Showing posts with label contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contest. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Bananalicious2 - my results!
  If you're in this hobby, you know Massive Voodoo, of course, the incredible monkey gang from Germany. Since my first days in hobby they influenced on my painting - with their blog with tons of wonderful articles about all in the hobby - theory and practice, with their stunning works, which always were as an example for me for super quality painting and crazy-idea-base-building. 
   I was lucky to meet some members of MV team in my life and spent several days with them. Now I'm talking about Roman and Raffa, who are, to my mind, an engine of all team. I'll always keep in my heart those two days of private coaching with you, your hospitality and alacrity to share with all your knowledge with us.
  And now I want to thank you again for Bananalicious2. You've done the biggest on-line contest in our hobby-world and did it twice)! Thank you for all that time, spending with mails, pictures and discussions, I can't even imagine how hard it was. And it's a honor to me to participate in such event and especially win some prizes, because the competition was really brutal!

   Also I want thanks Toni, the owner of army which won silver on this contest. We're working about two years together for creating Space Eldar army (and doing it now - with new units). I am grateful for all your ideas in painting and conversions, and for this commission at all. It's a big work in my painting life.

  And, of course, I want to thanks Peter, the owner of Harlequin Wraithlord. His wonderful and sad  story about eldar twins inspires me for the greatest work in this year. It was so interesting to solve that task and embody Peter's history on the real model, to show all that he wrote about. And I'm so happy that Wraithlord won "The best of show"! It means that I've done all right and other people can see the history in the model. 

 So my result in Bananalicious is:
Army Painting - silver
Fantasy Master - gold 
Best of show
Best of Master categories
  I'm very proud of it, because much time has passed since the last international contest where I took a part. And this small win lights my heart and inspires for new interesting projects!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Military-historical exhibition in TM-club store in Moscow 2014

   And again in this year I took a part in the Military-historical exhibition in TM-club store in Moscow. The quantity (and quality) of works in Fantasy category shows the interest of fantasy painters in this contest. So the contest organizers divided one category (accordingly to rules) on two: fantasy 28 mm and fantasy vignettes. So we have twice more prizes! 
   I was lucky to get two: silver in fantasy 28 mm and gold in fantasy vignettes. So here they are:

2nd place in fantasy 28 mm - Nekhar the Ecstatic

1st place in fantasy vignettes - Ariadna Chasseurs ("Сaught by light flash")

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Edele of Aelfheim ("Practice time")

  I've painted this miniature for WAMP Red Box Games painting contest 2013. Contest is ahead so let's see how it will be fight in it.
  At the last time I can't stop and paint simple single miniature especially if this miniature is interesting. I want to create something more, some kind of story, action. The same was here - the miniature was "overgrown" with a big base and a lot of details: autumn forest, pierced rats, bird and apples, and so on. So "The Practice time" was born. Frankly speaking, it turned out a little bit bloodthirsty, but it seems to reflect my current mood ).
  When I going to visit Poland Hussar 2013 I've decided to take this work with me. I'm so glad that it takes place as a finalist in the strongest category - Single Fantasy.

  Я покрасила эту миниатюру для очередного конкурса на WAMP'e - RedBox games 2013. Конкурс еще впереди, посмотрим, как она будет сражаться чуть позднее.
   В последнее время чувствую, что при покраске интересных мне миниатюр различных производителей становиться все сложнее остановиться и покрасить просто миниатюру на маленькой подставке. Все время хочется сделать нечто большее, создать какую нибудь историю, действие. Так и здесь, во время работы миниатюра "обросла" довольно большой базой с кучей деталей: подстреленными крысами и яблочками, птичкой, осенним лесом и так далее. Вот и получилось "Время потренироваться". Честно говоря, вышло немного кровожадно, но, видимо, так попало под настроение ).
  Собираясь в Польшу на Hussar 2013, я не удержалась и прихватила работу с собой. Я очень польщена, что в наисильнейшей категории Одиночная Фентези она смогла занять место в шестерке финалистов.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hussar 2013

 Ok, I've just returned from Poland full with emotions and want to write a very brief post before I'll calm down ).
  First, it was a really strong competition especially in two categories: Single fantasy and Large Models (monsters, busts and so on). There were a lot of amazing works! It is worth to go there to see such beauty!
  Second,  I so wanted to see the Poland painting community "face to face", to look at their painting "stars". And I've got a great pleasure to meet them all in reality! It was so interesting and exciting!
  My special congratulatoin to all winners on this contest and especially to Stefan (Skelettet S) for his overall! 

  Я только что вернулась из Польши, полная эмоций и впечатлений, и, пока не успокоилась, напишу коротенький отчет о поездке.
  Во-первых, что хочется сказать, что уровень работ на конкурсе был впечатляющий. Особенно шокировали две категории - Одиночная Фентези и Большие модели. Огромное количество потрясающих работ! Действительно, стоило туда съездить, чтобы увидеть это собственными глазами!
  Во-вторых, я очень хотела увидеть польское коммьюнити "в живую", посмотреть на звезд покрасочного мира. И было очень приятно встретить их в реальной жизни!
  Мои поздравления всем победителям конкурса, и особенно - Стефану  (Skelettet S) за его оверолл!

  I have a little bit pics of works from there. I'm sure that later you can see a lot of them in good quality on different sourses, but what I have right now:
 У меня есть немного фотографий с мероприятия. Я уверена, что в сети вскоре будут выкладываться более информативные альбомы, но пока у меня есть вот это:
Gold in Fantasy single

To my mind it was Bronze (left) and silver (right) (by Artur Żołędowski) in Fantasy single
Gold in Unit
Silver in unit (by Kirill Kanaev)
Silver in Large Models (by Karol Rudyk)
Gold in Large Models  and overall (by Stefan Johnsson)

Stefan and Mike participate in speed painting competition )
You can find more information here:
Больше информации:
Łukasz Mazur's photos

I had three enties in this contest. Two of them became finalists in Single Fantasy and War Machine categories. All of them are new works and I will publish them later.  
Я участвовала в трех категориях. В двух из них я получила место финалиста (Одиночная Фентези и Боевые Машины). Все работы были новые, я их опубликую чуть попозже.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

USA Games Day 2013

 In this year I was lucky to visit USA Games Day 2013 which took place in Memphis, Tennessee, July, 27.
 If I'll say that I like this event - I'll say nothig. I'm sure that this farytale will stay with me for all my life.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Shimmer leaping half drow female. HassleFree

It was a hard choice for the miniature for The Spring Angel from the Russian Alternative. I wanted to paint a rider but it doesn't match for the rules. Suddenly I saw an on-line competition on WAMP forum with HassleFree miniatures. One of it - Shimmer - was waiting for my hands for two eyars and it was a good chance to give it a life. This is my first miniature of this manufacturer and I got a really great pleasure to paint it.
The idea of big tree was born from a stick under her feet. It was my second expirience of tree-building, first was in the Wolf's DenIt went all the easier, and a frame was made of a thin wire, and the texture of the bark turned out smaller.  
  I choose a "forest" color scheme. In this case I had to do focus on the head / face of the character, despite its camouflage. A bright-red hair helped me to do it.
Shimmer is a good fighter: the third place in this wonderful competition from Russian Alternative and the first place on the WAMP forum.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Results of The Crystal Hammer 2013

The Crystal Hammer 2013 took place at 29, June in Moscow as a part of  the annual Moscow Games Day.
Everything went as usual: lots of board games, a bit of miniatures, several game tables. In principle, you could find something to occupy yourself for a holiday. But all spoil a few points: 35 degree heat, the room without air conditioning and no chairs to "sit down." In the end I felt in a fog and was
in a strange state of my mind at the awards ceremony at five o'clock.
Showcases were placed really bad because of rear lighting so it was hard to look at the works (no words about the photography). Thank you so much for Yarik's first photo report, where you can see some of the prizes! I took some photo and insert it in my list untill I'll find the official photos.

However, here are the results of the last contest

 1: Single  Science Fiction

1. Nadezhda Reka
2. Zaytzev Vitaly
3. Usachev Alexey

  2: Unit Science Fiction

1. Marina Ainagoz
2. Nadezhda Reka
3. Yaroslav Dmitriev

  3: Vehicles  and Monsters Science Fiction

1. Marina Ainagoz
Nomad Lizard
2. Yaroslav Dmitriev
3. Mikhail Starov

  4: Single Fantasy и Steampunk

1. Nadezhda Reka
Empire General
 2. Marina Ainagoz
3. Yaroslav Dmitriev

  5: Unit Fantasy и Steampunk

1. Sergey Gybin
2. Kataurov Alexander
3. Nadezhda Reka

  6: Monsters Fantasy и Steampunk

1. Marina Ainagoz
Nemesis Clone
2. Nadezhda Reka 
Lord of Tzeentch on Disc
3.  Sergey Gybin

  7: Single historic  28 mm

1. Yakimov Alexandr
2.  Usachev Alexey

3. Stalbovsky Vladimir

8:  Unit historic

1.  Usachev Alexey

  9: Vehicles and beasts historic 28mm

1. Mikhail Starov

10:  Duel!

1.Mikhail Starov

  11: Diorama

1. Nadezhda Reka
The Wolf's Den
2.  Kataurov Alexander
3. Sergey Gusev

  12: Open

1. Kataurov Alexander
2. Nadezhda Reka
Nekhar the Ecstatic
 3. Ponomarev Denis

  13: Dystopian Gothic Firestorm Battle Fleet 

1. Marina Ainagoz

2.  Usachev Alexey

3. Ershov Daniil

INFINITY Best on show

Marina Ainagoz

Absolute Winner

Nadezhda Reka
Well I got to the next step in my creative way - Absolute Winner  at Crystal Hammer 2013. A couple of years ago I could only dream of it!. This means one thing: desire, hard work and your dreams will come true! Good luck!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Results of The Spring Angel 2013

  The Spring Angel took place in Moscow last Saturday It was really a great event in our community!  The judges were the same again: Ben Komets, Matt Cexwish and Jose Manuel Palomares Nuñez. And this year we met a foreign patisipants: Dervish and Volomir, whose works had created a very strong competition.
  I'll find a good pics of works later, because most of them aren't officially published yet. So here are the results:

Category 1: Single fantasy
1st place: Dmitry Fesechko (Lynx)  gallery  facebook - more pics
2nd place: Marina Ainagoz (Ringil)  CMON
3d place:  Nadezhda Reka (River) CMON

 Category 2: Single Sci-Fi
1st place: Rafael Garcia Marin (Volomir)  CMON
2nd place: Kirill Kanaev (Yellow one)   CMON 
3d place:  Nadezhda Reka (River) CMON

Category 3: Monster fantasy

1st place: Dmitry Fesechko (Lynx)  gallery  facebook - more pics
2nd place: Marina Ainagoz (Ringil)  CMON

3d place:  Yury  (Gruumsh) CMON
more pics
 Category 4:Vehicle
1st place:  Denis Dubanevich (4K)  Alpha Legion
Iron Warriors Decimator
2nd place: Michail (Savier)  CMON

3d place:  Yury (Gruumsh) CMON

 Category 5: Unit
1st place: Rafael Garcia Marin (Volomir)  CMON
2nd place: Dmitry (Dmitry) CMON
Cygnar Warjacks
3d place:  Nadezhda Reka (River) CMON

 Category 6: Open
1st place:  Stephan Rath (Dervish)  CMON
One last sword thrust
2nd place: Kirill Kanaev (Yellow one)   CMON 
3d place: Rafael Garcia Marin (Volomir)  CMON

 Dmitry Fesechko (Lynx)  gallery  facebook - more pics
Knights under attack

Contest photos and reports:
Russian Alternative
from Ookami
from Ija
from Romych
from LittleGreenDwarf1
from LittleGreenDwarf2
from LittleGreenDwarf3
from Yarik
on Masterminis
in the Volomir's blog