Showing posts with label Chili. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chili. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Spicy Touchdown Chili

A three meat chili with beans, tomatoes, and a good kick of jalapeno and cayenne will warm you right up!

I thought I would put this spicy chili on the meal plan in hopes it would be spicy because I have some spicelords in the house who have very high spice tolerances and sometimes when things claim to be "spicy", they aren't spicy enough. I will say that this was the perfect amount of heat. You have hot Italian sausage, Rotel, jalapeno, and cayenne in it. My family likes beans in our chili, although I've heard there are people who don't like it. This is such a hearty recipe and it makes a good amount - I want to say we ended up freezing some of ours.

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Best Chili Ever

Bacon makes everything better including this chili!

 I like trying new chili recipes and I feel like I often stumble upon a lot of "best ever" "family favorite" "world's best" type recipes and one of these days I need to do a huge chili cook off and find the best best one. I really like this one because of the added flavor the bacon adds and the added smokiness from the ancho chili powder and smoked paprika. Nothing too crazy and out of the ordinary, but a super solid recipe!

Friday, September 04, 2020

Cheesy Ground Beef Enchilada Chili

This enchilada chili can be made more like a soup or even more like a dip - depending on what you want!

I posted my first pumpkin recipe of the season on Wednesday, but another reason I'm excited for fall is that I get to share soup recipes again. My family eats soup or chili each Wednesday, even throughout the summer, but I try to be a little more seasonal here on the blog. I want good recipes to get the right attention, so it makes more sense to post soup when people want soup! This chili is more soup-like to me, but the original recipe noted to add 1/2 cup each beef and chicken broth to make it thicker or even omit the broths altogether for a dip. It has so much flavor for such a simple recipe.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Chili Cheese Fries Pizza

Carbs on carbs, this pizza is topped with chili cheese fries and is EVERYTHING!

Sometimes I get a little weary that my husband and kids might look at me like I'm crazy when I pick a recipe for the meal plan that's a little out there. This is definitely a recipe that I would say is out there but in the best way. Who would think to make pizza topped with chili cheese fries? Chili cheese fries are already so dang good! I wasn't sure I was going to be a fan of fries on a pizza, but I was so wrong. Fries on pizza is a game changer. I didn't want to mess with making chili, so I used Skyline chili in the can (beanless) and it was the best decision because there was no choosing between Skyline, fries, or pizza - you get them all!

Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Slow Cooked Chicken Fajita Chili

Chicken fajitas turned into a slow-cooked chili to warm you up on chilly days!

Slow Cooked Chicken Fajita Chili #recipe #chili #chicken #maindish #crockpot #slowcookers

I adore when I can throw meals into the crockpot and I find that I really enjoy pretty much every single chicken crockpot meal I have made. We don't eat a lot of chili and when we do, I only have a couple chili recipes that I turn to. Most all of them are beef chili, so it's really nice to have a chicken recipes for chili. And I love that this recipe is reminiscent of fajitas with that lovely fajita seasoning in it!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Titletown Tailgate Chili

Even if you aren't at a game, this chili is going to be a hit for your whole crew!

Titletown Tailgate Chili // Even if you aren't at a game, this chili is going to be a hit for your whole crew! #recipe #chili #beef #gameday

If you need a chili for tailgating, this one is perfect! The original recipe was double the amount I made, but since I was just making it for dinner, I didn't need enough to feed a crowd. It still made a ton of chili and that was just fine by me. I love chili leftovers because the flavor just gets better as they get to meld together. If you like a spicier chili, feel free to add more jalapenos to the pot. And don't forget the cornbread muffin!

Titletown Tailgate Chili // Even if you aren't at a game, this chili is going to be a hit for your whole crew! #recipe #chili #beef #gameday

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Copycat Petros

This is not just a Frito pie -- it's Knoxville's gourmet version and you have got to try it!
Copycat Petros // This is not just a Frito pie -- it's Knoxville's gourmet version and you have got to try it! #recipe #Petros #chili #onepot

I am unbelievably excited to share this recipe because it is native to my hometown: KNOXVILLE!! :) In 1982 at the World's Fair, a couple from Spokane, Washington decided to make a gourmet version of a popular football treat: chili and onions poured over corn chips (in the bag). Joe and Carol Schoentrup added cheddar and Monterey Jack cheese, tomato, green onion, sour cream, and hot sauce to the chili, onions, and corn chips combo. The World's Fair had an energy theme that year, so the dish was dubbed a "Petro" as a nod to petroleum. The Petro's Chili and Chips "restaurant" started up in a food court in our very own West Town Mall in 1992. It's a really small chain, but I honestly didn't realize it was a Knoxville thing until I went to make this recipe.

I first visited Knoxville when I was in 4th grade - back in 1998. We came down to visit my stepdad's family for Christmas. I remember getting Petro's for the first time (and Baskin Robbins) and it being the best mall food I had ever had. I thought having chili over Fritos was GENIUS. I still think so. I haven't had a legit Petro in years upon years, even though I have lived in Knoxville around 11 years (minus the 6 or so years I missed due to military life). I knew it'd be like pulling an arm and a leg to get Nick to choose Petro's over anything else if we ate fast food, so when I was craving it, I decided homemade was the way to go.

Copycat Petros // This is not just a Frito pie -- it's Knoxville's gourmet version and you have got to try it! #recipe #Petros #chili #onepot

My green onions spoiled by the time I made it, so I was unfortunately without, but they would have been there because they are so good on it. You can also do black olives, salsa, and jalapenos, if you want.

Sunday, October 02, 2016

Oktoberfest Chicken Chili #SundaySupper

The perfect chili to eat while celebrating the great beer fest that is Oktoberfest.
Oktoberfest Chicken Chili // The perfect chili to eat while celebrating the great beer fest that is Oktoberfest. #SundaySupper #chili #Oktoberfest

Today's Sunday Supper event is all about OKTOBERFEST and hosted by Cricket of Cricket's Confections. I actually have a few German recipes in my post queue, but decided to go the non-German heavy route and post this recipe for a twist on the classic family favorite of chicken chili. There are 3 different Schnitzel recipes coming at some point and some Apfelkuchen (apple cake)...and I have decided upon a German recipe for my Secret Recipe Club post this month too. But for now, I cannot reveal what that is.

I've only recently started eating German cuisine [and learning the German language] and definitely love it so far. My brother-in-law is newly married to a German girl and she has integrated into our big loud family so quickly and we adore her. She's been sharing lots of her favorite foods with us, so I'm excited to check out the recipes that are on the list at the end of this post from my fellow Sunday Supper movement pals - they certainly look more authentic than my post for today.

Oktoberfest Chicken Chili // The perfect chili to eat while celebrating the great beer fest that is Oktoberfest. #SundaySupper #chili #Oktoberfest

This chicken chili has classic flavors that I love plus the addition of cinnamon that reminds me so very much of Cincinnati Chili (which is Greek based). But the Oktoberfest beer really makes the whole dish. Nick adores Oktoberfest beer and we end up getting nearly every brand out there of it. Once when he was deployed through the fall and wasn't going to be home, I bought so much Sam Adams Oktoberfest beer and stored it in our basement for his return. LOL. I hope that even though it's no where near traditional German cuisine that y'all try this yummy dish out. It's the perfect autumn dinner!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Chili Cheese Tatortot Casserole

Chili Cheese Tatortot Casserole | This casserole/hotdish is for all you chili cheese fry-lovin' folks! No condensed soup needed! #recipe #casserole #hotdish

I grew up eating tatortot hotdish (we call it hotdish in Minnesota)...I posted my mom's recipe on the blog in the very beginning of Fantastical: here. Then I tried a recipe that used cheddar cheese soup and broccoli: here. My husband and his family had never had tatortot hotdish, but I made it and turned them into believers. I made this recipe shortly after I moved down to Knoxville - while I was staying with my in laws until we bought our house. What I really love about this one, other than the amazing flavors (think chili cheese fries!) that there is NO condensed soup in it. It's been a few years now where I don't really cook with condensed soup anymore, so it's nice to keep the trend going :)

Chili Cheese Tatortot Casserole | This casserole/hotdish is for all you chili cheese fry-lovin' folks! No condensed soup needed! #recipe #casserole #hotdish

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Famous Chili

Your friends and family will rave about your fabulous chili when you make this Famous Chili #beef #chili #recipe

I absolutely love chili, but I've never really found a recipe for regular chili that makes me go "WOW!" and want to tell everyone about it. I do love our non-regular chili: Skyline and Jalapeno Popper Turkey Chili...but I think it's important to have a normal beef and bean chili recipe too. I did not have any real expectations going into this recipe. I've tried quite a few chili recipes only to be disappointed or underwhelmed by the results.

But man oh man! This recipe definitely surprised me! I'm not sure why it's called famous, but I have to assume it's because somewhere along the line the friends of the recipe creator were like "You HAVE to try Lulabelle's famous chili!!"...yep. I'm gonna go ahead and say the recipe creator's name is Lulabelle. ;)

Your friends and family will rave about your fabulous chili when you make this Famous Chili #beef #chili #recipe

Although it is warming up for the summer (we've had days of 50s here in New York, but I know some of y'all are in the 80s and 90s - jealous!!), I still enjoy a bowl of chili on a rainy cooler summer day.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Jalapeno Popper Turkey Chili

Jalapeno Popper Turkey Chili | Without a doubt, the best chili recipe there is!

Jalapeno Popper Turkey Chili | Without a doubt, the best chili recipe there is!

In rare form, I have made this at least four times in the last few months. This rarely ever happens except in the case of having homemade pepperoni pizza a few times a month. I took it to a chili lunch in November to celebrate a unit's one-year DUI-free milestone (not my husband's unit, another within the battalion) and it was gone first out of all the crocks of chili and everyone was asking for seconds. Needless to say, a huge hit! I made it a week later for the company's Family Readiness Group meeting, which is really just the soldiers at this point, and was complimented by the self-proclaimed expert on chili that I may have matched the greatness of his own chili. Again...huge hit. Everyone loved it. I made it once more before Nick came home because it really is JUST. THAT. GOOD! Of course, this was the first thing I made for Nick for dinner when he got home because it's jalapeno popper and chili and that is just the most perfect thing to serve someone who has gone 8 months without soup night and good food returning home to a horrible ice storm wasteland! He also loved it.

Basically, what I'm saying here is that this is the very best chili ever in existence!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Frito Chili Pie

The first time I had frito pie was when I moved to Tennessee and had Petro's. At the time (in 2000), it was a huge thing in East TN at the very least. Everyone loved Petro's and talked about getting them. I was like..."What on earth is Petro's?" I thought it was a gas station or something. I was very confused. Then I found out it was chili served over Fritos and topped with cheese and sour cream and all kinds of goodness. Of course, it was a yummy food experience and I've been hooked ever since.

P Diddly Dub's recipe for it has a great combination of spices and it's one of the best, if not THE best, frito pies I've ever had. If you've never had frito pie, you should absolutely try it. The chili is just amazing over the top of the crunchy, salty corn chips. I love mine with cheddar, onion, and sour cream, but the toppings can easily be switched up!
Frito Chili Pie - this recipe has an amazing combination of flavors and is sure to be a hit! #maindish #chili

Monday, October 01, 2012

Secret Recipe Club: A Tribute Post

The online world can be a rollercoaster. There are lots of negative people or people who hide behind their computers bullying other people or just being vicious for the "fun" of it. The blogging community can be competitive and at times, be full of drama, however, one place I have always found to be really peaceful is Secret Recipe Club.

Secret Recipe Club
Secret Recipe Club is full of members who are from all different ages, races, and walks of life. It's amazing to be a part of such a diverse group - especially one that is such a positive force. I don't think I've ever seen anyone be catty or rude.

A few weeks ago, we found out that one of the members had passed away. Daniel Saraga of The Herring and the Haggis was always helping anyone with a question (especially when it was a techy question) and so very polite. My thoughts go out to his wife, 2 boys, and little one on the way and all of his family and friends. It's clear that he was very well loved and such a great guy. His wife posted her eulogy on their blog [view it here] and again, he was so very well loved!

April and my fellow group hostesses decided to do a tribute day to honor Daniel and his love of cooking. Today, you can visit many other SRC bloggers and see their The Haggis & The Herring dishes.

I instantly went with Daniel's Deer Beer Pumpkinhead Chili. I've been wanting to make deer chili for the longest time and try pumpkin in a savory dish. This was an unbelievably perfect autumn meal.

Deer Beer Pumpkinhead Chili
What you need:
  • 3 Tbsp. canola or olive oil [divided]
  • 1/2 lb. ground venison - I used a full pound
  • 2 onions, finely chopped
  • 2 potatoes, peeled and diced
  • 8 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 to 2 jalapeno peppers, chopped
  • 1 bottle beer - we used Hoegaarden (a wheat beer)
  • 1 Tbsp. paprika
  • 1 Tbsp. cumin
  • 2 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. cayenne
  • 1 tsp. sea salt
  • 1 1/2 cups pumpkin puree
  • 1 (6 oz.) can tomato paste
  • 3 cups chicken stock
  • 1 (28 oz.) can diced tomatoes
  • 1 can romano beans - I used navy beans    
  1. Use 1 Tbsp of the oil and heat over medium-high in a Dutch oven. Brown venison. Remove from pot and set aside.
  2. Add other 2 Tbsp oil to pot and add onion and potato. Cook until onions are soft, about 8 minutes.
  3. Add garlic and cook for another minute.
  4. Deglaze pot with beer and reduce for 10 minutes.
  5. Add jalapeno, paprika, cumin, cinnamon, cayenne, salt, pumpkin puree, and tomato paste. Simmer for a minute.
  6. Add venison, chicken stock, and beans. Bring to a boil, then turn down to medium-low and simmer for 1 1/2 hours. Stir every so often! 

{Click here to see what blog hops I participate in}

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Buffalo Chicken Chili

Every once in a while, I'll be surprised by a recipe I have absentmindedly collected. I knew I had a buffalo chili recipe, but I really didn't realize that it was a crockpot recipe! Can you say SCORE?! I love crockpot recipes in the summer! This was a quick, effortless chili to make and the buffalo flavor came through without being overwhelmingly spicy.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tennessee Pride Country Chili

My friend, Heidi, gave us a bunch of deer meat a few weeks ago. We have been putting deer in everything, so in this recipe I subbed the ground beef with ground deer. Also, we're in lame New York and do not get Tennessee Pride sausage, so I just used Jimmy Dean and cried about how much I missed Tennessee. Although right now, I'm in Tennessee on vacation, but at the time I made it...I was in NY. But I digress...this was one of the very best chilis I've had. We used the spicy sausage to add more heat. It was great! 

Monday, April 02, 2012

Wendy's Chili

I previously tried a copycat recipe for Wendy's chili and it failed miserably. This one was a lot closer, although next time I may try jalapenos instead of green bells for a little kick :)

(Printable Version)
Recipe from

What you need:
  • 2 lbs. ground beef
  • 1 qt. tomato juice
  • 1 (29 oz.) can tomato puree
  • 1 (15 oz.) can red beans, drained
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 1/2 cup diced celery
  • 1/4 cup diced green pepper
  • 1/4 cup chili powder
  • 1 tsp. cumin
  • 1 1/2 tsp. garlic powder
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 tsp. black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp. oregano
  • 1/2 tsp. sugar
  • 1/8 tsp. cayenne
  1. Brown ground beef in a skillet, draining after done.
  2. Place all ingredients into a large pot. Cover and simmer for 1 to 1/2 hours, stirring every 15 minutes.
  3. Top with cheese and serve with crackers. 
{Click here to see what blog hops I participate in}

    Thursday, March 29, 2012

    Chili Dogs

    I made this recipe for my son's 5th birthday a few weeks ago. He is a huge hot dog lover and I am a huge chili dog lover. I figured I could make the chili for me, my husband, and my daughter. Only my husband and I ate the chili, but that's perfectly fine. I really loved this chili - it reminds me (and hubs agreed) of Skyline A LOT...and as you all may well know, we love our Skyline {Skyline Copycat, Cincinnati Chili #1, Cincinnati Chili #2}. The only thing that was really different was that it didn't have cocoa powder like Skyline does.

    Oh and due to a lovely recipe {Oven Hot Dogs}, I am now a total mayo-on-hot-dogs lover! Like I needed something else to add mayonnaise to?!

    (Printable Version)
    What you need:
    • 4 tbsp. butter
    • 1 yellow onion, finely diced (plus some for topping)
    • 2 tbsp. chili powder 
    • 2 tbsp. paprika
    • 1/2 tsp. ground allspice
    • 1/2 tsp. curry powder
    • 1 tsp. dry mustard
    • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
    • salt
    • 1 lb. ground beef
    • 1 1/4 cups water
    • Hot dogs
    • Hot dog buns
    • Toppings: mustard, mayo, relish, onions, cheese, etc.
    Melt butter in a large skillet with diced onion. Cook until translucent, trying not to brown the onions.

    Add your spices to the onions; mix well.

    Add ground beef and water, working to crumble it up as finely as possible.
    Simmer for 30 to 45 minutes on medium heat, stirring occasionally.

    Cook your hot dogs when chili is almost done - boil, nuke, fry, grill - choose your method!
    Serve chili over hot dogs and top with your favorite toppings!

      {Click here to see what blog hops I participate in}

      Monday, August 22, 2011

      Super Easy Chicken Chili

      The original recipe called for 2 tbsp of cayenne. I thought that was a bit much for me and my kids, who are kind of wusses when it comes to spicy food.