Editors Note: Above is the final video recap of the experience USA LightHawk
Volunteers in Honduras endured after being accused of drug trafficking
in Honduras. As you can see in the video, the accused have been “cleared
of all charges”. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the
various volunteers in Utila, Roatan, La Ceiba, El Progreso and Tegucigalpa who assisted in clearing up this unfortunate error.
We would like to also thank the Honduras law enforcement and forensic team for doing their jobs in a very professional and expedient manner, the lawyers and interpreters, the fiscalia, and the Ministerio Publico de Honduras. In addition, the Utila United effort, as well as the Utila police force, which as you can see, treated our Honduras guests with the utmost respect.
In addition, thank you very much to the ICF, BICA, CANATURH, Fundación Cuero y Salado, as well as the media, who helped cover this incident in a responsible fashion. HQTV Utila, Tele Progresso (TP) and its various affiliate TV stations in Honduras, Radio Ceiba, Estereo 100, Radio America, and HRN.
Last but not least, the many volunteers and tourists who assisted. Additionally, special appreciation goes out to our Honduras.com Team photographer and video productions editor, Carlos Melgar, for his numerous hours, and our Honduras national correspondent, Roberto Zuniga.
Editors Note: Si se puede Catrachos!
Editors Note - Breaking News: The US citizens accused of drug trafficking in Honduras (LightHawk volunteers) left Utila at 1:00 pm, Honduras time for Belize today, where they will continue their mission work. The two individuals stated they will return to Honduras in the future. A live interview was taped and is being edited for publication. Please check back to see the final video interview with the LightHawk volunteers.
April 26, 2013
Editors Note: Moments ago we received a phone call stating that the Accused have had their belongings returned and will be in Utila shortly. Honduras.com will provide their story once they have a chance to “re-group”. 9:15 AM Friday April 26, 2013. Thanks to everyone who assisted, and to the Honduras Government for recognizing their mistake. – Team Honduras.com [ LightHawk, please accept our sincere apology, and don't let this dissuade you from continuing to help our country.]
The public ministry granted two US citizens accused of drug trafficking in Honduras, release on their own recognizance. The Americans were piloting a small plane and subsequently arrested last Friday (April 19, 2013) in Utila, Bay Islands, on suspicion of a drug trafficking crime.
The authorities will practice an ion test on the seized aircraft to identify possible traces of drugs.
Carl Wayne Mattson and Julie Anna Boyd were set free, but are still under investigation by prosecutors and police.
The report of the Departmental Headquarter number 11 states that according to research and information from the Directorate of Drug Trafficking and the Air Force, the plane piloted by both citizens unloaded drugs in the sector of Cuero y Salado (a Wildlife Refuge where Manatees enjoy their freedom, as well as many other species of protected wildlife), and then flew to La Ceiba, where they refueled.
Later they left for the island of Utila. When the plane landed, they were stopped immediately by policemen who awaited their arrival, and then taken to the police headquarters, where their statements were taken.
The case was reported to the prosecutor on duty, who gave instructions to keep the plane in police custody and the pilots kept under guard, as they were considered responsible for a drug trafficking crime. As the investigation continues, the foreigners must remain in Honduras.
Read more here: http://www.honduras.com