Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta 1941. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta 1941. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 31 de octubre de 2024

SS "CONTE BIANCAMANO", Italy. Advertising postcard

Flotte Riunite Consolich. Lloyd Sabaudo. Navigazione Generale.

Advertising postcard published by G.S., Genova.

Conte Biancamano was an Italian ocean liner built at the William Beardmore & Co shipyard in Dalmuir, near Glasgow (Scotland), by order of the Genoese shipping company Lloyd Sabaudo. She was launched on 23 April 1925 and made her maiden voyage from Genoa to New York on 20 November of the same year. She had a capacity of 180 first class passengers, 220 upper class, 200 second class, 390 economy class and 660 third class. In 1932 Lloyd Sabaudo, along with other shipping companies, was merged into Italia Navigazione and Conte Biancamano was assigned to direct routes to South America. In 1934 it was used for military purposes, transporting troops and war material on behalf of the Italian Navy in preparation for the Ethiopian War, and in 1936 it was chartered by the Lloyd Triestino Company, one of the companies of the group, which used it on direct routes to the Middle East. In December 1941, when Italy entered the war, the ship was seized in the port of Colón (Panama), and in 1942 it was requisitioned by the US Navy, converted into a warship in the Philadelphia shipyards and used as a troop transport ship under the name USS Hermitage. After the war it was used for the repatriation of thousands of American veterans, first from Europe and then from the Pacific. She was withdrawn from service on 20 August 1946 and returned to Italy in 1947. In 1948 she was refitted as a passenger ship at the Monfalcone shipyard and on 14 July 1949, under her original name, she resumed sailing on the Genoa-Buenos Aires line, which she continued until 21 March 1950, when she was transferred to the Genoa - Naples - Cannes - New York line. In 1956 she sailed on the Genoa-Caracas route, and on 26 March 1960 she embarked on her last voyage: Genoa - Naples - Barcelona - Lisbon - Halifax - New York. She was dismantled in La Spezia the following year.

Traveler's collection.

BARCELONA. FC line trolleybus in Plaça de Catalunya (1960s)

Plaça de Catalunya

FC line trolleybus (Marqués de Duero - Sant Andreu de Palomar) in 1960s.

The FC was the first trolleybus line established in Barcelona, ​​in 1941. In December 1967 this trolleybus line was replaced by buses.

Traveler's collection.

martes, 16 de julio de 2024

jueves, 11 de julio de 2024




Pousadas de Portugal is a Portuguese chain of historic luxury hotels, officially created on May 1, 1941. The first hotel opened in 1942 in Elvas, Alentejo. Pousadas usually have a small number of rooms and pay special attention to local cuisine. They are owned by the Portuguese State and run by a private group, the Pestana Pousadas Group.

Traveler's collection.

viernes, 5 de julio de 2024

ESTACIÓN DE SAN BERNARDO. Sevilla, Spain. Postcard


Postcard published by Fotofly for Hostal Carlos I, Cádiz.

The San Bernardo station, popularly known as Estación de Cádiz (Cádiz station), was a railway station that was operational between 1902 and 1991. Originally built by the Compañía de los Ferrocarriles Andaluces, the facilities entered service in 1902, and in 1941 they be owned by RENFE, which managed them until their closure on 2 May 1991.

Traveler's collection.

sábado, 15 de junio de 2024

MUSEU MARÍTIM, Barcelona. Postcard (1974)

Sala Capmany


Postcard published by Comercial Escudo de Oro nª 287 / 7954 (1974).

The Museu Marítim (Maritime Museum) of Barcelona is located in the Royal Atarazanas (shipyards) building. The shipyards were a space dedicated to naval construction between the 13th and 18th centuries, whose existence has been documented since the year 1243. The museum was created on 13 October 1936, but due to the bombings during the Spanish civil war (1936-1939), it was no longer open. It was open to the public on 18 January 1941. The Gothic-style building was built in two stages: the first stage between 1283 and 1328, and the second between 1328 and 1390. Subsequently, renovations and renovations were carried out. extensions, basically maintaining its original structure.

Traveler's collection.

lunes, 29 de abril de 2024

SEVILLA. Estación de M. Z. A. Old postcard

Estación M. Z. A.

Postcard published by HM, Madrid, No 46.

MZA - Compañía de los ferrocarriles de Madrid a Zaragoza y a Alicante (Madrid, Zaragoza and Alicante railway) was an important Spanish railway company founded in 31 December 1856 by José de Salamanca Mayol, the representatives of the Rothschilds in Spain. MZA rapidly expanded its railway concessions to encompass key routes in Extremadura, New Castile, Andalusia, and Levante, thereby gaining control of a significant market. On 1st July 1941, the MZA Company ceased to exist, and its entire network, facilities, and rolling stock were incorporated into the newly established RENFE. The MZA railways arrived in Seville in 1859. The station reproduced on the postcard, known as the Plaza de Armas station and, popularly, as Córdoba station, was inaugurated on 18 March 1901 and remained in operation until the 29th September 1990.

Traveler's collection.

martes, 23 de enero de 2024

HOTEL QUINTANDINHA, Petrópolis, Brazil. Postcard


Postcard publisher by Paraná-Card, Nº 20.
Photo: Hellmuth Wagner.

The Palácio Quitandinha is a historic former luxury resort hotel in Petrópolis. Designed by Italian architect Luis Fossatti, and constructed between 1941 and 1946 by Brazilian entrepreneur Joaquim Rolla, the Palácio Quitandinha is one of the most impressive architectural monuments in Petrópolis. The exterior is in the Norman-French style, while the interior is a mix of Brazilian Baroque and Art Deco. The surface area of the hotel is 50 thousand square meters. In 1947, the Palácio Quitandinha was the site of the Rio Treaty, attended by United States President Harry Truman. Notable guests who stayed at the hotel included Errol Flynn, Orson Welles, Lana Turner, Henry Fonda, Maurice Chevalier, Greta Garbo, Carmen Miranda, Walt Disney, Bing Crosby, politicians like Eva Perón and president Getúlio Vargas of Brazil and king Carol II of Romania. The hotel eventually closed in 1962 and its rooms were sold as private residences in 1963.

Traveler's collection.

viernes, 7 de abril de 2023

TARTU KUNSTIMUUSEUM, Tartu, Estonia (2001)

[Tartu Art Museum]
Raekoja Plats 18


In 1918 the artistic association Pallas established the Higher Art School Pallas which later played a key role in local art education. Twenty years after the formation of the Pallas association, they decided to create a museum, and on November 17, 1940, the Municipality of Tartu signed a decree for the establishment of the art museum, which was located at Suurturg 3 (now Raekoja Square 3). In summer 1941 the State Ethnographic Museum (now – the Estonian National Museum) gave the museum its 20th century art collection. During the II World War the museum had to be relocated a number of times. The most critical situation occurred in 1943 when, during a bombing raid the brick building at Lai street 17, which at that time housed the collection, collapsed. However, the majority of the collection was saved. After a number of moves, in 1946 the museum was established on two floors of a building at Vallikraavi 14. Over time the building has been rebuilt for museum needs. Initially there were storage and exhibition halls in the building, but in 1999 it was decided to close the building to visitors to better preserve the growing art collection. Today the building houses storage, administration, employees' offices, restoration workshops, library and archives. Since 1988 the Leaning House (Raekoja Plats 18) has also been used by the Tartu Art Museum.

Traveler's collection.

martes, 12 de septiembre de 2017

VANEMUISE TEATER, Tartu, Eesti / Estonia (1941)

Tartu, Eesti / Estonia

Place Nº 75

Traveler's collection.
Thanks to Linda

lunes, 25 de julio de 2011

Le CAP TOURANE, Compagnie des Chargeurs Réunis (France). CPA circulée en 1928

Le bateau CAP TOURANE, de la Compagnie des Chargeurs Réunis (France). Carte postale ancienne circulée le 31.08.1928 de Marseille à Lagnieu (Ain).
[Construit en 1923 comme "Jouffroy D'Abbans", en 1925 devient "Cap Tourane". En septembre 1940, il saute sur une mine au large de la Sardaigne; heureusement remorqué à Marseille, il est réparé. Le 2 novembre 1941, en service sur la ligne d’Indochine par Le Cap, il est capturé par les Anglais au Sud de Durban. Il navigue ensuite pendant la durée des hostilités pour le pool inter-allié, sous le contrôle de l’Ellerman Line, participe au débarquement de Normandie. Restitué en très mauvais état, il subit d’importantes réparations avant d’être affecté provisoirement, en 1947, à la ligne postale de la côte occidentale d’Afrique. En 1948, il subit une refonte complète à Saint-Nazaire et prend à nouveau la mer, le 10 novembre 1948, pour l’indochine. Mais c’est un navire fatigué, dont le service est interrompu par de nombreuses avaries. Dés le premier voyage il est stoppé le 4 décembre 1948 à Djibouti par une rupture d’engrenage et doit être remorqué à Marseille pour y être réparé. Le 28 août 1952 il est à nouveau immobilisé à Aden, suite à de graves avaries de chaudière, et ne rejoint Marseille, remorqué, qu’en janvier 1953. Finalement il est vendu à la démolition en Hollande en mai 1953.]

The ship CAP TOURANE, by the Compagnie des Chargeurs Réunis (France). Vintage postcard posted on 31.08.1928 at Marseille to Lagnieu (Ain).

El buque CAP TOURANE, de la Compagnie des Chargeurs Réunis (Francia). Tarjeta postal antigua circulada el 31.08.1928 de Marsella a Lagnieu (Ain).

El vaixell CAP TOURANE, de la Compagnie des Chargeurs Réunis (França). Targeta postal antiga circulada el 31.08.1928 de Marsella a Lagnieu (Ain).

La nave CAP TOURANE, de la Compagnie des Chargeurs Réunis (Francia). Cartolina antigua viaggiata il 31.08.1928 de Marsiglia a Lagnieu (Ain).

Traveler's collection.

viernes, 22 de julio de 2011

RIO DE JANEIRO (Brasil). São Januário tram

RIO DE JANEIRO (Brazil). São Januário tram [1941]. Photo: Corbis / Genevieve Naylor. Postcard by Skowronski & Koch Verlag, Berlin, PK4297.

RIO DE JANEIRO (Brasil). Tranvía de São Januário [1941]. Foto: Corbis / Genevieve Naylor. Tarjeta postal de Skowronski & Koch Verlag, Berlín, PK4297.

RIO DE JANEIRO (Brasil). Tramvia de São Januário [1941]. Foto: Corbis / Genevieve Naylor. Targeta postal de Skowronski & Koch Verlag, Berlín, PK4297.

RIO DE JANEIRO (Brésil). Tramway de São Januário [1941]. Photo: Corbis / Genevieve Naylor. Carte postale de Skowronski & Koch Verlag, Berlin, PK4297.

RIO DE JANEIRO (Brasile). Tram di São Januário [1941]. Foto: Corbis / Genevieve Naylor. Cartolina di Skowronski & Koch Verlag, Berlino, PK4297.

Traveler's collection.

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

The American Freedom Train on the St. Louis riverfront (1976)

The American Freedom Train [Southern Pacific 4449] on the St. Louis riverfront, April 6, 1976. Photography by Robert F. Arteaga. Postcard by Rail Art Exclusives, St. Louis (Missouri), 981406.
[Built in 1941 by Lima Locomotive Works, in Lima (Ohio). In 1974, it was selected to pull the American Freedom Train throughout the United States, and was subsequently rebuilt. SP 4449 ran for three years, carrying over 30 million passengers. In 1981, SP 4449 was returned to its original "Daylight" colors for the first Railfair at the California State Railroad Museum.]

El American Freedom Train [Southern Pacific 4449] en St. Louis (Missouri, EUA), 06.04.1976. Foto: Robert F. Arteaga. Tarjeta postal de Rail Art Exclusives, St. Louis, 981406.

L'American Freedom Train [Southern Pacific 4449] a St. Louis (Missouri, EUA), 06.04.1976. Foto: Robert F. Arteaga. Targeta postal de Rail Art Exclusives, St. Louis, 981406.

L'American Freedom Train [Southern Pacific 4449] à St. Louis (Missouri, EUA), 06.04.1976. Photo: Robert F. Arteaga. Carte postale de Rail Art Exclusives, St. Louis, 981406.

L'American Freedom Train [Southern Pacific 4449] a St. Louis (Missouri, SUA), 06.04.1976. Foto: Robert F. Arteaga. Cartolina di Rail Art Exclusives, St. Louis, 981406.

Traveler's collection.
Thanks to Johan

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011

BARCELONA. Troleibús tipus A, sèrie 501-538 (1941)

BARCELONA. Troleibús del tipus A, sèrie 501-538 (1941).
[Després de la guerra civil, l'escassetat de combustible va fer difícil l'explotació de les línies d'autobús amb el material que havia quedat en mal estat. La solució fou transformar alguns autobusos en troleibusos, una operació que afectà 38 autobusos de les sèries 200 i 300 de la CGA i que es va realitzar en els tallers de l'empresa; aquests nous troleibusos esdevingueren vehicles de la sèrie 501-538, tipus A, de Tranvías de Barcelona.]

BARCELONA. Trolebús del tipo A, serie 501-538 (1941).
[Después de la guerra civil la escasez de combustible hizo difícil la explotación de líneas de autobús, con un material que había quedado en mal estado. La solución pasó por la transformación de autobuses en trolebuses, una operación que afectó a 38 autobuses de las antiguas series 200 y 300 de la CGA realizada en los propios talleres de la empresa, pasando a formar parte de la serie 501-538, tipo A, de Tranvías de Barcelona.]

BARCELONA (Catalonia, Spain). Trolleybus type A, series 501-538 (1941). [Former buses of series 200 and 300, transformed after the Spanish Civil War.]

BARCELONE (Catalogne, Espagne). Trolleybus type A, série 501-538 (1941). [Anciens bus des séries 200 et 300, transformés après la guerre civile espagnole.]

BARCELONE (Catalogna, Spagna). Trolleybus tipo A, serie 501-538 (1941). [Antichi autobus delle serie 200 et 300, trasformati dopo la guerra civile spagnola.]

Fuente / Source: Boletín Informativo TB (foto reproducida en la página web "100 años de autobuses en Barcelona (1906-2006). Breve historia gráfica".

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

BARCELONA. Trolebús tipo "B" (1941-1966) en Ronda San Pedro (1958)

BARCELONA. Trolebús tipo "B", coche 572 (serie 550-589) en la Ronda San Pedro. Entraron en servicio a finales de 1941 y circularon hasta el año 1966. Foto: Pedro Ferré Puig (24.02.1958). Tarjeta postal de Eurofer, Amics del Ferrocarril, Barcelona, núm. 4027. [Publicidad de Coca Cola.]

BARCELONA. Troleibús tipus "B", cotxe 572 (sèrie 550-589) a la Ronda de Sant Pere. Van entrar en servei a final de 1941 i van circular fins a l'any 1966. Foto: Pedro Ferré Puig (24.02.1958). Targeta postal d'Eurofer, Amics del Ferrocarril, Barcelona, núm. 4027. [Publicitat de Coca Cola.]

BARCELONA (Spain). Trolleybus type "B", car 572 (series 550-589) in Ronda de Sant Pere. Photo: Pedro Ferré Puig (24.02.1958). Postcard of Eurofer, Amics del Ferrocarril, Barcelona, no. 4027. [Publicity of Coca Cola.]

BARCELONE (Espagne). Trolleybus type "B", voiture 572 (série 550-589) à la Ronda de Sant Pere. Photo: Pedro Ferré Puig (24.02.1958). Carte postale d'Eurofer, Amics del Ferrocarril, Barcelona,
nº 4027. [Publicité de Coca Cola.]

BARCELLONA (Spagna). Trolleybus tipoe "B", vettura 572 (serie 550-589) in Ronda de Sant Pere. Foto: Pedro Ferré Puig (24.02.1958). Cartolina di Eurofer, Amics del Ferrocarril, Barcelona,
nº 4027.  [Pubblicità di Coca Cola.]

Traveler's collection.