Showing posts with label intelligence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label intelligence. Show all posts

June 5, 2017

I'm Weird. You're Weird.

The great Mark Twain once quipped; "Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story”, which is funny at first but quite correct with a closer look. We all have our own truths. Sure, most of us agree gravity keeps us on the ground and the sky is blue, but how many truths do we hold on to that may or may not be in fact true?

If you multiply that by hundreds or even thousands of employees, you can see how we get into trouble in the business world. Michael Shermer examines why we believe and hear weird things in science, relationships, and music.


July 7, 2015

We Are Weird

The great Mark Twain once quipped; "Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story”, which is funny at first but quite correct with a closer look. We all have our own truths. Sure, most of us agree gravity keeps us on the ground and the sky is blue, but how many truths do we hold on to that may or may not be in fact true?

If you multiply that by hundreds or even thousands of employees, you can see how we get into trouble in the business world. Michael Shermer examines why we believe and hear weird things in science, relationships, and music.

Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit

June 29, 2015

Simplifying Complexity

Business is difficult. People are more difficult. Leadership is even more difficult and we have said for generations it requires hard skills and soft skills. Yves Morieux has consulted hundreds of companies around the world and suggests both are obsolete.

He outlines six rules to simplify work and business.

Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit

February 1, 2013

Are You Open for Business?

We live in a time where there may be four generations in your company. There are plenty of data to suggest older stakeholders are not quick with new technology and open collaboration while the younger members want it now. But leadership is an action not a position, so these generalizations blur across demographics.

I work with many senior leaders who are open to new ideas and younger managers already stuck in their ways. But one undeniable element is our ability to connect void of geographical and technological boundaries. The openness of business and human interaction is here whether we embrace it or not.

Don Tapscott is a Canadian business executive, author, consultant and speaker who has written or co-written fourteen books on the application of technology in business.
In his fascinating TEDTalk, he shares his four principles for the open world.

Wait for the starlings and you’ll understand.

Kneale Mann

TED | Don Tapscott

November 5, 2010

Zweifel and Rädsla


Rädsla was born in Västerbotten, Sweden. She was the third of five children in a middle class family. Her parents worked hard. Her mother was a baker and her father sold chemical supplies. The couple did their best to feed seven mouths and put all five of their children through university.

Though blessed with creative talents and a sharp mind, no one could figure out why Rädsla would work in the factory for next to minimum wage. She always wanted to own her own company and make the decisions. Her strategic mind was suited for the mix of creativity and business acumen and in fact she excelled in those subjects in school.

Settling is not a wise strategy.

Zweifel is the oldest of three boys and grew up in Frankfurt, Germany. His father was an administrator in city politics while his mother owned a dress shop with her sister. His brothers were both lawyers but Zweifel remained shut down and negative to most career suggestions.

There always seemed to be a dark cloud over any seemingly bright idea. It was clear that Zweifel had the skill and fortitude for engineering but couldn’t stop from voicing his distaste for the industry and every company that he worked for during the first decade of his career. Not surprisingly, he was fired from five good jobs within that time period.

All too often we are our own worst enemy.

We expect the world to somehow know our path and if it is littered with naysayers and road blocks, it must be the world teaching us a lesson. We forget that we have control over the paths we discover.

Often we are resemble Zweifel (German for ‘doubt’) and Rädsla (Swedish for ‘fear’).

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” Dale Carnegie

So what’s stopping you?

knealemann | email

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image credit: danwayland
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