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Order Countermanded.

--A great deal of surprise was manifested by our citizens yesterday, on hearing that an order had been given by the authorities allowing the steamer Jamestown to return to New York. The people were unable to determine what particular good would have enured to the South by carrying into effect so singular a proceeding.--That the Jamestown would have been immediately brought into use as a means of transporting the fifthly carcasses of New York short boys and Five Points ruffians, intended to oppress the South, seemed to be a foregone conclusion in the minds of all who reflected a moment on the matter. Some persons had even gone to the extent of writing letters to be dispatched by the boat. Our information, as to her being permitted to sail, came from a gentleman who assures us he heard Captain Parrish say the boat agents here had permission for her to sail.--The fact that such permission had been solicited was shadowed forth by a contemporary yesterday morning, but most persons thought the allusion made in jest. Having visited the boat yesterday evening, we are enabled to say that any permit of leave heretofore granted has been withdrawn, and for the present, and for some time to come, we hope, the Jamestown will lay along side of her consort, the Yorktown. It is certainly to be hoped that if either of the vessels are put to any use it will be to annoy, distress and discomfit the scoundrels that have rendered their seizure necessary. If we can take either and blow some of the ships of the vandals out of water, they will have performed a good part. That is the use that should be made of them now.

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