Showing posts with label events and happenings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label events and happenings. Show all posts

A Relaxing Morning At Putrajaya Floria 2013 (Part 3)

Posted by : foongpc | Monday, July 15, 2013 | Published in


Continued from Part 2

After almost two hours walking in the hot sun, it was a big relief to enter the indoor Floral Pavilion for some air-conditioning comfort!

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But first, I took some photos of the garden outside the Floral Pavilion.

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Very colorful, no?

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The floral 'tunnel' entrance into the Floral Pavilion.

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The Floral Pavilion showcased a wide assortment of exquisite flower species featured in softscape and hardscape designs by both local and foreign participants.

The first attraction I looked at was the Wall Decoration.

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Below is a wall decoration from Indonesia which won the Silver award.

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This won the Bronze award. If not mistaken, I think it's the work of a Malaysian.

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This one was from Korea which won the Gold award.

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This entry from Malaysia won the Special Jury Pavilion Award.

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Next, I walked over to the Water Feature Garden attraction. Below are pictures from those who won awards. I did not record down the winners' names and from which country they came from, unfortunately.

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Another attraction was Event Decoration - Dining Setting 

This one from Malaysia won the Gold Award.

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Another Malaysian entry but did not win any awards.

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This entry from the Philippines won the Silver Award.

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An entry from Shangri-la Putrajaya won the Bronze award.

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Another category is Event Decoration - Pelamin. The one below from Malaysia won the Bronze award.

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This entry also from Malaysia won the Merit Award.

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Do you like it?

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Another attraction was Potted Dish Garden.

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I was not particularly impressed except for this one.  Thought it was very creative to use those spoons!

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Next to the Potted Dish Garden was the Body Flower category whereby mannequins were dressed up in flowers.

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This one won the Silver award.

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Whereas this one below won the Gold. Forgot to note down which countries the participants were from.

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In the centre of the Floral Pavilion hall, I saw something interesting. There was a 'bridge' structure filled with orchids on the sides leading towards 3 mascots on a 'flying carpet'!

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The 3 mascots on a flying carpet.

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Walking past the flying carpet was the Dolphin Sea World.

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I like it! Besides the dolphins, there were lots of underwater fishes and other sea creatures together with underwater plants.

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More photos below ....

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Cute octopus!

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Plants and fishes

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Next to Dolphin Sea World was my favorite - Panda World!

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There were two giant pandas here! This is one of them.

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The panda could move! As you can see, it had turned its head. I should have taken a video of this moving panda!

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This is the other panda on the other side with the giant globe on top.

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Didn't quite like that red lights shining onto the panda's face. Spoilt my photo! LOL!

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This panda could also move. As you can see it had turned its head : )

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Next, I continued with another attraction - Floral Art.

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Here are some of the more beautiful ones. Which one you like best?

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This one looks pretty interesting.

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Close shot.

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Since the theme for this year's Putrajaya Floria is 'Orchid - Tropical Treasure', there was a showcase of orchid displays by orchid societies from around the world.


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Could not resist taking a closer shot of this cute koala bear with the baby koala!

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South Africa

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I think I missed out on Singapore and Italy since there were quite a number of people posing for photos there. No patience to wait for them!

Next, I walked over to the floral displays by associations and schools.

I really like this one by the Malaysian Council For Rehabilitation & Abilympics. Very creative!!

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Look at these pretty flowers in egg shells!

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Flowery socks and creative use of twigs and branches for the wheel!

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More photos ...

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Love this socks!

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Creative use of the brush to symbolise a person holding a placard.

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Top marks to the Malaysian Council For Rehabilitation & Abilympics!

This is a giant bird image built from flowers by the International Heliconia Society.

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Not sure what to make up of this design by the World Flower Design Center.

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Finally, there's a section on International Floral Design. I did not take pictures of them all, just two that impressed me.

This is floral design from Korea.

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And this one by Kenya.

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All in all, the exhibition on flowers and floral designs at this indoor Floral Pavilion was pretty interesting. I have no regrets visiting Putrajaya Floria 2013 - the trip was worth it.

So anyone going Putrajaya Floria 2014 next year? : )