Showing posts with label Chinese New Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chinese New Year. Show all posts

My 2015 Chinese New Year Of The Goat

Posted by : foongpc | Friday, March 6, 2015 | Published in


With the blink of an eye, Chinese New Year came and went. Just like that. I miss the Chinese New Year holidays and the festive mood but mostly, I miss the food!!

So today, I will just blog a little about my Chinese New Year of the Goat. By the way, I am too lazy to use my camera these days, so all photos in this post were taken using Xiaomi's Mi3.

One food I really enjoyed this Chinese New Year was the pineapple tarts which I bought from Aeon Supermarket. Priced at only RM10.88 per tub a few days before the first day of Chinese New Year (it was priced at RM13.88 earlier), I quickly bought loads of them!

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Look at the generous amount of pineapples! So juicy and so yummy! By the way, if you don't like your pineapple tarts to be a mixture of sweet and sour, then you won't like this. But if you do, these pineapple tarts are heavenly!

I also bought kuih bangkit from Aeon but unfortunately, even though the price was good (I think it was RM8.88), the kuih bangkit itself was not that good. No melt-in-the-mouth but I still bought it because I like the cute shape and design! LOL.

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This year, I had my fair share of the scrumptious yee sang at many different Chinese restaurants, but guess what? It was quite unbelievable, but none of them was as good as the yee sang I bought from Aeon!

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The generous amount and variety of fresh ingredients made the yee sang from Aeon my top favourite for the year. So yummy! By the way, if you can't see any fish in this yee sang, that's because I did not want to include raw salmon inside. I have stopped eating raw salmon since last year for health reasons.

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Now it may seem as if I am promoting Aeon, but in reality, I am not. It just so happens that I like their pineapple tarts and yee sang a lot! Haha!

A few days before Chinese New Year, I received a Chinese New Year card in the mail. I don't receive many cards nowadays (most people prefer to just send CNY greetings via Whatsapp) so I was curious to know who sent this.

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Opening it up, I saw that to my surprise, it was from Twilight Man! Thank you Twilight for this nice card! Sorry can't send you a card in return - it would probably reach you after the Chinese New Year so it does not make sense for me to send.

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A few years back, my blogger friend Merryn Tan made me an angpow fish. I wanted another one this year so she made me one.

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In fact, I requested for two angpow fishes, but she said she ran out of angpows, so she made me an angpow star instead. Do you like it? Thank you Merryn for the angpow fish and star! Next year, I want a real angpow with money inside! Hahaha!

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Another online friend Angeline Chee sent me some angpow fishes as well, all the way from Taiping! How nice of her! When I opened up the parcel, I was surprised to see this.

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For a moment I hoped it was from Coach. But of course I did not expect anything expensive inside. LOL! These are the angpow fishes she made for me. Thank you Angeline for the awesome packaging!

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I like receiving angpows! Who does not? Every year, Astro likes to come out with interesting angpows. This year being the Year of the Goat (or Sheep if you prefer), Astro came out with these cute looking angpows.

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Do you like them? I am keeping them as collector's items. I plan to collect them every year so that I will eventually have all 12 animal signs!

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How many Mandarin oranges did you eat this year? I did not eat a lot as I think these oranges are pretty unhealthy. Yes, it's true - not all fruits are good for you!

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But no matter what, do not throw your Mandarin oranges into the river or sea. Such a waste, no? Better to eat them I say. Haha!

Gosh, I am missing the Chinese New Year already!! Blogging about Chinese New Year makes me miss it even more! Oh well, you just have to move on and look forward to the next Chinese New Year of the Monkey!

2015 Chinese New Year Decorations In Klang Valley (Part 2)

Posted by : foongpc | Thursday, February 26, 2015 | Published in


Continued from Part 1

The Curve did something different this year. Instead of the usual Chinese New Year decorations, they set up a fishing village!

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Called the Xi Yang Yang Fishing Village, it comes complete with sampan boats, fishes and a seafood restaurant!

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Yes, there were live fishes inside the man-made 'sea'.

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I thought the fishing village theme was rather unique and interesting.

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Wooden platforms and houses with zinc roofs made this looked like a real fishing village!

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A seafood restaurant by the name of 'Prosperity'.

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What do you think of the Chinese New Year decorations at The Curve this year?

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I have to give The Curve top marks for this unique idea of a fishing village in the middle of the shopping mall!

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Next, I went to Sunway Pyramid.

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In line with the theme "Cheery Wooly Spring" there were lots of fluffy sheep in different sizes and colour!

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I saw some recycled items from last year, but I guess that was to be expected. Check out last year's Chinese New Year decorations at Sunway Pyramid HERE.

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I was not particularly impressed with the decorations at Sunway Pyramid this year.

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The sheep may look cute and all, but I really think only kids and small children will like them. What about you?

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Lastly, I checked out the Chinese New Year decorations at One Utama. I was a little apprehensive as I was still reeling from the shock and disappointment of their extremely poor Christmas decoration last year.

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But I have to say, this year's Chinese New Year decorations were not too bad! Definitely can't beat the grandeur of Pavilion, or the uniqueness of The Curve, but I do think they are better than the sheep at Sunway Pyramid.

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At the centre is the God Of Prosperity and he is surrounded by four other deities which symbolize the four different seasons.

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A closer shot of the God Of Prosperity.

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The decorations behind the God Of Prosperity.

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The other two deities on the left and right of the God of Prosperity.

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I thought the decorations this year were rather interesting but nothing too impressive.

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It's too bad I did not have the time to visit all the other shopping malls in the Klang Valley. I did however visited Paradigm Mall and Tropicana City Mall but the decorations at these two malls were so bad that I did not bother to take any pictures.

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You may want to compare this year's Chinese New Year decoration at One Utama with last year's HERE. Which one do you prefer?

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Out of the five major shopping malls covered in Part 1 and Part 2 - Pavilion KL, Suria KLCC, The Curve, Sunway Pyramid and One Utama - which one do you think has the best Chinese New Year decorations this year?

2015 Chinese New Year Decorations In Klang Valley (Part 1)

Posted by : foongpc | Monday, February 23, 2015 | Published in


This year, I am a little late in posting about the Chinese New Year decorations in the Klang Valley. But better late than never, right?

Even though the Chinese New Year holidays are over for most people in Malaysia, the celebration continues till the 15th day. As such, I don't think it's too late to take a look at some of the decorations this year.

However, I did not get to visit many shopping malls unlike last year, so this time I shall cover just five major shopping malls in Klang Valley.

Let's begin with Pavilion KL. The Chinese New Year decorations here were impressively stunning as expected. Lots of red lanterns adorned the main entrance of this high-end shopping mall.

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As you step into the mall, you can see burgeoning flowers and red lanterns in front leading towards the Main Concourse.

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From the top of the stairs, the sight of a giant Golden Goat took centre stage.

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Dubbed the biggest goat replica in the Malaysia Book Of Records, this giant golden goat stands at 9.1 metres tall.

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I marvelled at the LED-lighted peonies as I walked down the stairs towards the Main Concourse.

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The theme for this year is "Peak Of Prosperity". Standing majestically, the Goat signifies triumph and opulence.

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I circled round the Centre Court on higher floors to take different shots of the Goat and the beautiful red lanterns.

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Is this God Of Prosperity?  So cheerful!

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Lots of dazzling peonies!

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There's a big prosperity cat - Maneki Neko - at the main entrance, welcoming visitors to the shopping mall. Hopefully, this big prosperity cat will bring in even more customers and fortune to Pavilion KL!

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Overall, I think the decorations at Pavilion KL were pretty impressive! What about you?

Next, I went over to Suria KLCC.

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I could not remember exactly the theme for this year but it definitely has something to do with drums.

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Maybe it was 'Rhythm Of Prosperity' or something.

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A closer shot of one of the drums at the front pillar.

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Outside at the Esplanade, there was a tall circular structure with red lanterns hanging.

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I love the view of the red lanterns with the iconic Petronas Twin Towers in the background.

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Do you like the Chinese New Year decorations at Suria KLCC?

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You may want to compare this year with last year's Chinese New Year decorations at Pavilion KL HERE and at Suria KLCC HERE. Which did you prefer?

In Part 2, I shall cover the Chinese New Year decorations at One Utama, The Curve and Sunway Pyramid, so stay tuned!

To be continued ....