Sweet and tart with delicious layers of pudding, rhubarb, and crumble.
My sister-in-law, Chantal, requested that I make this Rhabarber Pudding Kuchen mit Streusel (Rhubarb Pudding Cake with Streusel) when she came in for a visit in April. I was totally onboard after having made a few rhubarb treats in March. I had vanilla sugar and she brought some custard mix and it was on like Donkey Kong. I had to take some creative liberties with the recipe to figure it out because the original recipe was in German but didn't have as many details as I had hoped for. I originally let the cake cool at room temperature and then removed the springform ring. But that turned out a little messy. I then put it in the fridge with the ring back on it and it worked way better. So I highly suggest keeping it in the springform pan until completely cooled.
The crumble crust was fantastic. The rhubarb was sweet and tart. The pudding was excellent too. It was the most wonderful combination of layers for a cake.