Showing posts with label theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label theory. Show all posts

June 5, 2017

I'm Weird. You're Weird.

The great Mark Twain once quipped; "Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story”, which is funny at first but quite correct with a closer look. We all have our own truths. Sure, most of us agree gravity keeps us on the ground and the sky is blue, but how many truths do we hold on to that may or may not be in fact true?

If you multiply that by hundreds or even thousands of employees, you can see how we get into trouble in the business world. Michael Shermer examines why we believe and hear weird things in science, relationships, and music.


May 16, 2016

Cleaning the Records

Back in January, I had the privilege of speaking at TEDxGuelphU. The theme of the day was "From Theory to Reality". It was a humbling experience because it wasn't a workshop or a conference about business or leadership or marketing; it was TED, which meant it wasn't about selling wares or boasting about accomplishments or sharing an idea in a work environment.

TED is about an idea worth spreading and a chance to share your experience on the hope it will give audience members something to apply to or think about in their lives. In my talk, I share three theories and the roller coaster ride along the way.


December 3, 2015

Speaking at TEDx

I spend a lot of time talking and writing about leadership and culture, teamwork and collaboration, and I spend very little time doing either about me. A friend has often said I need to put more skin in the game and I’ve begun doing that more lately. It’s an interesting remark since I say it to others all the time.

The last few weeks have been a lot of setting up for the New Year, some client work, some prospecting for new clients, working on my new book, and confirming some speaking engagements.

This one blows me away!

If you visit this site often, you know I post TEDtalks often; I’ve been a fan for probably 15 years. The events are first class, the website is crammed with fascinating talks and information. There is a daily discovery.

It is an absolute honor that I’ve been selected to be a speaker at TEDxGuelphU associated with the University of Guelph in Ontario Canada. The event is January 23. The theme of the day is “Theory to Reality”. I have a bit of a biographical journey to share that I was reminded of lately which is about taking chances even when we can’t see the whole road.

I’ll have more details when I get them.

As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience as a business coach and project manager in numerous industries and organizations including; human resources, corporate training, financial services, media, real estate, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting leaders who want to improve their bottom line through strong culture and leadership.

November 7, 2015

Reality vs. Theory

I pressed send this week on a proposal to speak at a TEDx event in January. You know when those who don't win the award claim it was an honor just to be nominated? I know the feeling now. It's not confirmed; it's not a yes, but I feel honored to have been asked to apply. As I said in an earlier post, it's not humblebraggery at all; it's really cool!

The theme of the day is Theory to Reality which led me to Emily Levine and her hilarious and charming 2002 TEDtalk where she shows us the trickster's view of realities and theories.

As a passionate leader, Kneale Mann has extensive experience in project management, leadership development, business, marketing, media, and talent coaching in numerous industries and organizations including; radio, digital marketing, corporate training, real estate, financial services, healthcare and more. He is always open to meeting companies and organizations who want to become even greater.

October 30, 2015

Making it a Reality

Between working on client stuff, meeting new potential clients, writing a book which has been quite an enlightening and soul searching process, and trying to figure out what this thing called life means, I've been approached to submit a proposal to speak at a TEDx event early next year. No humblebragging here, straight up, this is a huge honor.

The audience will be university students, professors, and guests. The theme of the day is theory to reality. At first I thought about the fact every company started with an idea. There are none that started without one, which is the theory.

Then the work begins...

But I think it happens more often than we realize. It might have happened to you today. An idea came to mind, you acted on it, boom it became a reality. So we may not want to minimize these moments as they can lead to the big things.

The other element I keep thinking about is kids and the chances they have as they embark on their journey of discovery and potentially a handful of different career paths. This lead me to Kiran Bir Sethi who is the founder Riverside School in India which teaches kids life’s most valuable lesson: I can. That's something we know-it-all scared adults seem to forget.

Watch this!

Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!

July 7, 2015

We Are Weird

The great Mark Twain once quipped; "Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story”, which is funny at first but quite correct with a closer look. We all have our own truths. Sure, most of us agree gravity keeps us on the ground and the sky is blue, but how many truths do we hold on to that may or may not be in fact true?

If you multiply that by hundreds or even thousands of employees, you can see how we get into trouble in the business world. Michael Shermer examines why we believe and hear weird things in science, relationships, and music.

Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit

July 19, 2014

The Truth About Facts

Einstein said; “If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts. Maya Angelou added; "Don't let the facts get in the way of the truth". Mark Twain pondered; "How empty is theory in the presence of fact?”. And Felix Cohen opined; “The theories we believe we call facts. The facts we disbelieve we call theories.”

It’s been said few will argue with their own data. But how do we separate fact from theory? Tom Asacker ponders that very question in his recent TEDTalk.

Kneale Mann | Leadership and management consultant helping leaders, teams, and companies get clear on their goals and results.

TED | Tom Asacker

March 29, 2013

Should We Share Our Goals?

Stop eating junk food, read a new book, start a business, call a new client, lose that weight, run a marathon, the list goes on. They all sound like good goals to have but what happens when we share them with others before we've achieved them?

Conventional wisdom may tell us that verbalizing our goals makes them more tangible. If we share them with others, we may be held more accountable to achieve them. If we ask others to keep us focused on those goals, our success rate will increase. It's like when leadership outlines the strategic plan and it's just a matter of execution, right?

Derek Sivers challenges that notion.

Kneale Mann | Leadership and Culture Strategist, Writer, Speaker, Executive Coach helping leaders create dynamic culture and improved results.

TED | Ted Sivers
© Kneale Mann people + priority = profit
leadership development business culture talent development human capital