Showing posts with label spiritual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spiritual. Show all posts

Spiritual Feng Shui By Lillian Too (Part 3)

Posted by : foongpc | Wednesday, August 26, 2015 | Published in


I am sorry to say I have forgotten all about the Spiritual Feng Shui seminar by Lillian Too which I blogged about back in 2013! I was supposed to do 3 posts on it, but I had only done 2.

The Hungry Ghost month that is upon us now somehow reminded me about this seminar so I was thinking what better time than now to continue sharing what I had learnt!

Anyway, to refresh your memory, please click the links below for Part 1 and Part 2.
Spiritual Feng Shui By Lillian Too (Part 1)
Spiritual Feng Shui By Lillian Too (Part 2)

Now, let's move on to Part 3.

This is the month where the Hungry Ghosts from Hell are let loose to walk the earth. Lillian Too said we must be careful and be protected from these ghosts. One way is to display this Vairochana Mantra Plaque.

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She told us a short story how she learnt about this Vairochana Mantra. She was on the phone with her guru, Lama Zopa Rinpoche who was in California. At that time, there was a wildfire about 40 miles away from where Lama Zopa was staying. Lillian was concerned and asked why he had not evacuated from the area. Rinpoche told her not to worry, he had the Vairochana Mantra with him and he believed the wind direction would change and blow the fire away from his place. And indeed, that was what happened later. From that incident, Lillian made sure she get hold of the Vairochana Mantra.

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Besides that, Lillian also recommends the Kalachakra Mandala and the Samantabhadra House Amulet to keep bad spirits away.

Now besides the Hungry Ghosts that only come out for a month every year, there is another type of ghosts which we called spirits. Every space has its own local spirits, even your own home. These spirits are neither good nor bad. They can either cause problems or protect you from problems.

These are some things that local spirits can create.

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Talking about black magic, do you know that all black magic are caused by low level spirits? If you do not understand what are low level spirits, read Part 2 for more information. Since black magic is not caused by higher ranking and more powerful spirits, you do not need to be afraid. However, you really do not want to be a victim of black magic!

The most powerful black magic, according to Lillian Too, does not come from Indonesia or Thailand. Guess where does it come from? India! Yes, Indian black magic is the most powerful and India has the oldest tradition in black magic, so be very careful!

Looking at the list of things that local spirits can cause, now you may wonder if sometimes you really feel lazy, or the local spirits trying to make you lazy. When you feel jealous of your neighbour, is it really you or the local spirits whispering bad things in your ear to make you feel jealous? So, be aware.

However, the good news is local spirits can also protect you! Here are the list of things they can protect you from.

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Lillian Too said that they can delay you to avoid accidents. For example, you were about to be involved in a car crash but because you could not find your car key, the timing was delayed and you avoided the accident.

As for stopping the rain, Lillian Too said all bomohs in Malaysia can stop the rain - it's no big deal. Lillian said she teaches how to stop the rain in her Magic Class. And also how to bring the rain too.

Oh, Lillian also mentioned about the haze that blows in from Indonesia every year. She said the haze was caused by spirits, not the weather! The spirits could change the direction of the wind and that's how Malaysia ended up with the haze. But of course, you can get the spirits' help to create rain to clear away the haze!

Local spirits can also keep burglars away! Interestingly, Lillian said that try as they might, the burglars simply could not find your house.  It's as if your house is invisible to them!

So how you get the local spirits on your side so that they help protect you instead of creating problems for you? Appease the spirits by burning incense and also offer food and other offerings to them on a regular basis.

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Lillian also mentioned about the wildfire which is always happening in the United States. Why are there so many fires over there? In the olden days, the Red Indians used to give smoke offerings to the spirits. But as more and more Red Indians moved to the city, these tradition is no longer practised. So the spirits decide to create their own smoke offerings - by burning the pine leaf forests. We can say that the smoke from the fire is like incense to them.

Spirits have many different ranks. High ranking devas (eg. Yaksha, Rak-Sha-Sha) control the sky and fire elements. Middle ranking beings (eg. Naga, Gyalpos) control Water and Earth elements. Most obstacles like accidents, illness, difficult people are usually caused by Gyalpos.

Lower ranking spirits like Mamos are actually female spirits who like to disturb men and even women. During the seminar, Lillian said not to make fun of them because they were in the room! That actually gave me the creeps! Mamos are very beautiful but do not be afraid of them -  Lillian said they are subservient to higher ranking spirits.

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Lillian Too also shared a joke with us. She said if you are in construction line, you have no choice but to appease the spirits (if you do not want accidents to happen) because they are very active in construction. However, if you are in finance, then not so bad as the spirits do not understand finance so well. LOL. (I'm not sure if she's really joking!)

Lillian Too said we all need Cosmic Protectors. These are powerful spirits that have sworn to protect us. They control the lower class spirits (mentioned above). To request for their protection, you need to offer food, tea, incense, and sometimes alcohol.

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Lillian suggests planting a tree with pine leaves so that you can cut the branches and leaves and burn them to produce aromatic incense for the cosmic protectors. As for food, you can offer white sugar, butter, honey, and biscuits. In fact, Lillian said they love Lexus biscuits and Quaker oats biscuits!

Who are these powerful protectors? They are the Buddhas, Yidams and Deities. Think of them as enlightened beings, not Gods. They are most compassionate and wise. They are always on your side. They help everyone who request for their protection. In fact, you do not even need to be a Buddhist for them to help you. They help you irrespective of your race, color and religion.

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Lillian also introduced to us the White Goddess Umbrella also known as Guan Yin to the Chinese. The White Goddess Umbrella protects us from all forms of obstacles and black magic. If you suspect someone being harmed by black magic, just bring this White Goddess Umbrella plaque and hang it in his or her house.

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Alternatively, you can get him or her to wear this seed syllable "OM".

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Goddess Guan Yin (also spelt Kuan Yin) also brings us wealth and success.

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There are different types of incense for different cosmic protectors. In the case of Green Tara, you have incense powder (available from Lillian Too's feng shui shop and online) specifically for Green Tara. Also, chanting Green Tara's mantra helps a lot too.

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Medicine Buddha helps with health related problems. Chanting the mantra also helps!

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The White Dzambhala solves your money problem. Bathing the Dzambhala and the four Dakinis daily while reciting the mantra will help attract big money luck.

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To sum it up at the end of the seminar, Lillian said that we need the enlightened beings and the cosmic protectors to protect us and we need to appease the lower ranking spirits.

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Otherwise, there would be lots of obstacles thrown our way.

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Finally, invite Guru Rinpoche into your home - most powerful for overcoming all obstacles.

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I hope you have found this post most interesting and perhaps benefitted from it in some way. I am just sharing what I learnt at the seminar. Of course, everything is simplified for us to understand easily. If you wish to learn more, or go deeper into Spiritual Feng Shui, do get in touch with Lillian Too or visit her World Of Feng Shui shops for advice.

Spiritual Feng Shui By Lillian Too (Part 2)

Posted by : foongpc | Wednesday, October 16, 2013 | Published in


Continued from Part 1

According to feng shui expert and world's best selling feng shui writer Lillian Too, there are 3 dimensions to feng shui. They are, as mentioned in Part 1, the Space dimension, the Time dimension and the Spiritual dimension.

Spiritual Feng Shui is all about engaging the beings of the cosmic realms. Who and what are these beings? This is what we are going to delve into in this post.

Basically, there are SIX different realms of existence. We are in the HUMAN realm. We are somewhere in the middle as there are higher and lower realms than us.

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The Upper Realms are made up of the God realm and The Asura realm. These consists mostly of the Protectors and Guardians like Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and wisdom beings.

The Lower Realms are made up of the Ghost realm, the Animal realm and the Hell realm.

Within the spirits realm, they have their own different levels and hierarchies. Even the Protectors and Guardians have different ranks of their own. Those of the lower levels are afraid of those from the higher levels, or to put it more nicely, the lower level beings respect those that are of higher levels than them.

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According to Lillian Too, the HUMAN realm is the best realm to be born in. It is only in the human realm that one can have the potential to achieve enlightenment, meaning a state where you can truly understand everything about the true nature of your existence, so that there is no more learning.

Also, in the human realm, one can appease and control the spirits, which makes one's life smoother and happier.

It will be most unfortunate if you were to be born into the Animal realm as animals do not have the intellect to understand such profound wisdoms or to achieve enlightenment. And even worse, is to descend into the Hell realm, for you will be one of those hungry ghosts that are only allowed to roam the earth during the Hungry Ghost month!

A hungry ghost image source

As such, the Human realm is seen to be very precious. Lillian therefore advised us against taking our own lives. She even said that people who harm themselves are stupid beyond words! The message here is to take good care of our lives for as humans, for we are indeed very precious and at an advantage compared to the others.

Now there are billions and billions of spirit beings! And they are not just of this world, but of other worlds too, in fact, the whole Universe. So who really are these ghosts and spirits?

According to Lillian, ghosts and spirits are beings that are trapped in the BARDO. What is the Bardo? The Bardo is the in-between world between realms!

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This is how it works. When we die, we spend 49 days in the Bardo. That's exactly 7 weeks! This is also why the Buddhists and Taoists pray for 49 days for people who have passed away.

3 things can happen when you are in the Bardo ...

1) You get reborn (either into human, animal or hell realm)
2) You stay trapped in the Bardo
3) You become enlightened and go on to the higher realms

Most spirits get reborn, but some get trapped in the Bardo. How does one get trapped in the Bardo?

Well, when you are too attached to life on earth, you will get trapped in the Bardo. When everyone cries and mourns your death, you may find that you are not able to let go. So it is important to say good bye and not cling to your past life when you die.

If not, you will be a slave to the King of Bardo. But what is worse since you are so attached to life on earth, is that the King of Bardo will tell you to pull in another relative. That's one reason why you notice that sometimes when a person dies, 2 or 3 weeks later, his close relative or family member also dies. This is also why a lot of prayers are needed for the dead so that they do not stay trapped in the Bardo.

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Wandering in the Bardo image source

How did Lillian know about all these? You are probably thinking she invented it all right? Well, according to Lillian, she got all these knowledge through lots of research and by learning from the Tibetan lamas and also from reading the sutras, which are the direct teachings of the Buddha.

Personally, I think it's way more complex than what Lillian explained to us during the seminar. But then, I think she did a great job in simplifying and making it easy to digest for the layman.

Lillian's advice is to live in such a way that when you die, you know HOW to die. But in the meantime, those of us still alive have a life to live. We all want a happy, smoother life and one way to achieve that is to have good feng shui. Besides good feng shui, we also need to have good Spiritual feng shui, in other words, we need to appease the spirits around us.

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The Diamond Sutra image source

Now every space has its own local spirits. They are neither good nor evil. KL has its own local spirits, Mid Valley (Lillian mentioned this since we were having the Spiritual Feng Shui seminar at The Gardens next to Mid Valley mall) has its own local spirits, and your house has its own local spirits too. Lillian said her house is a paradise to her because she always keep her local spirits happy.

In Part 3, I will share with you what kind of harm and obstacles these local spirits can do to you, and how you can actually appease them so that instead of harming you, they turn around to protect you from harm!

Possibly also in Part 3 (if the post is not too long), I will share some of these interesting stories like...
- how Lillian's guru, Lama Zopa Rinpoche changed the direction of the fire raging through the forests of California (is it magic?)
- why the Indonesian haze plaguing Malaysia may be spiritually related...
- how Lillian created the rain to wash away the haze! (magic again?) and...
- all about black magic, and which country has the deadliest black magic of them all! Can you guess?

Don't miss all these and more, in Part 3 coming soon! : )

Spiritual Feng Shui By Lillian Too (Part 1)

Posted by : foongpc | Monday, October 7, 2013 | Published in


"There are many spirits in the hall today. If you are psychic, you can see them..."

Those were among some of the opening words uttered by feng shui expert and world's best-selling feng shui writer Lillian Too during her Spiritual Feng Shui Seminar at the Gardens Hotel Ballroom in KL on the 28th July 2013.

It was a full day event and a very interesting one too! Interesting because for the very first time in Malaysia, Lillian Too were talking with us about ghosts, spirits and the cosmic world!

If you are wondering why I took such a long time to blog about this event, well, that's because I had wanted to first read Lillian's ground-breaking new book called Spiritual Feng Shui - The Vital Third Dimension. I needed to gather my thoughts too before writing this post as there were simply too many things to mention.

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It would be highly impossible for me to reveal every single thing that Lillian had talked about that day. So I shall just try to keep it simple and to the point.

But first, what is Spiritual Feng Shui? If you think Spiritual Feng Shui is all about ghosts and spirits, you are not very far behind. Yes, it's about that and more. Googling about this topic did not prove to be  very helpful. There were not many websites or information on the Internet regarding Spiritual Feng Shui.

In Lillian Too's own words, Spiritual Feng Shui is about engaging the spirits around us and living in harmony with them. If this sounds scary to you, Lillian made it worse initially by saying that not everyone can see these spirits (although she can), but it's better not to see them because some of them look very fearsome and horrific. Yikes!!

However, she was quick to tell us that first and foremost, we must NOT be afraid. Ghosts and spirits - they do exist - but we must not be scared of them. She also dispelled fears that this was about religion, that we need to convert to Buddhism to practise Spiritual Feng Shui. Instead, Spiritual Feng Shui has nothing to do with religion, but more about having faith in oneself.

For the uninitiated, there are basically three dimensions to the practice of feng shui. They are the Space dimension, Time dimension and Spiritual dimension.

Most of us who study feng shui or have some interest in feng shui are already familiar with the first two dimensions ie. Space and Time feng shui. Honestly, I had no idea about the third dimension ie. the Spiritual dimension until Lillian mentioned briefly about it during her Feng Shui Extravaganza in KL back in 2011.

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However, Spiritual Feng Shui is not a new fad or something that Lillian just discovered by accident. It was in fact, being practised by many good old feng shui practitioners especially in Hong Kong - it's just that they never talk or reveal about it. When Lillian was at the height of her career in Hong Kong back in the olden days, she noticed that many developers called in the feng shui master before they start construction work on a new building. Many thought the feng shui master was there to do the Space and Time feng shui but the truth of the matter is, he was there to bless the land and appease the spirits so that the construction could continue without any obstacles.

We have often heard about accidents and deaths happening at construction sites. Could it be that the developers had offended the spirits of the land and the surroundings when they started to dig and build?

According to Lillian, the REAL secrets to feng shui is neither the Space nor the Time dimension as practised by many modern feng shui practitioners today, but the Spiritual dimension. To her, Space feng shui is easy. It's all about compass directions, landscape, formulas, the art of placement of furniture and decorative objects, and arranging your physical space to improve the energy flow. When she first started writing her first feng shui book more than 15 years ago, Lillian talked mainly about Space feng shui.

Later, when people were familiar with Space feng shui, Lillian started to introduce Time feng shui in her books. Time feng shui is about the changes in energy with the passing of time. Most of us who were practicing Space feng shui began to realize that energy changes with time and does not stay the same forever. In other words, we have to keep updating our feng shui from time to time.

Unbeknownst to many, Lillian was already practising all three dimensions of feng shui long before that. Her meeting with Lama Zopa Rinpoche in India in 1997 was also the turning point where her interest in Spiritual feng shui was fuelled. From this very high lama of Tibetan Buddhism, she learnt many things that helped her share with us all the secrets of Spiritual Feng Shui.

According to Lillian, it was difficult to talk about Spiritual Feng Shui. Writing the book on Spiritual Feng Shui was not easy. A lot of research and years of disciplined practice were necessary before she could bring herself to share with others. I certainly have no regrets attending her seminar as I think she had successfully put it all together in a way that is comprehensive and easy to understand for the layman.

During the seminar, Lillian explained the powerful role of Spiritual Feng Shui - how it enhances the Space and Time dimensions so that our practice of feng shui is complete and is more effective. There were some interesting moments when she said she could feel the energy of the hall was very heavy as if it was crowded with spirits who were also there to listen to her talk. Lillian said this always happens when she gives all her feng shui talks. To our amusement, Lillian then proceeded to ask the spirits to give her some space, so as to lighten up the energy in the hall.

Next, Lillian introduced us to the topic of King Gesar and the Spirits of Shambhala. She equated Spiritual Feng Shui with the Spirits of Shambhala. To the Tibetans, Shambhala is a mystical paradise that is supposed to be located somewhere in Central Asia. King Gesar is the King of Shambhala.

King Gesar is also widely revered as a manifestation of the 4 Buddhas - the great Guru Rinpoche, Avalokiteshvara (the Buddha of Compassion), Vajrapani (the Buddha of Power) and Manjushri (the Buddha of Wisdom). Invoking King Gesar and chanelling the Spirit of Shambhala will help you fend off evil forces and learn profound spiritual truths. It also make your inner spirit essence or 'lung ta' strong. A strong inner spirit will prevent you from getting bad luck, being disturbed by spirits and falling victim to black magic!

Lillian also mentioned about the Kalachakra symbol. It is a principal protective symbol that keeps you safe. When worn, the Kalachakra can be seen by spirits and they will leave you alone. Lillian mentioned that The Dalai Lama, who is considered a warrior of Shambhala, has been spreading the knowledge of the Kalachakra to the world.

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Spiritual Feng Shui involves connecting with various kinds of spirits and invoking different levels of Protectors. How do we connect with the spirits? How do we invoke the cosmic protectors to protect us from harm? Lillian promised to teach us that day.

But before that, we need to know who these spirits and protectors are. We need to understand how the cosmic realms work. And THIS is where it got really interesting.

Don't miss Part 2 where I will share with you what Lillian Too taught us about the parallel worlds and the different realms of existence.

To be continued ....