Showing posts with label Hollywood Reporter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hollywood Reporter. Show all posts


The hollywoodreporter has news that Big Driver will be a Lifetime small screen adaptation.  The article notes that Big Driver marks the first collaboration between King and the A+E Networks-owned female-skewing cable network.

Here's the highlights from the Hollywood Reporter:

  • The show will star Maria Bello as Tess Throne.
  • She will be joined by Olympia Dukakis, Joan Jett and Will Harris also star in the revenge tale adaptation, expected to premiere this fall. 
  • Production begins in Halifax, Nova Scotia, this summer.
  • Poduced by Ostar Productions and executive produced by Bill Haber (The Trip to Bountiful) and Jeffrey Hayes (A Day Late and a Dollar Short). 
  • The screenplay was adapted by Richard Christian Matheson (Masters of Horror, Happy Face Killer)
  • Directed by Mikael Salomon (Drew Peterson: Untouchable).

Finally, the article reminds us that CELL, starring Sameul L. Jackson, is in postproduction.

Pennywise Still Creeping Toward The Theater

Borys Kit posted news at the Hollywood Reporter that Warner Brothers, which had been developing Stephen King's IT has given the project to it's New Line division.  New Line appears to be WB choice to lead the way on horror films.  Which is good news to fans!  IT needs to be seen as a horror  movie.
New Line will now take the lead on horror, bringing the company back to one of its roots. It was once known as the House that Freddy Built due to the long-standing success of the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. Horror is now having a resurgence at the company -- the emphasis is less slashery and more thrills and chills -- as evidenced by last year's hit The Conjuring.
Borys then shares  that IT appears to be a two part movie plan.  It appears they will follow the path the mini-series did, focusing first on the kids, then the adults in a sequel.   "It will be overseen by the division's Walter Hamada and Dave Neustadter, along with Warners vp production Niija Kuykendall, who will also stay involved with the project."

Josh Boone In Talks To Direct THE STAND

Josh Boone Headshot - P 2013

The Hollywood Reporter posted that Josh Boone is in early talks to direct The Stand.  The film is being made by Warner Bros. and CBS Films. Previously Ben Affleck and David Yates had eyed the film.

It has been discussed that the film version of King's epic novel might be a trilogy, since adapting the 1,200 page novel into a 2 or 3 hour movie would seem impossible.

Borys Kit at The Hollywood Reporter writes:
Boone already has a King connection dating back to when he was 12 and King's books were banned in his household. The writer-director has previously recounted how he was forced to rip covers off of Christian books and tape them to King books just so he could slyly read them. The Stand however, faced a cruel fate: His mom found it under his bed and subsequently burned it in the fireplace.
Which says -- she had no idea what The Stand was really about!  I wonder if she'll watch the movie.
Boone, still 12, wrote a moving letter to the author to which he responded by sending the boy a box filled with books, with a letter written in the front covers of the tomes. The act impressed his parents, who then lifted the ban.
It started a lifelong relationship with King, who even played himself in Boone's feature debut, 2012's Stuck in Love, and recently gave Boone permission to adapt Lisey's Story.
The full article is at:

GRAND CENTRAL Headed To Television

ABC's relationship with Stephen King seems alive and well these days.  The Hollywood Reporter shared news that a new series titled "Grand Central" will be coming soon.  The report noted:
Grand Central,” which is based on King’s short story “The New York Times at Special Bargain Rates” about a widow who receives phone calls from her deceased husband about future events which results in lives being saved.  The series writers are Sam Ernst and Jim Dunn the creators of the SyFy drama “Haven.”

Under The Dome Keeps Momentum As Summer Blazes

California is on fire.  Really -- I can smell the smoke as the summer fires eat up our forest.  Hot  summer days make you wonder, "is there anything good on TV?"  I'm absolutely hooked on Under The Dome!  I think it's great TV. 

Here's what Under The Dome has going for it:
  • Suspense.  I don't know what's going to happen next, and I read the novel!  I really like it that the show keeps the same feel as the book, but often goes in new directions.  With something like this, The Stand could have been a massive TV show that went in directions King shied away from.  (Like actually having a huge battle between Flagg and the Freezone)   
  • More Suspense. Why does the military make no real attempt to communicate with those under the Dome? The troops moving out heightens the mystery of the Dome. What do they know?
  • Intertwined.  Under The Dome is definitely becoming more intricate and intense.  The lives of these people intertwine like a soap opera.  Turns out Barbie is not just a drifter, he has a past.  And I'm left wondering -- is he really the good  guy here? 
  • Action.  The story doesn't bog down with a lot of talking about what characters are going to do -- they do it!
  • Mystery.  There are a lot of mysteries here. What is the Dome?  What exactly did Barbie do? Why is the army leaving? 
Some notes from episode 3, "Manhunt," and episode 4, "Outbreak."


Dean Norris does a great job bringing Big Jim to life. He’s better than the book!  Norris presents a multi-dimensional man who can be both compassionate and down right rotten.  Actually, we haven't seen a lot of rotten yet, but trust me, it's commin!

What the show does well is convey that Big Jim actually feels like he’s doing the right thing. "People are looking to me to lead," Big Jim tells his son. Of course, like many real people, Big Jim doesn't trust anyone but himself.  Why?  Because he's a fearful person at heart.  But also because he has something to hide!  He needs to maintain power in order to keep things under control. 

"You only get so many changes in life, do not squander them," Big Jim says.  We know Big Jim sees the Dome as his biggest opportunity. He’s a big fish in a small pond. Big Jim’s true colors shine bright when dealing with Reverend Coggins.

It's was nice to see Angie try a new ploy with Junior.  It seems she figured out just screaming at him might not be a good idea.  And suggesting they check out the cement factory tunnels was brilliant. Too bad he didn't take her with him.

When Barbie lies, he makes the very same face my friend does. I know that's random.  I wonder if my friend is reading this.

The action scenes are great because, again, I don't know who's coming out alive and who's  gonna get their  name scratched through.  I'm pretty sure Big Jim and Barbie had secure spots on the show!  However, wouldn't it be interesting if the writers decided to knock one of them off?

Great lines:
"I miss texting." "It’s only been a day and a half."
"Dude, it’s the apocalypse, advisories don’t apply."

HUH?   These are the things that had me talking to the TV tonight,
  • When Julia follows Junior into the tunnel, he’s just a few feet ahead – why doesn’t he notice that the light is suddenly blocked by her presence?
  • Junior and Julia burning all their matches, but never thinking to make a torch. Of course, once the matches are all burned up, they find their way out no problem. 
  • If you are the only cop in town, is it a good idea to take naps in a jail cell?
  • Junior better drink his milk. . . the cow got cut in half.
  • Barbie leaving his stuff laying around for Julia to snoop through. No reason to worry, if he didn’t have a marked map!

This episode is like Under the Dome meets the stand. As the epidemic spreads, we’re told, "If anyone who’s sick coughs, it spreads."

Things the town is starting to realize MIGHT be a problem if they’re stuck for long:
1. Indoor plumbing.
2. Power supply.
3. No BACON!
4. Medicine

Does the Dome do more than simply discharge an electrical shock the first time it’s touched – does make people a little crazy? Or is the situation itself pushing everyone over the edge? We learn that the Dome goes DEEP, and it really really doesn’t like electronics.

What's up with the seizures and the line, "the pink stars are falling?" 

When asked by the Hollywood Reporter about this line, Brian Vaughan said,
"It's interesting that there are two people having seizures and they seem to be totally unrelated, but yes, they're both saying, "The pink stars are falling, the pink stars are falling." We'll have to wait and see if these seizures will affect more people, where they're coming from and what their connection to the dome is. This is something that, if you've read the book, people say the exact same thing: "The pink stars are falling in lines." Our payoff will be different, our pink stars might be something different from King's novel, and something we're doing only with Uncle Steve's blessings. You'll be hearing much more about these seizures in episodes to come."  (
For an interesting discussion of The Pink Stars in the novel, see

Is Under The Dome the best Stephen King television we’ve seen? I think it is.

Cujo and The Shining Back To Hollywood

photo credit:
Today the Hollywood Reporter posted that Glen Mazzara is "in negotiations to pen the screenplay" to a project called "Overlook Hotel."  The story will serve as a prequel to The Shining.  This was actually hard for me to imagine until I read Stephen King's original opening to The Shining called "Before The Play."  An edited version appeared in TV guide.  (talkstephenking.blogspot. before the play)

My favorite website, Lilja's Library, posted this news:
Lang Elliott, President & CEO of Sunn Classic Pictures, Inc., announced that Sunn plans to produce the remake of “CUJO” this year representing the 30th Anniversary since Sunn produced and distributed the original “CUJO” motion picture in l983, based upon Stephen King’s novel. The l983 version was highly successful at the worldwide box-office and, compared with today’s inflation and higher ticket prices, the box-office would be well over $225 million even without ancillary sales (i.e., DVD, cable, free television, pay-per-view, etc.).
Of course, the big question is -- why?  Cujo was a good book, and a better movie.  Could a remake be better  than the original?  Carrie could justify a remake because the original deviated so far from the book -- though it was great.  But Cujo actually made the story better!  If Sunn wants to drop money on a Stephen King project, how about CELL, The Sun Dog, From a Buick 8. Or how about a remake of The Runningman.

King films that need a remake:

  • The Runningman
  • Langoliers
  • Desperation
  • Needful Things (mini-series please)
  • IT
  • Firestarter
  • Dreamcatcher
Some projects you hope will just go away. . . like Children of the Corn.  

What King movies would you like to see remade?

Colin Ford is DOMED

Colin Ford has been cast to play Joe in the upcoming CBS adaptation of Under the Dome.  Joe is a teenager who is trapped inside the dome while his parents are on the other  side.

Lesley Goldberg at The Hollywood Reporter gives this short bio for Ford:

Ford voices the title role in Disney Junior Annie Award-winning musical Jake and the Never Land Pirates, with the show's third season scheduled to premiere in February. Repped by UTA, Management 360 and Ziffren Brittenham, his feature credits include features We Bought a Zoo, Push and Eye of the Hurricane. His small-screen roles include playing a young Sam Winchester on the CW's Supernatural, voice roles on Fox's Family Guy and an episode of The Mob Doctor.
The Hollywood Reporter article is HERE

Haven's back

The Hollywood Reporter has news. . . Haven  has been renewed for a fourth season.

Etan Vlessing writes,
Haven has averaged 2.4 million total viewers and among adults 18-49, attracted 942,000. The current third season has also seen the drama's best adults 25-54 average, with 1.2 million.
"We couldn’t be happier to see the story of Audrey Parker and the creepy, quirky town of Haven continue next year. Season three has hit a creative and critical high and we’re very excited to see where the talented production team takes our colorful cast of characters led by the perfect trifecta of Emily Rose, Eric Balfour and Lucas Bryant in season four," said Stern in a statement.
Quick question. . . who's watching and who's dropped out ?

Hollywoord Reporter Talks CARRIE With Julianne Moore

The Hollywood Reporter has an interview with Julianne Moore, who played Carrie’s mother in the upcoming film.  Thought he article focuses on her portrayal of Sarah Palin, they did eveutally get to the new film version of Carrie.  Filming has wrapped up for the film, and the Hollywood Reporter asked what that experience was like.
Moore: Kimberly Peirce directed it. I love her. She was so specific in exploring the relationship between the mother [Moore's role] and the daughter, played by Chloe Moretz. She allowed me to create something of my own. I took more from Stephen King's novel than Brian De Palma's original movie. In the book, she's a fundamentalist and has her own church. But in the film, she's obviously mentally ill. 
THR: So you're probably not going to, um, look your best in this movie. 
Moore: It's certainly different, my look. . . . I look awful! I have to do a comedy next! I could not wear any makeup -- it's a long way from the red carpet.
The Reporter then asked how nervous she was without the makeup.  Moore responded that she had to let her vanity go to allow the character to work.  She said, “Anyway, with actors, all our ages are out there for all to see -- you can't hide anything, really. And it's kind of a relief. This is my age, this is what I look like without makeup on -- who cares? That youth culture -- that lying about your age -- it's all denial of death anyway.”

The full interview with Julanne Moore is at

Bag Of Bones Boosts Ratings For A&E

Philiana Ng at The Hollywood Reporter has posted the ratings for Bag of Bones.  Not bad!  The first night drew 3.4 million viewers, which makes it the top cable telecast for the night.  Ng writes, "on the following evening, Bag of Bones retained a strong 88 percent of its premiere audience, delivering 3 million viewers."

The article is HERE.

Dark Score Stories: Prequel To BAG OF BONES

So what exactly is "Dark Score Stories"?  We know its a promotional site for Bag of Bones, but there seems to be more involved here.  According to Hollywood Reporter, it's an online prequel to the Bag of Bones miniseries.

Philiana Ng states:
Dark Score Stories will serve as an interactive launchpad for the mini, starring Pierce Brosnan, Melissa George and Annabeth Gish. The online destination will delve deeper into the setting and characters of Bag of Bones through interviews, oral histories and black-and-white photographs.
Each vignette will offer a glimpse into daily life at Dark Score Lake, which is where Bag of Bones is set, and is introduced with an animated still. Visitors to the website will uncover secrets hidden in to each of the images.

Pet Sematary Remake Still In The Works

The Hollywood Reporter has a short article stating that Lorenzo di Bonaventura has signed a three year deal to remain at Paramount -- where he's been for the last 10 years.  He has helmed G.I. Joe and was one of several producers for Transformers, Dark of the Moon. 

So what will Bonaventura be working on?  THR says one of his projects will be "a remake of Stephen King's Pet Sematary."  That, and G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation.

Howard Talks DARK TOWER Movie

Hollywood Reporter has posted an interview with Ron Howard.  The meat of the interview revolves around Howard's current project RUSH.

The Tower still has a hold of Ron Howard's heart. he says he is in love with the material and is "fully committed to it."

The Reporter asked Howard about the future of Dark Tower.  Howard said that work on the script continues as they seek ways to make the budget more "manageable" and "still deliver the work in a way that the project deserves."  That sounds hopeful!

Howard also notes that projects like the Dark Tower often take years to "come together the right way."  Which, again, is exactly what Constant Readers want to hear!  Go ahead, take your time. . . just do it right!

We should note that the books themselves did not come to any of us as quickly as we wanted.  There were long (very long) gaps between each installment.  King was hounded by fans to finish he project.  In the end, he took his time and did it right.  Of course, there were no budget cuts in the novels!