Showing posts with label greetings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label greetings. Show all posts

Memories Of 2013

Posted by : foongpc | Tuesday, December 31, 2013 | Published in


Today is the last day of 2013. Tomorrow is a brand new year. A brand new beginning.

2013 had given me many memories and if there's any good time to reminisce the past 12 months, the time is now. However, they are mostly private memories so I won't be sharing them here.

Thinking about the past 12 months have somehow triggered the musical sense in me and once again, I had composed a new piano song which I shall call "Memories Of 2013". Have a listen yes? : )

Meantime, here's a short poem just for you….

To all my readers and blogger friends from far and near,
There will be no more Santa and no more reindeer,
It's a bit sad as I bid farewell to the Christmas cheer,
But as the year draws to a close I want to make this clear,
Thank you for reading my blog all these years,
Although my travel stories may not be as entertaining as Britney Spears,
And my ghost stories may not make you shiver in fear,
I do appreciate all your comments that appear here,
And so as the sun sets and the end of the year draws near,
I would like to wish every single one of you a Very Happy New Year!

Happy 2014 everyone!! : )


Posted by : foongpc | Sunday, November 20, 2011 | Published in


Today is a special day. No, it’s not my birthday.

It’s 20112011

20th November 2011. A Double Match.

It happens only once in a lifetime! You’ll never get such a number again. So I guess I would like to wish everyone a wonderful day!

If you feel a sense of deja vu reading this, that's because I posted a similar post with the exact same wordings (except for the numbers) last year. Read it HERE.

Last year, the special day was on 20th October. That gave us 20102010.

So next year it will be 20th December which gives us 20122012.

While everyone was obsessed with the number 111111 on the 11th November 2011, I was more attracted to this date 20112011. The number 111111 may sound special but according to feng shui, there is really nothing significant about this date.

There were many couples who chose this date to get married, but feng shui expert Joey Yap had tweeted that it was actually not a very good day to do so! Oh well, hopefully all the couples who got married on that day would live happily ever after and not follow the trend set by Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries! LOL! OK just kidding there!

Kim & Kris image courtesy of

Errr...don't you think Kris is too tall for Kim? Smiley

There were also many babies being born on 111111. Now that's really something cos I bet the parents would have no problem remembering their child's birthday!

Anyway, I do not consider 111111 very special as it will occur again on the 11th November 2111, which is 100 years later. Whereas 20112011 will never ever occur again anytime in the future!

Since we are talking about dates, here are some important dates coming up. Do take note of them, even if some of the dates do not concern you. *hint hint*

Dec 1st 2011- My birthday! Smiley to me!!

Dec 25th 2011- Merry Xmas! Best time of the year! Smiley

Jan 1st 2012- Happy New Year 2012!! Will this be the final year for humankind? Personally, I don't think so!

Jan 23rd & 24th 2012- Gong Xi Fa Cai! Happy Chinese New Year Of The Dragon!

Feb 1st 2012 - Federal Territory Day. PJ will get jammed badly as many KL-lites throng PJ streets and malls.

Feb 4th 2012 - The day your feng shui changes so be prepared for it!!

Feb 7th 2012 - Thaipusam Day
Feb 14th 2012 - Valentine's Day Smiley

Mar 11th 2012 - My Very First Blog's 4th anniversary! Started way back on this day and month in 2008, I have come a long way in the world of blogging! I am still loving it as blogging is my passion. And I hope to continue blogging for many, many more years to come, perhaps for life!

Apr 1st 2012 - Don't be the fool on this April Fool's Day!

Apr 30th 2012 - Last day to submit your personal income tax if you are an employee.

May 1st 2012 - Labour Day. Yay!!

May 5th 2012 - Wesak Day

July 8th - Launching of iPhone 5! This time it comes with the incredible "Beam me up Scotty" feature that will render airlines and air travel obsolete! Just kidding!

Aug 19th & 20th 2012 - Hari Raya Puasa. Yay! Will be purposely driving around KL.

Aug 30th 2012 - Hungry Ghost Day. Be careful not to roam the streets at night during Hungry Ghost month from Aug 17th till Sept 15th. Smiley

Aug 31st 2012 - National Day. Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

Sept 16th 2012 - Malaysia Day. Holiday! Holiday! Holiday!

Sept 30th 2012 - Mooncake Festival. Please donate me some durian mooncakes! Thank you.

Oct 26th 2012 - Hari Raya Haji

Nov 7th 2012 - My 3rd anniversary with Twitter! Created a Twitter account on this day and month in 2009, I have no regrets about joining Twitter and I'm loving it more and more! Come follow me on Twitter if you have not already!

Nov 13th 2012 - Deepavali

Nov 15th 2012 - Awal Muharam

Dec 1st 2012 - My birthday again!! *hint hint* Smiley

Dec 20th - It's 20122012! Awesome!

Dec 25th - Xmas Day. Merry Xmas!!

Dec 31st - Wow! We survived the Doomsday prediction! Let's celebrate!!! Smiley


A Message From Feng Shui Master Foong

Posted by : foongpc | Friday, February 12, 2010 | Published in


My dear readers from far and near,
Let Feng Shui Master Foong welcome you to the year of the Tiger!
Now according to the mystical Chinese calendar,
February 14th is the start of the Chinese new year!

So this is what I am going to blog about today,
It's all about Chinese New Year day,
I think I better blog about this without delay,
For Chinese New Year is just 2 days away!

Oh, I know some of you are just so excited!
While some of you will simply be uninterested!
But since you are here why not read my every single word?
Even if you think this post is a little screwed up and over-rated!

According to Feng Shui Master Lillian Too,
This coming year is best to always wear blue,
And don't travel too much like some blogger called fufu,
Or you just might catch the H1N1 flu!

Of course I am just kidding here,
Those are not the words of a feng shui master,
Travel all you want and have no fear,
In this coming year of the Tiger!

We all know February 14th is a very special day,
Besides Chinese New Year, it's also Valentine's Day,
It's the day where lovers get to display,
Their affection for each other much to my dismay!

So what do you think of Valentine's Day?
Falling on the same day as Chinese New Year day?
Some of you may think it's doomsday!
While others hope they can celebrate like this everyday!

Whether you like Valentine's Day or not,
It all depends whether you date is hot,
Or worse, it depends whether you have a date or not,
One thing's for sure, florists and restaurants love this day a lot!

What is your favourite food during Chinese New Year?
Mine is yee sang, pineapple tarts, arrowheads and prawn crackers,
Not to mention mandarin oranges, nian gao, peanut cookies and love letters!
Gosh! Just thinking about these food is enough to trigger my hunger!

Friends asked me if I would be going back to my hometown,
I replied "You must be nuts to think that I will be staying around!"
I am so excited to go back I am jumping up and down!
If you must know, Petaling Jaya where I'm staying now is my hometown! : D

So to all my Chinese friends, readers and bloggers,
Are you ready to usher in the Year Of The Tiger?
With lion dance, firecrackers and Tiger Beer?
If yes, let me wish you all now and here,
Gong Xi Fa Cai and a Very Happy Chinese New Year!

PS: For first time readers and visitors to my blog, I would like to clarify that I am NOT a feng shui master : )


The Corniest Pick-Up Lines Ever!

Posted by : foongpc | Friday, February 13, 2009 | Published in


Since tomorrow is Valentine's Day, I thought I would like to share with you all some of the corniest pick-up lines and love quotes I found on the Internet. You would have probably came across some of them. In any case, just sit back and enjoy....

"Is your dad a terrorist? Because baby, you're the bomb."

"Do you have a map? I seem to be lost in your eyes."

"You're like a Snickers bar - you satisfy me."

"Are you tired? Because you've been running through my mind all day long."

"If I could rearrange the letters of the alphabet, I would put U and I closer together."

"Your clothes would look really nice wrinkled up on my bedroom floor."

"I seem to have lost my number, can I have yours?"

"I heard you like raisins, what about a date?"

You say: "I'm sorry, but you owe me a drink."
She says: "Why?"
You say: "Because I dropped mine when I looked at you."

"Baby did you fart, coz you blow me away."

"When I saw your face I thought I died and went to heaven."

"Your lips look so lonely, would they like to meet mine?"

"Hey! Can you empty your pockets out...because i believe you stole my heart..."

"My name is [insert name here], but you can call me tonight."

"The word is legs. Can you spread the word?"

"Is there a ninja in your pants? Cos YOUR ASS IS KICKIN!"

"I've heard sex is a killer. Wanna die happy?"

"Now f*** me if I'm wrong, but is your name Chuck?"

"The body is made up of 90% water and I'm thirsty."

"Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk past you again?"

"I know somebody who likes you, but if I weren’t so shy, I’d tell you who."

"I’ve been wondering.... Do your lips taste as good as they look?"

But be careful if you intend to use any of those corny pick-up lines. You don't want to get these responses!

Boy: "I would go to the end of the world for you..."
Girl: "Oh..Nice....then would you stay there for me as well?"

"My life was completely grey without colours till you appear.... it is totally dark now."

Boy : "If tomorrow is the end of the world, I would want to be with you."
Girl : "Why?"
Boy : "Because being with you for one day, it feels like a long, long time. So boring!"


Welcome To The Year Of The Ox!

Posted by : foongpc | Sunday, January 25, 2009 | Published in


To all my blogger friends and loyal readers,
Let me welcome you to the Year Of The Ox!
Where Lillian Too says opportunity knocks,
As if good luck comes all wrapped up in a box!

Oh, I don't mean you'll be starting a shop selling Crocs,
Or making lots of money from your blogs,
Or even dabble in plenty of stocks,
And think the market you can outfox!

You will still be working and slogging like dogs,
And not try to do anything unorthodox.
Like becoming a singer but only sings at Redbox,
Or working as waiters and waitresses serving whiskey on the rocks!

When Lillian Too says opportunity knocks,
I think she means opportunity to eat lots!
During this Chinese New Year Of The Ox,
So let's be happy eating but if you are a flogger remember to take some shots!

I hope you don't spend the holidays in front of the idiot box,
Watching movies on Astro starring Jamie Foxx,
Or reruns of Family Ties with Michael J. Fox,
And Friends starring Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox.

Since you'll be eating lots don't forget your morning jogs,
And of course after the holidays are over you really need to detox!
Now hear me right when I say detox,
It's detox - not Botox! : )

Anyway if you think my poem rocks,
Please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts,
And do wish me lots and lots,
Of angpows in this Year Of The Ox!