Showing posts with label Undead of Acheron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Undead of Acheron. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Goron. Confrontation.

    Here are the results of The RAB4 competition. What I can say - it was the most interesting and strong-competition on-line contest which I've ever seen. The list of participants is impressive - so many russian and foreign famous artist so well-known in our miniature world. In the result we have a possibility to see a lot of new interesting projects, and the most of it are the real "story". I warmly congratulate the winners - at first, to Kirill Kanaev, who is the member of our Serpentarium, for his  many-hands-zombie-budda. The second and the third places went to Karol Rudyk and Lynx. This trio is excellent!
    As for me I contributed to the competition, creating a history Gorgon (Rakham). This project was very difficult this time. May be it is the fault of the press of the expected high level competition. The idea of the temple has not been finalized  because of lack of my creative resources. 
   In addition, the judges are absolutely right pointing my main coloristic mistake - the use of contrasting colors without their "connection" with each other. I know this rule but didn't use it on The gorgon, don't know why. Fascinated by contrast, forgetting about integrity. 
     But, I hope that someone listing the gallery will like the image I created.

 The miniature is done on the game base so it can be separated from the display base.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Centaur Skeletons. Confrontation

  Yesterday I finished this pair. My сustomer "called" them ugly and I've  done my best to make those old but very rare miniatures more attractive.  

Some bigger pics:.
The first: 


The second:

Friday, July 15, 2011

Skeleton Warriors. Confrontation.

  Comission work - Skeleton Warriors from Confrontation. I'm not an expert on these miniatures, but apparently this is a very old figurines, casting and detail leaves much to be desired. I feel that having my level of painting I can not cope with similar problems - can't get the "ideal" miniature, as I would like to: painting and pre-treatment can not eliminate the defects and irregularities. As a result, in places I dissatisfied with the work, but I can not do anything.
Miniatures themselves seemed cartoonish and fun, so was painted fantasy. Three completely different character - three color schemes.
And yet, in spite of everything, this work was great fun: color, atmosphere - everything was great. For that I thank the customer:). 

Очередная работа - Skeleton Warriors из линейки Confrontation. Не знаток этих миниатюр, но по-видимому, это очень старые фигурки, отливка и детализация оставляет желать лучшего. Я пока со своим уровнем покраски чувствую, что не справляюсь с подобными проблемами - не получается вывести миниатюрку "в идеал", как того хотелось бы: покраской, да и предварительной обработкой, не могу устранить дефекты и неровности. В результате местами конкретно недовольна работой, но ничего поделать не могу.
Сами миниатюрки показались мультяшными и веселыми, поэтому и покрасились совершенно фэнтезийно. Три абсолютно разных характера - три цветовые схемы.
И все-таки, несмотря ни на что, от работы получила громадное удовольствие: цвета, атмосфера - все было здорово. За что благодарю заказчика :).

These are bigger pics for better view: 
Выложу еще большие фотографии "для разглядывания":