Showing posts with label the 7 stages of disease. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the 7 stages of disease. Show all posts

The 7 Stages Of Disease (Part 7)

Posted by : foongpc | Thursday, May 31, 2012 | Published in


I first started writing about The 7 Stages Of Disease back in 2009. At that time, I was devastated with the news about Farrah Fawcett's losing battle with cancer, rumors about Steve Jobs suffering from cancer and the death of my own brother-in-law from Stage 4 colon cancer.

Over the last 2 years, I have continued writing about it, on and off. This is the final installment of The 7 Stages Of Disease series, which is long overdue. Please note that all the information in this series are not mine, but are based on the book 'Fit For Life : A New Beginning' by author Harvey Diamond.

Please get this book and read it - I highly recommend it to anyone interested in good health and in preventing the dreaded cancer.

For those who have never read my posts on this topic, and to help refresh the memory of those of you who have read them, here then are the links. I shall wait for you to read them.

Image courtesy of utmb health

Now that you are familiar with the first 5 stages of disease, let us proceed to the next stage.

Stage 6 : Induration

When the body creates an ulcer to rid itself of toxins, it will then try to heal the ulcer by replacing the tissue where it has been lost. This scarring of tissues, is called induration. The hardening of tissues is done with a purpose, and that is to encapsulate the toxic material that is threatening the health of the person.

By trapping the toxic material in a sac of hardened tissue, the body is in fact quarantining the toxins and preventing them from spreading freely throughout the body. This sac is often diagnosed as a lump or tumor, but it has still not reached the cancer stage yet.

Induration is the last stage during which the body is still in control of its cells. If we continue to practice a destructive, unhealthy lifestyle that has brought us to this stage, the cells in our body will start to 'go crazy'.

They will become parasitic, living off whatever nutrients they can obtain, but contributing nothing to the body in return. The constant poisoning has finally altered their genetic encoding and they become wild and disorganized.

When cells go wild in this manner, the condition has reached Stage 7, the final stage, which we called cancer.

Stage 7 : Cancer

At this stage, cells are no longer under the control of the brain, but are multiplying wildly in an unorganized manner. Although there is a chance that cancer may be arrested or reversed if diligent and concentrated effort is taken with a healthy regimen, the best way is still to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Why prevention? Because up to this day, medical science have yet to find a cure for cancer. If you want to know the TRUTH about modern cancer treatments, read HERE.

The whole purpose of me writing about The 7 Stages Of Disease is to create an awareness that you can actually prevent cancer. At any stage from 1 - 6, you have the ability to reverse the progress of ill health and return to vibrant health. Do not wait till you have cancer before you take action. Live a healthy lifestyle today.

The 7 Stages Of Disease (Part 6)

Posted by : foongpc | Friday, November 11, 2011 | Published in


It has been some time since I blogged about The 7 Stages Of Disease.

According to Harvey Diamond, author of the bestselling book Fit For Life : A New Beginning, disease never ever sneaks up on you and strikes you down. It takes a long time and a great deal of neglect and abuse of the body for disease to finally occur.

From the 1st stage of disease to the 7th stage (ie. cancer stage), many years may elapse. At any stage you can stop the disease from progressing by doing the right thing.

Before I talk about Stage 5, you may want to take some time to read up on the previous stages or simply refresh your memory by clicking the links below.

Stage 1 : Enervation
Stage 2 : Toxemia
Stage 3 : Irritation
Stage 4 : Inflammation

OK, now that you are familiar with what happens in each of the stages from 1 to 4, let's move on to the next stage which is...

Stage 5 : Ulceration

At this stage, the body has been under assault for such a long time that massive amount of cells and tissues are being destroyed. Lesions and ulcers begin to occur. This condition is extremely painful because of the exposed nerves.

Mouth ulcer image courtesy of Wikipedia

Some examples of ulcers are stomach ulcer, mouth ulcer and open sore on the arm and leg. The body is actually using ulcer as an outlet to rid itself of toxins. If the level of toxemia is sufficiently lowered, the ulcers will heal by itself.

However, if you continue to add toxins into your body, the body will be forced to go to the next stage to heal the ulcers.

That... is the 6th stage, the pre-cancer stage called Induration, which I shall talk about next!


The 7 Stages Of Disease (Part 5)

Posted by : foongpc | Thursday, September 30, 2010 | Published in


According to Harvey Diamond, bestselling author of the book Fit For Life : A New Beginning, it is not easy to get cancer. One has to go through 6 stages before cancer strikes.

From our original vibrant health state, we had continuously abused our body by ingesting toxins and accumulating them in our body. The body is infinitely smart and tries to eliminate the toxins and even warn us with symptoms and irritations by making us go through 6 stages before reaching the 7th which is the Cancer Stage.

So far, I have talked about Stage 1 (Enervation), Stage 2 (Toxemia) and Stage 3 (Irritation). At any of these stages, if we take action to remove the cause of our health problems, the disease process will stop and good health returns.

But when we continue to ignore these 3 stages, the body will inevitably progress to the next stage which is....

Stage 4 : Inflammation

Inflammation is the body's most intense effort to cleanse and restore itself. When this process occurs, you become keenly aware that a problem exists for it involves pain.

None of us like pain. But believe it or not, pain is our friend! It has a purpose and that is to warn us something is wrong somewhere.

Imagine if you can't feel pain. What happens when you rest your hand on a hot stove without feeling pain? What happens when you step on broken glass without feeling pain? So you see, pain is the body's most effective warning signal.

If the last 3 stages gave you irritations and minor discomfort, you may chose to ignore them. But will you still choose to ignore pain?

Image courtesy of Derby Sports Injuries

When pain is chronic and unrelenting, it is a sign that the body is desperately attempting to get rid of the ever increasing level of toxemia before it causes devastating damage. With inflammation, the toxins in the system have usually been concentrated at a particular organ or a particular area of the body for a massive elimination effort. The area becomes inflamed due to the constant irritation from toxic material.

When inflammation exists, we are diagnosed with words that end with "itis".

Ever heard of tonsillitis? It's the inflammation of the tonsils.

How about appendicitis? It's inflammation of the appendix.

Hepatitis? Inflammation of the liver.

Arthritis? Inflammation of the joints.

Colitis? Inflammation of the colon.

Nephritis? Inflammation of the kidneys.

Sinusitis? Inflammation of the sinus.

Dermatitis? Inflammation of the skin.

OK, I'm sure you get the idea. But what do most people do when they feel pain? Off they go to see the doctor in search for relief. And what does the doctor do? Prescribe drugs to take away the pain.

Image courtesy of

Unfortunately, the drugs do nothing to remove the cause of the problem. They only serve to lessen the pain temporarily. Worse, the drugs are adding to the body's level of toxemia which the body is desperately trying to get rid of!

Stage 4 is crucial for it is in the middle of the 7 stages and actions taken at this point will determine whether or not you are going to recover your health and return to a state of vibrancy, or fall deeper into the diseased state.

If you do not start to detoxify your body at this stage, you will most likely progress to Stage 5 : Ulceration, which I shall talk about next!


The 7 Stages Of Disease (Part 4)

Posted by : foongpc | Friday, September 17, 2010 | Published in


I wrote a series of posts about The 7 Stages Of Disease last year and somehow, due to some reason or other, I did not complete the series.

Two nights ago, I accidentally came across one of the posts and decided I must not let my readers wait forever for the remaining posts. So today I would like to resume this health series.

By now most of you must have forgotten what this series of posts are all about, so for your benefit and for the benefit of those who are new to my blog, kindly read the following posts before you proceed.

The 7 Stages Of Disease (Part 1)
The 7 Stages Of Disease (Part 2)
The 7 Stages Of Disease (Part 3)

OK, now that you have read the above 3 posts, let's move on to the next stage, shall we?

By the way, whatever that is written here and in the above 3 posts are not something that I simply cooked up but are based on the book Fit For Life : A New Beginning by bestselling author Harvey Diamond.

We learnt that disease does not appear out of the blue but gradually. In Stage 1 (Enervation), the symptoms are tiredness and loss of appetite. In Stage 2 (Toxemia), the symptom is fever. Now if you continue to ignore these warning signs, you will progress to...

Stage 3 : Irritation

Irritation is a condition in which the body sets its defensive mechanism in motion and speeds up its internal activities in order to unload stored-up toxins. This process can happen at various points in the body.

An example of irritation is the urge to urinate or defecate. This is probably the best way to eliminate toxins from your body.

However, one of the common symptoms of irritation due to toxemia is itchiness. Perhaps you are not aware, but the skin is the not only the body's largest organ but also an organ of elimination. When toxins in your body are removed via the skin, they cause itchiness on the surface areas of your skin.

Image courtesy of

This is in fact, your body's way of getting your attention. It is not serious unless you ignore it and do nothing, in which case, you will progress to Stage 4 - The Inflammation Stage.

Not everyone will experience itchiness however. You may feel queasy or nauseated for no apparent reason. Some people will feel that persistent tickling sensation in the nose. Yet others experience nervousness, depression and anxiety.

Other classic symptoms of irritation includes headaches, difficulty falling asleep, putting on weight easily, bad temper, coated tongue, bad breath, body odour, dark circles under the eyes, and for women, out of the ordinary menstrual problems.

Image courtesy of Harbor Family

You might be thinking - don't everyone experience these symptoms one time or the other? You are correct. Unfortunately, some people live for years in this state of irritation they even learn how to adapt and live with it!

This is because the discomfort they experience is not serious enough for them to go for a medical check up or for treatment.

But here's the problem. When the effects of enervation, toxemia and irritation are ignored long enough, and the toxic residue in the body that started all these builds up to an even higher concentration, the 4th stage of disease ultimately, and inevitably, results.

Stay tuned for Part 5 where I will talk about Stage 4 : Inflammation


The 7 Stages Of Disease (Part 3)

Posted by : foongpc | Wednesday, June 10, 2009 | Published in


Health is your birthright. You are not meant to be sick.

Our body is constantly trying to maintain a high level of health. But if we consistently abuse our body with unhealthy food and unhealthy habits, even the most healthy body will suffer.

Young people nowadays do not bother about their health. They eat what they like, drink what they want and think it's cool to smoke. They cannot possibly imagine they would get sick or get cancer as they feel they are fit and healthy. To them, cancer is only for older people. Diabetes and heart attacks are for those over 40s. Well, how wrong they are!

I am fortunate to have learnt a lot about health the past few years that some people even call me a doctor. Haha! But I am not a doctor of course. I just love to read up about health because to me, health is my no.1 priority in life. I want to start living a healthy life now so that hopefully, by the time I reach 40 or 50 years old, I will still be as healthy as now.

Think about it. What's the point of having lots of money if you don't have the good health to enjoy it? Without good health, can you do the things that you really enjoy like traveling, eating good food, play sports, even spending a good time with your friends and loved ones?

Image courtesy of

What most youngsters do not realise is that diseases progress slowly. You don't get cancer overnight. A man who discovers he has cancer at the age of 45 probably started abusing his body since his early 20's.

According to Harvey Diamond, author of the best-selling health book of all time, Fit For Life, we can actually divide the progression of disease into 7 stages.

I have discussed about Stage 1 in Part 2. Now let's move on to the next stage.

Stage 2 : Toxemia

Toxemia or toxicosis occurs when the uneliminated toxic material in our body starts to saturate the blood, lymph nodes and tissues of the body. The body recognizes that this situation must be remedied, and will attempt to cleanse itself by initiating a fever.

Yes, that's right! Getting a fever is what you will experience at this stage. But before you run to the doctor and get some drugs to lower your fever, let me explain why that is not such a good idea!

A fever actually mobilizes the body's defences. When there is an emergency, such as an over-accumulation of toxins in the body, metabolism is accelerated by increasing the heat available. This is controlled by the hypothalamus in the brain which acts like a human thermostat.

Image courtesy of eapbiofield

The heat is necessary to eliminate the toxins which have accumulated beyond the body's ability to tolerate them and beyond the body's ability to eliminate without some extraordinary modifications, like a fever. Heat acts as a catalyst which causes the toxins to liquefy and pass into the bloodstream where they are transported to the organs of elimination (bowels, bladder, lungs and skin) and thus out of the body.

As you can see, fever is actually your friend! If you have fever, do not attempt to lower the fever by taking drugs. Doing so will stop the fever from accomplishing its intended task of eliminating toxins from your body. Instead, drink lots of water and have lots of rests.

Perhaps some of you may have heard that if you don't lower a high fever, you may suffer from brain damage and may even die from it! Well, according to Harvey Diamond, this is plain nonsense!

Temperature regulation is one of the most basic mechanisms of the human body. It is initiated and controlled by the body and is intelligently utilised as one if its primary defensive techniques. The idea that the body would raise its own temperature until the brain is fried or damaged is ridiculous to say the least.

Fever is one way in which the body uses to eliminate toxins. You may or may not know this, but drugs are not natural and the body identifies them as toxins. When we take in drugs to suppress the fever, we are in fact, adding more toxins into our body. Now how will your body cope when it's trying to get rid of excess toxins by way of a fever, and here you go, adding even more toxins instead? Is it any wonder that some patients die not from high fever but from the drugs they ingest in an attempt to lower their fever?

When you don't interrupt the fever, it will accomplish its intended task, and subside on its own.

Note: Personally, I think if a fever is too high (which is above 41°C), it must be treated as an emergency, especially those who are elderly and have heart diseases. This is because fever increases the heart rate thus putting additional strain on elderly people and those with weak hearts. If you have low grade or moderate fever, you do not need to take any drugs to lower them. If you feel uncomfortable, you may lower the fever by using a wet cloth to wipe the forehead and body. Try to avoid drugs as much as possible.

In Part 4, I will talk on Stage 3 : Irritation. Stay tuned!


The 7 Stages Of Disease (Part 2)

Posted by : foongpc | Monday, June 1, 2009 | Published in


As explained in Part 1, we all started out with vibrant health (provided you were born healthy), but years of self abuse made us progress from a totally vibrant health to Stage 1, 2, 3 and so on until Stage 7, which is the cancer stage.

It must be noted that disease never suddenly sneaks up on us and strikes us down. It takes a long time and lots of neglect for disease to occur. As such, each stage may take many years before progressing to the next stage. However, the good news is, at whichever stage you are in, you can halt the disease's progress by taking the correct action.

The correct action simply means the removal of the cause of the disease. When the root cause is removed, pain stops, the disease process stops and health returns. However, if drugs are used to relieve the discomfort, which is the usual course of action, the cause remains unchecked and the disease process continues to the next stage.

Therefore, be aware if the drugs you take are really removing the cause of your disease, or are they simply masking the pain and discomfort giving a false impression that your health situation is improving?

Let's start with Stage 1.

Stage 1 : Enervation
The word 'enervation' comes from the word 'energy'. We all know energy is the essence of life. We need energy to carry out all the functions of the body. Enervation is a condition whereby our body is either not generating enough energy for the tasks it must perform or the tasks our body must perform is greater than what the normal energy supply can cope with.

When does enervation occurs? When your body is loaded with toxic materials and it has limited energy to eliminate them. This creates a cycle because when toxins become overloaded in your body, you produce even less energy to eliminate them from your body.

Since energy is restored when you sleep, the first warning sign that you are becoming enervated is when you become tired and sluggish and require longer sleeping hours and frequent naps in the day.

Do you know that digestion requires more energy than running? This is a fact and so people who are at the enervation stage will have problem with digestion as they do not have enough energy for this essential bodily function!

Furthermore, as their condition worsens, they will suffer from a loss of appetite. The body is instinctively smart and when your digestion power is reduced, it will automatically decrease your desire for food. That's why always be aware when you lose your appetite. It is in fact, a first sign of your disease progressing to the next stage.

However, just because you have a huge appetite does not mean you are healthy. Our body is very adaptable and it may have adapted to your situation and you may have already skipped Stage 1 and moved on to Stage 2!

In Part 3, I will talk on Stage 2 : Toxemia. Stay tuned!

Note: This post is based on the book Fit For Life : A New Beginning by Harvey Diamond.


The 7 Stages Of Disease (Part 1)

Posted by : foongpc | Thursday, May 28, 2009 | Published in


Reading the newspaper the other day, I was depressed by the news that Farrah Fawcett, one of the original Charlie's Angels was fighting a losing battle with cancer. Read about it here.

It was already depressing to learn about Steve Job's battle with cancer a few months earlier, although sources close to him denied his current health problems have anything to do with cancer.

Cancer is a killer. My own brother-in-law died of colon cancer a few years back. At the time of diagnosis, he was already at Stage 4 where doctors said his chances of survival were slim.

Nobody likes to read depressing news and I am not going to depress you further with my post today. But, I am just very concerned that most people are largely ignorant about this disease.

Cancer doesn't just happen overnight. It takes years and years for cancer to develop. You don't wake up one morning and discover you have cancer!

Let me clue you in on this. It takes one year for a single cancer cell to become 12 cells. At that rate, it will take 6 years for cancer to be the size of a pencil point and about 10 years to even be detectable.

Most people will agree that cancer is a lifestyle problem. As you can see, it is not easy getting cancer. It takes years and years of health abuse to reach the cancer stage. But nowadays, the statistics are really frightening. 1 in 3 people will get cancer in their lifetime in USA. In Malaysia, it is 1 in 4 people. How can that be?

If you analyse how people live their lives nowadays, you will then understand why the rate of cancer cases is so high. If people continue to be ignorant, I won't be surprised that one day, 1 in 2 people will get cancer in their lifetime.

So what really is cancer cell? According to Harvey Diamond, the author of the book Fit For Life, a cancer cell is a normal cell so deranged by toxic substances that it loses contact with and is no longer controlled by the brain. It is literally been driven 'crazy' by poisoning and it is 'out there on its own'.

In his book, Harvey explained how cancer develops. I find it interesting and would like to share with you all here. Hopefully with this piece of information, you will be more aware and prevent cancer from happening in the first place.

Harvey divided the process of getting cancer in 7 stages. As you start to abuse your body and your health, you will progress from a totally vibrant health to Stage 1,2, 3 and so on until the final stage 7, which is the cancer stage.

In my next post, I shall share with you each and every stage. Stay tuned!