Showing posts with label The Death Of Jack Hamilton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Death Of Jack Hamilton. Show all posts

Money Needed To Turn North Yorkshire Into 1930s America

The Americans are coming!  The Americans are coming!  Actually, 1930's America is headed to North Yorkshire.

According to Mark Foster at, interior shooting for the Stephen King film, "The Death of Jack Hamilton"  is now completed and work is about to start on the exteriors.  The crew will utilize North Yorkshire locations for action sequences.

And, Forster reports that Stephen King fans have a unique opportunity to get  involved in the Stephen King gangster film, The Death of  Jack Hamilton as more funds are needed.  Director Jamie Anderson says, “The prospect of bringing 1930s America to 2012 Britain is a mammoth task to accomplish, and one that requires as much financial backing as possible."  That's where the money needs come in!  The film crew needs to dress the exteriors in order to recreate the American mid-west.

So what do you get for investing?  Foster says that "rewards" for investors range from free screenings and DVD to "an executive producer credit on the movie itself."

The films website is HERE.
The "official teaser" is HERE.

The Death of Jack Hamilton to be a short film

Sunderland Echo has posted an article titledthat says 21 year old Jamie Anderson will be directing a short film “The Death of Jack Hamilton.”

Anderson says he is excited to have gotten the licence to adapt the story, as his group is the first to bring it to screen.

“The Death of Jack Hamilton” first appeared in the December 24/31, 2001 issue of  The New Yorker magazine. In 2002, it can be easily found in King's collection Everything’s Eventual.

Jamie summaries the story:
It tells the story of Jack ‘Red’ Hamilton, one of John Dillinger’s gang members, who is mortally wounded escaping from Little Bohemia Lodge, in Wisconsin.”  
“The film follows Hamilton, John Dillinger and fellow gang member Homer Van Meter from Little Bohemia, through Chicago and to Aurora, Missouri, where they seek out the help of Edna ‘Rabbits’ Murray, Arthur ‘Dock’ Barker, Ma Barker’s son, and Volney Davis as they try to save Jack Hamilton’s life.”
The full article is HERE.