Showing posts with label Chaos Dwarfs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chaos Dwarfs. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Chaos Dwarves - Command group.

   And a little bit more Chaos Dwarves from the Russian alternative - the command group. Sculptor - Rozenberg Maxim "Rozmax".
    By the way, to get these and other miniatures from Russian Alternative is now possible on e-bay store.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Chaos dwarfs. Russian Alternative

   Russian Alternative releases more miniatures in its line of Chaos Dwarves - a unit of five dwarves. Sculptor - Rozenberg Maxim "Rozmax". Not long ago I was painting the work by this sculptor from Russian Alternative - it was The Dwarf of Fire Canyon. Now I'm working on command group: a champion, flagbearer and musician, so you'll see them soon.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Chaos Dwarf

One more miniature - The Dwarf of Fire Canyon - painted for The Russian Alternative. The sculptor is  Rozenberg Maxim "Rozmax". I like this mini for its details, there are a lot oа interesting elements on it (so sometimes it seems that the painting will never end  :)). Hope you'll like it!