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The Electtion

--The excitement at the polls yesterday was intense — far exceeding that of any election within our memory. The City Hall was crowded during the whole day, and several fights occurred, though no one was seriously injured, as the combatants only used the weapons provided by nature. About mid-day, a flag, hoisted by the State-Rights party, inscribed with an extract from a speech of Mr. Botts, was torn down by some of his friends, and the scene that ensued was in the highest degree uproarious. Mr. Botts mounted a chair, and made a little speech on the occasion, denying that he had ever uttered the sentiment attributed to him. The flag was again hoisted; but after much confusion and excitement, in which most fearful threats were uttered, the Mayor interposed, and the flag was finally removed.

At the upper ward polls we heard of but one collision, the parties to which were placed under arrest. The crowd was not so great at this place, as the sovereigns found it rather disagreeable standing out in the mud.

A general brush, or free fight, took place in the First Ward last evening, growing out of political differences. The cause of the various candidates was vigorously maintained everywhere, and we regret to say that strong stimulants were freely resorted to in the course of the day.

The vote in the city was between Messrs. Randolph, Steger and Robertson, State- Rights candidates, and Messrs. Macfarland, Johnson, Botts, and Gilmer, Union candidates. Mr. Gilmer withdrew from the contest about mid-day. Messrs. Randolph, Johnson and Macfarland were elected. After the result was announced at the City Hall, speeches were made by the delegates elect.

The State-Rights party engaged the services of Smith's First Regiment Band, and the ‘ "Marsellaise,"’ ‘"Old Virginny Never Tire,"’ and other enlivening airs, were played at various prominent points. The Armory Band played ‘"Hall Columbia, "’ and tunes of that character, for the Union party.

The following is a statement of the result in Richmond:

candidates.Jefferson Ward.Madison Ward.Monroe vote.
Marmaduke Johnson6588006572115
Wm. H. Macfarland5528886742114
John M. Botts5275625171666
George W. Randolph4578695651891
John O. Steger380867471171-
John Robertson3867505301666
John H. Gilmer1708685341


The question of reference to the people was carried by a considerable majority.

The aggregate vote in the city is about 3,800. In November last the total vote was 4,323.

Henrico county.

Great excitement prevailed at the Court-House all day, and some arrests were made for turbulent demonstrations. It is believed that Mr. Williams C. Wickham, the Union candidate, is elected over Dr. Garnett by a considerable majority. Mr. J. B. Keesee is elected Commissioner of the Revenue for the Upper District. The following is the vote at the Court-House:

‘ For the State Convention--Williams C. Wickham 578, John R. Garnett 470, Wm. L. McMinn 3.

’ For reference to the people 706. Against reference 432.

For Commissioner of the Revenue — J. B. Keesee 571, Wm. Christian 271, B. J. Duval 83, E. McConnell, Jr., 27.

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