Showing posts with label knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label knowledge. Show all posts

February 11, 2023

Checkng the List

I recently found this list I posted back in 2011. If we review, I think we find that all of these are still valid and some are even more important twelve years later.

Read more, skim less. Turn your phone off once in a while. Don't wait for approval. 

Forget the past. Spend more time with people you love. Dream big; do bigger. Be gracious. Make quick decisions. Stop comparing your effort to others. Enjoy the ride.

Stop doing anything that weakens you. Trust yourself. Take a digital day off.

Keep an open mind. Plan ahead then be flexible. Ask for help. Help someone without their knowledge it was you who helped them.

Go for it. Eradicate unnecessary meetings. Eat the cookie. Listen more. Sing often.
Say thank-you. Trust your gut. Make time for think time. Don't wait.

Find the lesson. Keep learning. Thank a friend. Take the nap.

Don’t settle. Collaborate. Consume more funny. Good enough is not good enough.

Be yourself.

May 25, 2019


Not many of us human types get up in the morning to focus on failing. We do our best, we learn each day, we try a little harder, we get a little smarter, and we focus a bit more on being successful. Whatever that means to each of us. One of our worst measurements of success is comparing ourselves to others.

She has a better gig, he has a nicer car, they have a better life. Most of us have fallen into the trap but the key is to stay focused on what success means to each of us. But we get stuck, meet resistance, and sometimes get in our own way.

Richard St. John has been teaching his principles since he learned the hard way. The concept may be simple but it requires determination and a lifetime of focus to execute.


October 9, 2018

Random Thoughts

Surround yourself with smart people. Quality not quantity. Remove negative people from your life. Have a flexible strategy. Avoid playing favorites. Follow your passion. Believe in you. Do what you say you will do. Recognize the efforts of everyone on your team.

Disconnect at least once a day. Don't pull rank. Take one think day every month. Pay it forward. Read and seek knowledge daily. Imagine often. Never stop learning.

August 31, 2018

Never Stop Learning.

Surround yourself with smart people. Quality not quantity. Remove negative people from your life. Have a flexible strategy. Avoid playing favorites.

Follow your passion. Never stand for dishonesty.

Believe in you. Do what you say you will do. Recognize the efforts of everyone on your team. Disconnect at least once a day. Don't pull rank. Take one think day every month. Pay it forward.

Read and seek knowledge daily. Imagine often.

May 12, 2018

Don't Compare

Not many of us human types get up in the morning to focus on failing. We do our best, we learn each day, we try a little harder, we get a little smarter, and we focus a bit more on being successful. Whatever that means to each of us. One of our worst measurements of success is comparing ourselves to others.

She has a better gig, he has a nicer car, they have a better life. Most of us have fallen into the trap but the key is to stay focused on what success means to each of us. But we get stuck, meet resistance, and sometimes get in our own way.

Richard St. John has been teaching his principles since he learned the hard way. The concept may be simple but it requires determination and a lifetime of focus to execute.


April 30, 2017

Be Human. Be Honest.

Surround yourself with smart people. Quality not quantity. Remove negative people from your life. Have a flexible strategy. Avoid playing favorites. Follow your passion. Never stand for dishonesty.

Believe in you. Do what you say you will do. Recognize the efforts of everyone on your team. Disconnect at least once a day. Don't pull rank. Take one think day every month. Pay it forward. Read and seek knowledge daily. Imagine often.

Never stop learning.

April 2, 2017

Random Thoughts

Embrace that there are many things you don't know. Focus on your strengths. Help something without their knowledge. Teach others. Waste no time with naysayers. Skip email for a day. Take time for you.

Surround yourself with smart people. Quality not quantity. Collaborate often. Remove negative people from your life. Have a flexible strategy. Avoid playing favorites. Leave politics to politicians.

Adopt an open-mind policy. Be true to you. Be clear on your beliefs. Let your team take credit. Surround yourself with people who improve you. Say thank-you often.

Don't compare yourself to others. Clearly define your boundaries. Believe in you. Do what you say you will do. Recognize the efforts of everyone on your team.

Never stop learning.

February 5, 2017

Stop Comparing

Not many of us human types get up in the morning to focus on failing. We do our best, we learn each day, we try a little harder, we get a little smarter, and we focus a bit more on being successful. Whatever that means to each of us. One of our worst measurements of success is comparing ourselves to others.

She has a better gig, he has a nicer car, they have a better life. Most of us have fallen into the trap but the key is to stay focused on what success means to each of us. But we get stuck, meet resistance, and sometimes get in our own way.

Richard St. John has been teaching his principles since he learned the hard way. The concept may be simple but it requires determination and a lifetime of focus to execute.


May 24, 2016

19 Ideas

Surround yourself with smart people. Quality not quantity. Remove negative people from your life. Have a flexible strategy. Avoid playing favorites. Follow your passion. Tell them you love them. Stop worrying about others' opinions. Go for it.

Believe in you. Do what you say you will do. Recognize the efforts of everyone on your team. Don't pull rank. Take one think day every month. Pay it forward. Read and seek knowledge daily. Imagine often. Forgive yourself.

Never stop learning.

April 19, 2016

31 Ideas That Can Change Your Life

Embrace there are many things you don't know. Focus on your strengths. Help something without their knowledge. Teach others. Waste no time with naysayers. Skip email for a day. Build a mastermind group. Take time for you.

Let others make time to them. Be known for something. Take your vacation. Collaborate. Surround yourself with people smarter than you.

Adopt an open-mind policy. Be true to you. Let your team take credit. Communication consistently. Say thank-you often. Learn from others. Identify specifically what you want. Don't compare yourself to others. Turn off your phone. Spend a day by yourself.

Believe in you. Do what you say you will do. Recognize the efforts of everyone on your team. Disconnect at least once a day. Don't pull rank. Take one think day every month. Pay it forward. Read and seek knowledge daily.

November 18, 2015

My Life Path

I don’t share much about me and my life here. Sure, there are stories of clients and work and situations I try and relate but still not a lot of me here.

This website was born in April 2008 and it’s one of the only things in my life I have committed to consistently since then. I have done good work, I have felt lost, I have moved twice, I got closer to my friends, I walked away from a long shitty relationship, and I have had a lot of time to think about my life.

Good for you, son!

My parents were always supportive of my creative pursuits. They didn’t always understand how their son would make a living being on the radio or creating social media workshops or speaking in front of strangers or writing a blog or coaching executives. And they certainly wouldn’t enjoy finding out that their son has been a stuck in a lot of ways for a lot of years. Keep up a good front, don’t let them see you sweat, smile and wave.

I had told myself for years I was following my passion. Then an emotional truck broadsided me and put my on me ass for years. I'm reading more now, I'm seeking knowledge and inspiration, and most importantly, I'm moving again. I read this post from my Mark Manson and he's bang on.

Sit down!

This past Sunday, I sat with a remarkable woman named Lindsay Knight. As soon as I sat down, she looked at me and said; “Wow. You have a lot going on in there.” We sat for what felt like half an hour but was almost three. She did my life path and outlined all the places where I had acquiesced to other people.

The repeated patterns in my life were so clear and obvious to her. They are clear to me now too. I had always said I was curious about others. I felt the need to help and talk about them. She said that was a defence to not allow myself to show up. I had lived a life avoiding any conversation about me for fear I’d appear egotistical. She called bullshit. I was scared. I didn’t want to make a fuss. I did everything to smooth things over. I didn’t want to offend or stand up for myself. She smacked me around and it was wonderful.

Wake up!

I’m writing a book, I’m working with clients, I’m meeting prospective clients, I’m finding my way after years of being lost, and all the while thinking I was fooling everyone around me that I had my shit together. Lindsay woke me up to see me.

I don’t know if this is for you. For me, it’s life changing. I slept through the night last night for the first time in years. I woke refreshed and ready to write. I have begun to allow myself to be creative again and do what I want in my life. It has reminded me to stand up for me and do what I want with my truth no matter what anyone else thinks.

I had forgotten that or maybe never knew it.
As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience in project management, leadership development, business, marketing, media, and talent coaching in numerous industries and organizations including; radio, digital marketing, corporate training, real estate, financial services, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting companies and organizations who want to become even greater.

May 26, 2014

Daily Reminders

Surround yourself with smart people. Quality not quantity. Remove negative people from your life. Have a flexible strategy. Avoid playing favorites. Follow your passion.

Believe in you. Do what you say you will do. Recognize the efforts of everyone on your team. Disconnect at least once a day. Don't pull rank. Take one think day every month. Pay it forward. Read and seek knowledge daily. Imagine often. Never stop learning.

And today is Memorial Day in the US so let's thank every woman and man who has made the ultimate sacrifice for freedom around the world.
Kneale Mann | Leadership Strategist, consultant, writer, speaker, executive coach facilitating performance growth with leaders, management, and teams.


March 25, 2014

39 Ideas to Lead and Grow

Embrace that there are many things you don't know. Focus on your strengths.
Help something without their knowledge. Teach others. Waste no time with naysayers. Skip email for a day. Build a mastermind group. Take time for you.

Let others make time to them. Be known for something. Surround yourself with smart people. Quality not quantity. Collaborate often. Remove negative people from your life. Have a flexible strategy. Avoid playing favorites. Leave politics to politicians.

Adopt an open-mind policy. Be true to you. Be clear on your beliefs. Let your team take credit. Surround yourself with people who improve you. Communication consistently. Say thank-you often. Learn from others. Identify specifically what you want. Don't compare yourself to others. Clearly define your boundaries. Turn off your phone.

Believe in you. Do what you say you will do. Recognize the efforts of everyone on your team. Disconnect at least once a day. Don't pull rank. Take one think day every month. Pay it forward. Read and seek knowledge daily. Imagine often. Never stop learning.
Kneale Mann | Leadership Strategist, consultant, writer, speaker, executive coach facilitating performance growth with leaders, management, and teams.


February 13, 2014

Defining Success

Not many of us human types get up in the morning to focus on failing. We do our best, we learn each day, we try a little harder, we get a little smarter, and we focus a bit more on being successful. Whatever that means.

One of the worst measurements of success is comparison.

She has a better gig, he has a nicer car, they have a better life. Most of us have fallen into the trap but the key is to stay focused on what success means to each of us. But we get stuck, meet resistance, and sometimes get in our own way.

Richard St. John has been teaching his principles since he learned the hard way. The concept may be simple but it requires determination and a lifetime of focus to execute.

Kneale Mann | Leadership Strategist, consultant, writer, speaker, executive coach facilitating performance growth with leaders, management, and teams.

August 7, 2013

Feeding Your Mind

JP Rangaswami poses a question and a challenge to all of us. In our world where information is coming at us at warp speed, what if we looked at it as fuel and something to celebrate much like we view food.

Rangaswami spends a lot of his time studying behavior and speaks at events all over the world. He loves food but equally craves learning. He shares what the two have in common after studying both for over a quarter century.

Kneale Mann | Leadership and Culture strategist, writer, speaker, executive coach engaging leaders, collaborative teams, and strong business results.

TED | JP Rangaswami

March 8, 2013

The Economy of Your Culture

The industrial revolution brought progress and advancements but created the unbalance of power and wealth we have today. There is shift however that might be a bit radical and won't be endorsed by everyone right away but see what you think.

The idea is to pay people fairly and give them guidance in a co-creative atmosphere where strengths are highlighted while a collaborative culture becomes the norm. And before anyone screams socialism, this is not to suggest we don't embrace success through hard work but we can also include more of the team in the process.

Let's Flip the Model

We've tried the top down approach for a couple of centuries and it will take some time to make the shift but in parts of the world where choice is both cherished and honored, changes are coming. Great culture and strong leadership will absolutely positively improve your business performance.

An example is some of our work with supply chain organizations. Leaders are discovering they can, should, and want to create more collaborative places whether they are developing mobile apps or making plastic bottles. People want to want to come to work no matter the industry no matter the job description.

Far too many for far too long have viewed work as simply a means to an end. Let's fix that.

Kneale Mann


March 2, 2013

Cooperative Collaboration

There is no shortage of data on how we communicate and collaborate. We have teams, families, clients, friends, work spaces, social networks, neighbors, colleagues, partners, clubs, customers, and other ways to satisfy our inherent need to belong.

Though it's been around since the dawn of our time, collaboration is celebrating a revolution. The sharing of ideas is multiplying at speeds our minds can’t compute while we are learning and solving faster and more efficiently than ever. This is why culture and leadership are critical to our survival.

Writer and teacher Howard Rheingold published Smart Mobs in 2002 which explored the potential for technology to augment collective intelligence. He then worked with
The Institute for the Future to create and launch a broad based literacy of cooperation.

His 2005 TEDTalk remains just as relevant today.

Kneale Mann

Howard Rheingold

February 1, 2013

Are You Open for Business?

We live in a time where there may be four generations in your company. There are plenty of data to suggest older stakeholders are not quick with new technology and open collaboration while the younger members want it now. But leadership is an action not a position, so these generalizations blur across demographics.

I work with many senior leaders who are open to new ideas and younger managers already stuck in their ways. But one undeniable element is our ability to connect void of geographical and technological boundaries. The openness of business and human interaction is here whether we embrace it or not.

Don Tapscott is a Canadian business executive, author, consultant and speaker who has written or co-written fourteen books on the application of technology in business.
In his fascinating TEDTalk, he shares his four principles for the open world.

Wait for the starlings and you’ll understand.

Kneale Mann

TED | Don Tapscott

January 25, 2013

FILDI: Let Me Let You

Let me remember that I love helping people and I make mistakes. Let me know that my gut is telling me something when my head is trying to steer me in the wrong direction. Let me realize that everything I did has prepared me for what I’m doing and will do.

Let me play you a brilliant video from the always thought provoking Ze Frank. Let you not be offended by some of the words he uses because they are critical to our success. Let you do something for you after you watch this video.

Let you hit play. Now.

Some language not suitable for all ages but necessary for most.

Kneale Mann

Ze Frank

December 19, 2012

Collaborative Direction

Leadership is about finding ways to accomplish goals through collaboration. This requires people who may have different levels of knowledge, expertise, background, interest, and perspective. This tapestry makes teamwork interesting and robust. But we can often get tripped up if we only look at things through our own lens.

Derek Sivers reminds us the opposite of our viewpoint can be just as valid an idea.

Kneale Mann

TED | Derek Sivers
© Kneale Mann people + priority = profit
leadership development business culture talent development human capital