Showing posts with label Mike's work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mike's work. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Vespid. My son's second miniature.

 My 8-year-old son's decided to add new unit in his T'au army and has painted his second miniature - Vespid. Well, it's so expressive color choice (I see my style :)). In this time he tried to paint more mindfully, there are some highlights on the wings and what a glowing effect on the gun! 

Monday, November 28, 2011

First work of my son

The world of miniature painting captured the smallest member of our family - our little son. I'm proud to publish his first work - an elf (Zvezda). He did it about one year ago and he was only 6.5 years old. This elf was choosen because of its large scale and low price (don't feel sorry for the first "test pen"). Now he wants to paint a space marine and we've already picked a model. I hope that this post will push him to new challenges. Good luck, my son!