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Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.
contest for the Convention — religious matters, &c.

Petersburg, February 4, 1861.
It is now snowing rapidly, and there is every prospect for a very deep snow. It will interfere very much with the voting. Should the polls be open to-day you will be telegraphed as to the result.

The canvass here has been a most exciting one. Messrs, Branch, Collier and Lyon are known as the Union candidates, and Mr. Wallace as the Secessionist. A meeting was held on Friday night to select the most available man of the three Union candidates; but it was no go, as the meeting broke up in a row. So that Mr. Wallace's chances are considered very good, as those for immediate secession unite upon him.

The members of Rev. J. M. Butler's Church, (colored,) are building a mammoth house of worship, to cost not less than $13,000, all of which is raised by the colored people of this one church, besides paying their pastor $800 or $900 salary. The Baptists have three colored churches here, with about 2,500 members.

The people of the Cockade City are for Union, and favor secession as little as any portion of the Common wealth.

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