you can follow that story here (in the order I found it):   1) Report;   2) Report;   3) The source (apparently); 4) FWD.US funded by Zuckerberg; 5) Subsidiary ACD and their YouTube ad for Lindsey Graham; 6) Another subsidiary CAJG and their YouTube ad for Mark Begich; and, 7) The only defence I could find, on a blog (but it doesn't wash to me).

Invisible Children are now flogging handbags and cheap jewellery for Mother's Day. I guess W got through to them. I'm sure glad I figgured my way out of that one by another route before this showed up in my inbox. Sure, they're doing their best, I know they are - they have good Republican friends like Senator Inhofe and they think we can shop our way out of this problem? - but (like my own) their efforts are ... lame. Sorry.

And then there are the vast complacent multitudes (remember, I live in North America not Nigeria) who go along as if this environmental apocalypse were either: "It's a done deal (which it's not). Let's Party Hearty!"; or "They'll figgure something out (which they won't). So Let's Party Hearty!". And the senseless celebration of greed & power does us in.

I have found these two clues:
"We must love one another or die."     [W.H. Auden in 'September 1, 1939']
"Not until we have a plan to heal the planet that also heals our broken selves and our broken communities do we have a hope."     [Naomi Klein at Powershift 2012]
That's it. That's all I am saying (repeating, whatever). 
This Internet thing is now the public square:   but the feedback loop is broken somehow; the messages don't get through and the glue don't stick.

It's like the posties, bus and streetcar drivers, librarians, even police, who once knew who you were as you knew them - but now they are union workers with Internet tools who don't need to know anyone but their shop steward and don't listen or care or answer, nor do their masters. They are all good consumers. But ... identity is a two-way street.

May Day? You must be jokin'! More like Mayday! Mayday!

I mentioned Nicholas Carr's essay from 2008 and his 2011 book The Shallows a short while ago - the TPL got it for me quick as a wink. It doesn't take long to read either. When he dispenses with Marshall McLuhan in a few facile paragraphs up front you know more-or-less what you're in for. Indeed, there are ample clues in the Atlantic essay already. The Shallows is about perfectly symmetrical.

Too many books making too good a living for too many mediocre authors. And nobody reading the worthwhile ones cuz they're too hard? Is that it? Someone must be reading them or they would not be available. So where are the conversations happening?

'Paradigm' & 'zeitgeist', even 'hierarchy'; words I learned long ago, now turned on their heads, co-opted & devalued by (Internet?) knuckleheads - some 75¢ words are just to show off with: 'egregious', 'exegesis'; but the first three there are essential tools. Aren't they?

When I question a consultant colleague (years back) about his pocket handkerchief he says, "It's for show not blow."

[I warned you up front gentle reader. Maudlin nonsense. Best to let it slide right on by.] 

How to live at all?   Still wondering at the Buddhist youngsters (previously) who vote with their feet and simply ... check out. That certainly irritates the political masters. Why does China hate Tibet? Because their power, vast and overwhelming as it is, is not complete - some (numbers of) Tibetans would rather die than submit. And their deaths are witnessed:
Tsesung Kyab.Tsesung Kyab.Tsesung Kyab.
Not necessarily noble neither: my (very) limited & tentative & dilettante experience makes it seem more of a constitutional issue like ... an allergy or being constipated - one simply must deal with it.

There are of course the long shots: the canny drunks who continue to evade the road blocks and drive decade after decade undetected; or the victims who resist (say, gun crime as in the NYT a few days ago) and are miraculously spared.

Who knows? 
Dysfunctional stories:   It may not be clear that TV stories don't work unless you watch 'em as I do: download a whole series and take the lot, back-to-back, in one go. You can see the creative juices wane & dry up (on purpose?) til there is nothing left and it stops. Boardwalk Empire, Wire in the Blood, Homeland, even David Simon's The Wire - they all start as good as they get and slide into ... dreck. It's not just in the US either - some similarly popular European series follow the same path - Engrenages, Broen-Bron, Forbrydelsen.

Even porn is (almost entirely) less than even skin deep:
I find the image above. An embodied yin-yang! Wowzers! And erotic! So I grope about and come up with a series of about 30 photographs of what is supposed to be a tryst; but looking (closely :-) it begins to seem complete fakery - no desire, no connection, nothing - just an interesting arrangement of bodies and limbs. As the fakery comes to the fore the yin-yang ... recedes, and I think: if I really wanted to do this these are the perfect models and setting but ... something is missing in the execution, neither the girls nor the yin-yang quite comes off. (Though of course, I could have it all wrong.)

Intentional? Who knows. An object lesson in Internet passive-agressive correctitude? A tiny window into the realities of actresses & photographic production? The epitome of hollow sexual exploitation? Or, 'Look! This is how cold it can get'?

It is exactly what it looks like - a photograph and no more - it's that kind of art. Plug the URL of the expanded image into the Google Images camera icon if you want to follow it up. Too skinny by far these girls. 
Yoni Yum:   Holi, festival of colours, passes recently (March 27), and I am reading 'Ice Age Art' by Jill Cook (source of the first image below), and I find the last one on the right, of Holi in the Philippines, a few years ago (while listening to the Stones She's A Rainbow, "she comes in colours everywhere" etc.) and connect the dots and remember it.
Paleolithic Female Triangle, Ölknitz.Paleolithic Female Triangle.Krishna & Radha, Holi, Amritsar.Holi, Philippines.
The rest is the merest speculation gentle reader around bindis & tilakas - marks on the forehead in the general zone of the pineal eye or the 6th or 7th Kundalini chakra (what you will) - which (to me) represent vulvas & clitorises (what else?).

I followed up on the girls in the yin-yang photograph - just about 99% projection on my part :-) - in other encounters pictured on the web they appear much more enthusiastic. It may still be fakery, and probably is, but they are not quite faking indifference as I imagined. 
I have a distinct urge not to publish this post, misgivings (?) but I can't quite give it up. Have I missed something? Too much nonsense? Half-baked nonsense? Nonsense open to interpretation as prurient? obsessive? misogyny? Is that it? (But the porn doesn't even show nipples.)

If it comes clear I will either explain ... or it may disappear. I'm sorry if it offends in the meantime. (If anyone were talkin' back it might be easier t'know.)

Someone says to me, "It's over," and I say, "No it's not, quite - the global economy could tank tomorrow and save us, planet and all, some of us at least."

Someone else says, "Why do you care? What part of this is worth saving?" and I say, "Dunno ... curiosity? I'm still interested, still glad sometimes." Just before dawn at this time of year the birds begin to sing in the darkness. It was the same in Rio sometimes ... passarinhos.

Musak at the end for you: Chimes of Freedom - "The sky cracked its poems in naked wonder."

Be well gentle reader. 
A detailed GIS of Amazônia!   For a moment there I thought I would get to use the 'Good News' tag again (but it's not quite that good, yet):
Ilha de Marajó Topographic.Ilha de Marajó Raisg view 1.Ilha de Marajó Raisg view 1.
I have complained here before about how GISs (Geographic Information Systems) are so powerful that they must be kept out of the hands of the hoi polloi lest the great unwashed start getting a few correct notions of things above their station. GIS platforms (such as ESRI ArcGIS that this is based on) are big, cumbersome, very expensive computer systems. GIS is taking a long time to reach the Internet. More on that below.

Unfortunately I picked Ilha de Marajó to practice on - not much GIS action happening there even with Belém fairly close by. Should have gone looking for Belo Sun around the Grande Volta on the Xingu river - another day.

Neuroscientific Rat.The New York Times is telling me something related: May-Britt & Edvard Moser, behavioral physiologists, neuroscientists, "speculate that the way the brain records and remembers movement in space may be the basis of all memory." A physiological basis for cognitive maps! ...

The rats are probably, or possibly (depending on technique) much less enthusiastic - maybe the Mosers will expand their research to humans and use bankers & politicians? 
In the Amazônia newsletter it looks like a typo: Atlas Amazônia sob Pressão da Raisg ganha versão em português e inglês / Raisg 'Amazon Under Pressure' Atlas now available in Portuguese and English (source: ISA.) It was released in Spanish last fall.

Raisg turns out to be the acronym for 'Red Amazónica de Información Socioambiental Georreferenciada' / Amazonian Network of Georeferenced Socio-Environmental Information. Their website is mostly in Spanish with some essential bits in English & Portuguese, specifically: an overview page, where you can download a pdf of the English Version of this year's report, and six jpg's of some of the maps - which are ~5,000 pixels square and in focus, approximately legible even, unlike much of the pdf).

There is also an on-line version (which is where the two top-left images come from. The Ilha de Marajó topo comes from Wikipedia (originating at the University of Texas).

So why not Good News then?   The real object of the exercise is to make up-to-date information readily available to non-experts. You can tread on their good will a little, but if the system throws more than a very few curve balls you lose them. Oh sure, eventually it may all get straightened out but in the meantime what you've got is yet another bureaucracy of some 1,000 or so people who must either make it on self-congratulation or lose their positions (and wages).

GIS is particularly difficult because while some of the questions that may be posed are obvious and evident - How much has deforestation progressed? How much of the area is officially native property? Where are the large agribusiness plantations? - some are not. As an example of an end-user try this Monga Bay article from last year.

No. No, I haven't got this right. Haven't thought it through, sorry. Later ... Nonetheless, it is good to see this effort. I will practice with it some more and report again.

Friday, 1 March 2013

If it were up to me ...

but everybody's busy & nobody's listenin'.                                                   Up, Down.                    Leeks today! 
J.J. Cale 'Naturally'.
Contents: Leeks:(Three Jovial Welshmen, Agamemnon, Shylock), SLAPP:(No Dash For Gas, Ron Plain, Climate Scientists & Activists, Hierarchies, Slappers!  Spies, Buddhists), Brasil, Zero, Beyond the Zero.

Thanks to my son for recalling J.J. Cale & Naturally and a special tune: Call Me The Breeze; or here, a ten minute live version. Yeah :-) 
There were three jovial Welshmen, as I have heard them say,
And they would go a-hunting upon Saint David's day.

And all the day they hunted, and nothing could they find
But a hedgehog in a bramble-bush, and that they left behind.
The first said it was a hedgehog; the second he said nay;
The third it was a pin-cushion, and the pins stuck in wrong way.

And all the night they hunted, and nothing could they find
But an owl in a holly-tree, and that they left behind.
One said it was an owl; the other he said nay;
The third said 'twas an old man, and his beard growing grey.

(From The Nursery Rhyme Book, 1897.)
which leads (if you let it) to a few lines of Blake on the flyleaf of Northrop Frye's The Double Vision:

For double the vision my Eyes do see,
And a double vision is always with me:
With my inward Eye 'tis an old Man grey;
With my outward a Thistle across my way.

(In context it is more ... worldly.)
'Dewi Sant' they call him in Wales; March 1st marking his death (in his bed apparently) not his birth. His theological claim to fame is as an anti-Pelagian. Pelagians (according to Wikipedia) believe that original sin did not taint human nature and that mortal will is still capable of choosing good or evil without special divine aid. A species of Quietists they are (again according to Wikipedia), seeking Ataraxia, Ἀταραξία, tranquility ... nirvana maybe ... stillness and interior passivity as essential conditions of perfection ... sounds almost Buddhist eh? All of which pits me against a saint ... not the first time. 
Apeneck Sweeney spreads his knees
Letting his arms hang down to laugh,
The nightingales are singing near.                                                                                      
[Full text here.]

And on it goes on from there, to ...
Elizabeth Jane Gardner by William-Adolphe Bouguereau 1879.Philomela & Procne by Elizabeth Gardener 1870s.The Banquet of Tereus by Peter Paul Rubens 1635.The Banquet of Tereus by Peter Paul Rubens 1635.
... Tereus, Procne, Itys, Philomela ... and swallows.

ὤμοι, πέπληγμαι καιρίαν πληγὴν ἔσω.
Alas! I am struck deep with a mortal blow!                                   
[And that was the end of Agamemnon.]

You can listen to Eliot reading this poem (here, not quite two minutes) for an appreciation of the parodies of anglican cadences you have cetainly heard; Monty Python and all. And yet it works. The (nasal) snobbery, show-off erudition, petty anti-semitism ... the pure nonsense of it, does not diminish the occasional power to locate some otherwise incomprehensible 'thing' and ground it, attach it.

[I do not speak Ancient Greek by the way. Just a vestigial striving for completeness in texts; preferring to see them ... entire. Like Caetano sings "... em que apareces inteira porém lá não estavas nua e sim coberta de nuvens."] 
Trying to get a bearing on how to relate to special writers: Illich, Frye, Pynchon, Buber ... difficult. I am baffled by the simple lack of any feedback.

Shylock: ...

If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villany you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.

(From The Merchant of Venice,
    Act 3, scene 1.)
Resonates with Auden's September 1, 1939: "Those to whom evil is done do evil in return," but with more humanity, less desperation, less ... ideology. (?)
Al Pacino as Shylock 2010.Al Pacino as Shylock 2004.

Probably missing some essential piece, pieces. But without conversation how does one even know that much? Or guess? Shots in the dark ... oh well.
[The authority for leeks on Davy's Day comes from apocryphal (and unlikely-sounding) stories, and from Shakespeare in Henry V, Act 5 scene 1.] 
SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation):   Two news reports from The Guardian: on the 5th of February and again on the 25th (and here) on No Dash For Gas. There is another news report, and a blog post; and the EDF Energy website if you are curious.

[I understand 'dash' to be a Nigerian form of transactional corruption ... not even going to the OED to check.]

There's a petition but no direct link to get to it from their front page (as of this writing). If you are persistent you can find, 'The world's petition platform', which recognizes the country of your URL and so misdirects you; and if you are very persistent you may get to the petition itself: Tell @edfenergy to drop legal action against No Dash for Gas activists. You may even sign it. I did.

So what have we got? Some very courageous and competent people who shut down a major polluter for a week. But the subtext on the 5th is that interest is waning - this is also my experience here in Canada. Monbiot holds out faint hope on the 25th but ... Who can believe George Monbiot about anything? Hope? For such an unlikely confluence of energies? Barbra Streisand?! What's he smokin'?

Almost ten years ago a lovely young woman urged me to sign a petition around Barrick Gold's infamous practices - when I went to bring her up-to-date on it recently I found her in Hawaii for a vacation on the beach. I can dig it (see Porto de Pedras below).

This notion of waning interest deserves a word, reiterated as it is by a pollster (reported here, a bit more here) with a graph that doesn't start at zero, with details unavailable to the hoi polloi - and we know how statisticians can sometimes inadvertently lie eh? Say, when they are posing for the press? Enough of their respondents take this 'very seriously' that if it were Quebec they could start separating - 51.8% by my back-of-an-envelope arithmetic. Last time I looked it was not that high, just a sec ... yeah, here.

It's bad, very bad, terrible ... AWFUL! Most species including our own may go extinct! But exaggeration doesn't help. (Unless it makes you feel better.   :-) 
Ron Plain:   I tried to get there during the blockade itself. No direct busses, no direct trains if you are going to Sarnia; so I settled for other forms of support - the best I could do, really! Ditto when I heard about CN's lawsuit.

Ron Plain.Is my inbox full of news then? Invitations to rallies? Someone offering to support an action to surround CN's corporate headquarters with case-hardened steel chain next Monday morning? Nada, nadinha! An automated reply from the organizer of the legal defence fund in response to a modest contribution. I can afford no more, I cannot afford what I gave. But here I am, ready to go; only unwilling to do it alone - I tried that a few times before and it was just ... too hard.

Google News trolls up nothing. Maybe it's only on Facebook? Is that it? In the words of ee cummings' eloquent Olaf, "I will not kiss your fucking flag," and, There is some shit I will not eat." (These two lines are often conflated to "There is some fucking shit I will not eat!" but that's not how he wrote it. It's Facebook I'm talking about here, not Ron Plain. It might even be a state of mind we both understand.)

Nonetheless and all that said - Ron Plain and his colleagues deserve honour not ignominy. I would drop what I am doing and go with them without hesitation - if they asked me. 
There is news on Monday the 25th (in the Globe of all places):   Scientists call for dramatic steps to curb emissions. They are: John Abraham (St. Thomas, Minnesota), John Stone (Carleton), Danny Harvey (UofT), Mark Jaccard (Simon Fraser), Bill McKibben (author of the first book on the issue and a resident scholar), and, Tzeporah Berman (Forest Ethics). They have established a blog with a post on the subject: Climate Scientists and Policy Experts Say Canada Not Making Progress on Climate Change with a page which includes full contact information for all of them.
John Abraham.John Stone.Danny Harvey.Mark Jaccard.Bill McKibben.Tzeporah Berman.
[A background report is mentioned but is nowhere to be found (by me at least). Emails to them asking for it go unanswered. The only other clue in the Big Book of the Internet is a press release from on the 22nd, a call for a media telephone cluster fuck: Canadian and US Scientists and Policy Experts Call Canada's Climate Bluff; Politicians Misleadingly Tout Canada's Climate. Emails to the 350 contact, Daniel Kessler, are unanswered.]

Ah! The background report is on another tab: Setting the Record Straight; which details how the Canadian Government has been making exaggerated claims - you could easily think Peter Kent and Stephen Harper have been lying.

Other triggers may include a story coming out of the rally in Washington on the 17th: Canada defends climate record amidst U.S. Keystone XL protests; and possibly Joe Oliver's $9 million contract for focus groups to further socially engineer the k-k-Canadian public to accept Tar Sands as a good and necessary part of their stupor, announced on the 18th: Government hones oilsands message with focus groups. (Emails to Joe and his master and Ms. May and my MP are also unanswered.) 
As the days go by other references turn up:
         Why we need to stop oil sands expansion, Mark Jaccard on the 26th.
         Experts call Canada's climate bluff, Jenny Uechi on the 27th.

[How could I have not seen the 'Backgrounder' tab? Fact is I did see it but it didn't register. Doh! Knucklehead! I may not have been the only one; no comfort in that. And yet there seems to be a slap-dash quality to this whole effort; the HTML is sketchy in places, broken links - maybe that's it; a failure to keep some techie nerd in line? a volunteer possibly ... logistical problems: maybe an inability to be together in the same place for the press release. I wonder if they tried to get Elizabeth May involved? Andrew Weaver? Gordon McBean? David Schindler?]

More to come no doubt ... I will update this list if as & when:
     Keystone XL pipeline action coming in 'near term,' says Kerry 9th.
     Devastating traps of the tarsands 15th.
     It’s time for Canada to confront its climate neglect 19th.
     Kerry sidesteps Keystone pipeline issue 20th.
     Redford visits D.C. to push for Keystone approval 24th.
     Canadian governments sidle up to U.S. to secure Keystone approval 25th.
     Keystone is responsible oil sands development (Alison Redford) 25th.
     Senators push Kerry for quick Keystone decision 26th.
     Premier [Brad Wall] to push energy, pipeline 27th.
     Canada hopeful U.S. will ‘do the right thing’ and approve Keystone XL: Oliver 28th.
     Natural resources minister [Joe Oliver] to sell Keystone XL in the US 28th.

Hierarchies:   A smart guy I know, the professor of some courses I took, once told us there is useful stuff to be learned about and from hierarchies. (This to a first-year class of possible architects many of whom could not yet spell it.)

Every list is a hierarchy. The order of the people involved in the Canadian Climate Policy blog mentioned above comes from their contact page. It is echoed more-or-less in the (so far scanty) news reports. So what have we got? Four Dr.s & two activist people - in that order. Is that the problem? Is there a problem?

A friend of mine, enthused by a sort of vague ... love (well, you know what I mean) for Tzeporah Berman went out and got himself arrested at the Kennedy bridge trying to protect the forests of Clayoquot Sound in the summer of 1993. He spent a lot of time & trouble getting to court and in the end (sort of) regretted it; in part no doubt because what MacMillan Bloedel was obliged to stop is being carried on by Iisaak.

I mention it here because the forces that create living functioning networks of people start with individuals: replete with messy details. I have gone on in this blog at length on a vision Ivan Illich had around the story of The Good Samaritan. I'm tired of repeating it.
This may not be in a Clayoquot forest, can't be sure, but this is about what old-growth forests look like and I know that for sure because I've been in them.Rankin Cove, Clayoquot Sound.Rankin Cove, Clayoquot Sound.
I set chokers for Mac&Blo, logged with horses (on contract for money), etcetera. My father taught me about the woods. Maybe you think Iisaak Forest Resources and Ecotrust Canada are doing it right? Here, watch their 2007 video. Yes, Brenda Kuecks spoke on behalf of the Ecotrust Canada against the Enbridge Gateway pipeline. It's better, sure, but it's not good enough for me. Make up your own mind is best. 
These people are called honourable but I see no honour in 'em: they are Slappers!
Marjory LeBreton, Stephen Harper.James Inhofe.James Sensenbrenner.Lisa Murkowski.Sarah Palin.Rona Ambrose.John Baird.Elmer Derrick.Lisa Raitt, Janet Holder, Chuck Szmurlo.Peter Kent aka 'piece of kent'.Dan McDougall.Dave Heineman.Russ Girling.Bev Oda.Joe Oliver.Ellis Ross.Alison Redford.Shawn Atleo, John Duncan, Stephen Harper.
Vonnegut calls 'em 'pathological personalities', PPs. This is just a tiny sample - there are lots more of 'em (~99% if you count the complicit). They are not honourable; nor responsible, neither to electors nor neighbours nor livyers. (Most of 'em probably treat their families and friends ok.) But it's clear as day. They need to be ... refudiated!

[There is a name for this behaviour (on my part, posting these stupid pictures and useless words) some kind of psychological defence against going completely off the rails? ... Displacement? Sublimation? "You can stick your little pins in that voodoo doll; I'm very sorry baby, doesn't look like me at all."   Cuts both ways though eh?   :-) ]

Robert Kennedy Jr. used the word boondoggle recently; worth brushing up on:   Another major winter storm that failed to materialize a few days ago in Toronto; followed by rain. And the plows are out like cockroaches trying to fulfil their contracts by shovelling away the slush before it can melt. They come back again later, in the rain, to scrape the now entirely bare asphalt in the public parking lot outside my window. Can you blame 'em? Like Louis says: better to pay 'em to stay home.

That post I was looking at last time: Spreading the horror, and the comments on it, offer insights into what despair can look like (and why many avoid contact with such lepers). I say 'can' because I'll see the despair of anyone there and raise 'em; but even looking at it from inside this awful landscape it is still not time to lie down and die over it (unless you can at least put a stick in the spokes like the kids below). Obviously it looks different from other places; but as Naomi Klein said recently, "Not until we have a plan to heal the planet that also heals our broken selves and our broken communities do we have a hope of preventing this most dire of all crises." Facebook gonna do the trick? You figgure? 
Spies:   Sorry for scattered & discursive meanderings gentle reader. It is trackless ground for me. But after the external, internal, imaginary, & all-too-human we are coming back around to the initial (external) SLAPP energy; completing a circle.

In Belo Monte:

MPF/PA vai apurar denúncia de espionagem contra o Consórcio Construtor de Belo Monte, 27th. Being investigated by one of the procuradoras already mentioned here, Meliza Alves Barbosa.


From the MPF and Xingu Vivo on the 25th, and a video: Agente de Belo Monte confessa pagamento para espionar Xingu Vivo (12 minutes).


O Movimento Xingu Vivo para Sempre (MXVPS) website - to DONATE!


Kitchener/Waterloo, Toronto:

We know that similar went on before and during the G20 fiasco in Toronto in 2010. This interview with Dan Kellar sheds some light: "... some of this petty stuff that the cops are doing is just textbook harassment of political organizers ... pick people up, get conditions on them, tie them up in the court system so when it's time for actual resistance everyone's so over capacity and so overwhelmed that, you know, we can't really put up a fight, of course that's their goal."


Canada's environmental activists seen as 'threat to national security': Canadian police and security agencies describe green groups' protests and petitions as 'forms of attack'.


And the UK:

Old history now; just wanting to remember some names: Mark Kennedy & Bob Lambert (aka Bob Robinson) & Jim Boyling. Anatomy of a betrayal.


So ... there's paranoia and then there's ... paranoia. Maybe that's why I can't get on with anything here: they hear 'Halliburton' and freak! 
Buddhists:   Oh sure, exploiting grotesque & horrifying images, and what do I know about 20-somethings in Tibet? ... Well, for one thing I see a difference between jihadists blowing themselves and more-or-less innocent bystanders to hell, and these kids burning themselves up. Scale.
Tsesung Kyab.Tsesung Kyab.Tsesung Kyab.
Monday February 25, 2013: from the NYT:
Two Tibetan monks have died in separate self-immolation protests in Tibetan regions of western China since Sunday. Phagmo Dundrup, in his early 20s, set himself on fire at the Chachung Monastery in Qinghai Province on Sunday. On Monday, Tsesung Kyab, in his late 20s, set himself on fire outside the main temple of Shitsang Gonsar Monastery in Gansu Province. He was a relative of Pema Dorjee, 23, who carried out a similar protest at the same monastery last year. Since 2009, at least 106 Tibetans have set themselves on fire to protest Chinese rule in Tibet. Most have died.
Over a hundred in the last few years; in spite of the Chinese government's best efforts to stop it. And I think their best efforts maybe make our worst look like the Teddy Bear's picnic. Eventually they will just arrest and intern everyone with the same first or last name as a self-immolator! A-and if that doesn't work: snuff 'em & recycle their parts. Now that's a SLAPP!

'Death & Taxes' they say. If your citizens don't want to pay taxes it's really no surprise. But when numbers of them would rather die than be citizens anymore ... 
Fernando de Noronha, wind turbine.Fernando de Noronha, Morro do Pico.Fernando de Noronha, first sight.Brasil:   When I was in the south a mom-&-pop travel agent helped me get around. When I would go into their shop his wife would offer me a cafezinho first, no hurry. He must have put me on some kind of email list, approximately spam, called Férias Brasil which started appearing in my inbox about that time. I guess I could unsubscribe but, you know how old men like to dream. And it doesn't come every day or every week - occasionally, once in a while.

I visited Fernando de Noronha for the maximum allowable stay, and Salvador; Recife; Natal; that was when it was all local travel, short hops in turboprops. Last week the graciously irregular email tried to get me interested in Porto de Pedras. Oh my. Interested?!   Yes! And never come back! In a heartbeat; say goodbye forever to constipated & complacent environmental movements, to k-k-Canada - the true north strong and fucked; but [insert a dozen necessary & sufficient reasons]. Stuck! ... Oh well, I got there once.

No doubt about what comes immediately to mind looking at Morro do Pico. :-) 
Zero:   Well, it's not up to me gentle reader. (I almost forgot what I named this epistle.) Not my call. No force, no lever, no fulcrum; zero. Sure, it's my fault I can't get beside any of the activists. A nasty old hedgehog and I know it. I'll have to find the gumption (that heretical Pelagian will perhaps?) to go it alone on some imaginatively non-violent idea yet to come. I'm not blaming them, I know it sounds that way ... I'm just saying ... And soon, a few years, it really will be too late. What then I wonder?

I listened carefully to Bill McKibben at the rally on the 17th and saw hysteresis - someone stretched apparently beyond return; indulging meaningless words to paper over the cracks. He's got a wife. Why doesn't she help him? Why don't his colleagues straighten him out? He deserves it. It's a serious question and I guess the best answer is everybody's busy & nobody's listenin'. The worst answer is something else.

Back in the day, when someone took something he or she shouldn't have taken and found themselves on a bummer, we knew how to deal with it. Sometimes ambulances had to be called but mostly someone to talk with, or just be close to, and the confidence that they were not going away anytime soon did the trick. Yes, you had to be aware of what was going on around you and willing to take all the time in the world.

I recently met a Muslim woman from Kenya who told me that the Christian text, "where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I," is also in the Koran (Is there a pc term for Koran? Yeah, 'Quran'. Oops.) with the wrinkle that one alone will also do. That's what she said to me: "One is enough."

I had a dream about my father and woke up humming a Stones tune: Would you think the boy's insane? which soon turned into Monkey Man.

Be well.
[ ... ] 
Beyond the Zero:    A remarkable few paragraphs from 'Against the Day' Three: Bilocations part 6 in which Kit realizes that the liner he was riding on, the S.S. Stupendica has morphed into a battleship, the S.M.S.Emperor Maximilian, and comes to understand some of what that means. There is a hilarious encounter between Lew Basnight & Lamont Replevin a few parts on which I may include next time.

                         One: The Light Over the Ranges part 5 - Lew Basnight becomes a detective,
                         Two: Iceland Spar part 12 - Lake Traverse marries Deuce Kindred.
                         Three: Bilocations part 5 - Yashmeen Halfcourt & Cyprian Latewood.

I know I know I know ... fucking around with the HTML trying to get this to look like what I want makes it brittle, unlikely to look like anything unless you happen to have the same screen settings and what not as I do. What can I do? If anyone took a screen shot CTRL-PrtSc and sent it to me I might know. Nobody does. QED. So it goes. 
Doonesbury iTalk.Doonesbury iTalk.Doonesbury iTalk.Down.