Showing posts with label Dwarfs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dwarfs. Show all posts

Monday, November 7, 2016

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dwarf King Alrik and Shieldbearers

   I've done this guys for the game, so I did not use any difficult techniques. And two coats of vanish - to grab them by hands :).
   The were a lot of problem with assembling this pyramid - it  should stand on two separate small bases! Actually, I was in agony to set them straight, because I didn't think about it before painting! And one more - it was hard to set on the king on the shield because of these patterns. In result his foots don't stand
tight and you can see a gap below. But for detail - it's a great miniatures. Especially I was pleased with the hair.
    So, the king:

 And with corrected bases: