Showing posts with label Ghost Brothers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ghost Brothers. Show all posts


Stephen King's FB page posted:
You can now stream the full Ghost Brothers Of Darkland County album on If you haven't heard it yet, give it a listen and let us know what you think!
check it out at

Ghost Brothers Onstage In Atlanta

From Joy Tipping at
Stephen King, John Mellencamp and Fort Worth’s own T Bone Burnett have been collaborating for some time — 13 years, to be exact — on a Southern Gothic, supernatural musical called Ghost Brothers of Darkland County. The musical had a short run at the Alliance Theatre in Atlanta, Ga., last spring, and now a soundtrack is coming out. In a press release, the show is described as having a blues-and-roots musical backdrop for its “haunting tale of fraternal love, lust, jealousy and revenge.”
And, here is a video of Ghost Brothers behind the scenes:

Upcoming 2013

Well, it looks like a it's going to be a pretty good year to be a Stephen King fan.  The constant reader can look forward to two King novels -- Doctor Sleep and Joyland.  We can also expect several books about King, and we will find Mr. King all over the television.  Both Syfy and CBS will be running Stephen King television shows.

Here is a short list of some things we can expect in the upcoming year:

2013: Haven was renewed by Syfy for  another year.

2013: Stephen King Desk Calendar.

2013: Screamplays.
Cemetery Dance still lists this book coming out in 2013.  I ordered it in. . . 2011ish ?  I wonder if they remember!  I'm looking forward to it.
2013: The Illustrated Stephen King Movie Trivia Book.  (More HERE)
Cemetery Dance describes the book, saying, "1,000 questions to test your knowledge of the movies, miniseries, and television episodes based on ideas conjured from the imagination of the King of Horror, along with more than 50 special illustration-based questions from Cemetery Dance favorite artist Glenn Chadbourne."
January 23, 2013: Limited Edition of The Shining. Subterranean Press.  (More HERE)

March, 2013: Ghost Brothers Soundtrack CD/DVD Coming March 2013

April 2, 2013: The Dark Tower Companion, Bev Vincent.
I discussed this book with Bev Vincent in my recent interview.  In part, Vincent said:
This is the first book to address the Marvel adaptations and their place in the canon (or not). I look at each graphic novel series and underline the places where it provides new scenes or material, and the places where it diverges from or contradicts King’s novels. I also provide summaries of the extra material found in each issue for people who haven’t read the graphic novels. 
Check out the full interview at:
Summer 2013: Under The Dome goes to CBS

June 4, 2013: Joyland
What's not to like?   Stephen King sets a killer loose in a theme park.  Nifty.
September 24, 2013: Doctor  Sleep
Here's a book I'm really looking forward to!  It's a sequel to The Shining!  King doesn't revisit his works ver often,and I think this is a great one to go back to.
October, 2013: CARRIE
I agree with the sentiments Rod Pocowatchit at The Wichita Eagle expresed: "I’m generally not a fan of remakes, but it’s rumored this new version is truer to King’s novel than Brian DePalma’s film that made Sissy Spacek a star. And the casting is inspired — Moretz is one of the best young actors today, and Julianne Moore should chew up the scenery nicely as Carrie’s crazy-pants mother." (HERE)

Read more here:

LA Times Review Of Ghost Brothers

The LATimes has a short review of the Stephen King musical Ghost Brothers Of Darkland County (HERE).

I like the line, "“It’s Tennessee Williams in hell."

The review ends with this note about Wednesday night's curtain call:
King, Mellencamp and Burnett all appeared onstage. Mellencamp’s girlfriend, Meg Ryan, and basketball commentator Charles Barkley were also in the house. Mellencamp looked ecstatic. He picked up director Booth and twirled her.

What's Ghost Brothers About?

Adam Hetrick has posted some details at about Ghost Brothers Of Darkland County.

Ghost Brothers is unique because Carrie and other “Stephen King musicals” – this story was actually written to be a musical.

The musical opens today (April 11) in Atlanta at the Alliance Theater.

Okay. . . so what in the world is Ghost Brothers of Darkland County about?  Here’s the summary:
"In the tiny town of Lake Belle Reve, Mississippi in 1957, a terrible tragedy took the lives of two brothers and a beautiful young girl. During the next 40 years, the events of that night became the stuff of local legend. But legend is often just another word for lie. Joe McCandless knows what really happened; he saw it all. The question is whether or not he can bring himself to tell the truth in time to save his own troubled sons, and whether the ghosts left behind by an act of violence will help him — or tear the McCandless family apart forever."
Sounds pretty awesome to me.

King Visits Ghost Brothers

Melissa Ruggieri "not" review of "Ghost Brothers of Darkland County" at  It seemed like a review to me, though.  Her point is that her focus is on the music, and offers this compliment: "You’ll likely still be thinking of these songs hours later, not for their catchy choruses or glib lyrics, but for their truth."  That is very true of King's work.  You're left thinking about it because it rings true to life.

Ruggieri notest hat John Mellencamp and Stephen King have worked on this project for more than a decade.  The ghost story is made up of 19 songs and is directed by Susan Booth.  She calls the musical "rustic." 

She also reveals that Stephen King was seen giving Ghost Brothers a visit.  She writes:
Wednesday night, King was spotted sitting alone in the last row of the orchestra several minutes before show time and, during intermission, Burnett graciously gabbed with some fans who spotted his towering blond frame (who could miss this guy in a crowded lobby?) and signed an autograph for one zealous middle-aged guy.
Though the focus of the article is not on the story, Ruggieri does give us this:
the story see-saws from 1967 to 2007, there is no differentiation in musical styles. It’s not as if the 1967 scenes sound like Jefferson Airplane and the latter tunes like Kanye West (although there are nods to Shania Twain and Kurt Cobain in the dialogue). All of the songs are coated with a dusty veneer that works within the drab setting.
The full "not" review is HERE.

Salon: "Iffy" on Darkland?

Drew Grant at Salon has an article titled, “10 pieces of culture we're feeling iffy about.” Number one on his list. . . Ghost Brothers!
Grant writes, “Stephen King and John Mellencamp are making a musical: It's called "Ghost Brothers of Darkland County" and it's based on the death of two brothers and a young girl. Suddenly, the lyrics of "Jack & Diane" seem way more ominous.”
If this is actually “news” to Grant, he’s been living under a rock with the Gico cavemen. Or, he doesn’t read Lilja’s library – shame on him if that is the case. But the bigger question is, what is there to feel iffy about a Stephen King musical? Well, in a word – Carrie. Okay, but this isn’t Carrie! I checked the synopsis.
The story is set in the imaginary town of Lake Belle Reve, Mississippi and focuses on the 1957 deaths of 2 brothers and a young girl and the legend that develops from them. Mellencamp had the idea for the story, pulling it from a story he heard years ago in his hometown of Seymour, IN. According to Mellencamp, the story is going to be more like King's "The Green Mile" and is an "American story about an American family." King and Mellencamp stated the play will have a very fascinating, unique style. Mellencamp also stated it will have a Tennessee Williams kind of feel to it and that he wants to cover all music Americans have made so far. Mellencamp has written around 20 songs; some of them are: "You Don't Know Me," "My Name is Joe," and "Tear This Cabin down."
(could we say “story” a few more times?)
It’s a “Green Mile” like musical that will have a “Tennessee Williams kind of feel to it.” Okay. NOW I'm feeling iffy!
Of course, some King books have succcessfully made it to stage. In particular, Misery. Adding music to a King work does sound iffy on the surface. But what should be noted is that this is not an adaptation of a King story with music being forced into it; this is a work created for the music.
Is horror good musical material? Ever see a production called The Phantom of the Opera? Oh, and get this, it wasn’t written as a musical! It started out as a rambling novel by Gaston Leroux.