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The election in the State.

We have received the following election returns:

[Special Dispatches to the Richmond Dispatch.]

Danville, Va., Feb. 4.
--The vote here stands, W. T. Sutherlin (Union) 338; Tredway (Union) 322; Carrington (Secession) 159; Witcher (Secession) 128, Majority for reference, 147.

Ringgold.--Tredway 140; Sutherlin 86; Carrington 34; Witcher 19. Majority for reference 72.

Smith's.--Tredway 50; Sutherlin 50; Carrington 4; Witcher 4.

Cascade.--The vote here is four to one for Union.

This county has gone for the Union ticket.


Lynchburg,--Messrs. Speed and Slaughter, (Union) have 1,015; Goggin and Kirkpatrick, (Secession) 374. In the county precincts the vote is close. B.


Fredericksburg.--John L. Marye (Conservative) has a majority here of 189 over Wm. S. Barlow, which will be increased by the precincts in the county. The majority for reference is 164. S.


Salem--C. P. Taylor (Union) is elected in this county by 66 majority. The majority for reference is the same.

[Associated press Dispatches.]

Hungary, 11 o'clock.--Garnett 32; Wickham 10.


Bowling Green, 10 o'clock.--Morris has a majority of 90 at this precinct.


Ashland, 1 o'clock.--Richardson's majority at this precinct 50.


Graves' Precinct, 1 o'clock.--Cox 174; Burfoot 3.

Manchester.--Cox 292; Burfoot 144. Polls closed.


Petersburg, Feb. 4.--The following is the result of the election here; Branch (Union) 739; Lyon (Union) 427; Wallace (Secession) 427.

The counties.

Petersburg, Feb. 4.--In Dinwiddle, Prince George, Sussex, Greenville and Surry, Union men are elected.


Norfolk--Gen. George Blow (Union) has a majority of 484. The majority for reference is 425.


Portsmouth.--J. G. Holliday (Union) has a majority of 767. The majority for reference is 804.

Amelia and Nottoway.,

Amelia C. H.--The vote here is L. E. Harvie (Secession) 101; Weisiger (Union) 52; Gregory 13;

Jennings Ordinary.--Harvie 36; Weisiger 26; Gregory 13.

Blacks and Whites.--Harvie 83; Weisiger 17; Gregory 2

Nottoway C. H.--Harvie 27; Weisiger 23; Gregory 17.


Liberty.--Wm. L Goggin (Union) is elected by a large majority. The contest is close between Goode (Secession) and Johnson (Union.)


Amherst C. H.--Garland (Secession) is elect-in this county without opposition.


Halifax C. H.--Flournoy (Union) 183; Bruce (Secession) 152; Clark 41; Edmonds 82. Reference 146; no reference 68.


Haysville.--Wood Bouldin (Secession) no opposition. Vote for‘ "no reference"’ 44.


Alexandria.--Brent (Union) is elected by over 600 majority.


Culpeper C. H.--James Barbour (Union) carries this county.

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