Showing posts with label Lisbon Falls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lisbon Falls. Show all posts

Lisbon Falls And Stephen King

One of the really neat things about 11/22/63 is that it connects real places with fictional characters and places.  One of the very real places is a spot from Stephen King's past -- Lisbon Falls.

The King connection:

Lisbon Falls Maine ME 1950s view of the High School.

According to George Beahm's fantastic book, "Stephen King Country", King commuted to Lisbon High from Durham.  Because the town was not big enough to afford, or require, a full blown school bus to transport the four students to Lisbon High, the town contracted with Mike's Taxi to transport the kids.

Now get this. . . the taxi was a converted hearse!  And one of the kids riding with King was the girl who would later serve as the model for Carrie White.  YIKES!  Pretty cool, when you think about it.  Stephen King rides in a hearse with Carrie White, eh!

Worumbo Mill

Worumbo Mill
The Worumbo Mill was constructed in 1920.  In the novel, the local mill is now an abandoned shoe factory.  The mill is the site of the time portal (I think).

Here is the town website.

Photo: Lisbon Falls 1960's

Here is a photo of Lisbon Falls Maine, circa 1960.  This, of course, is just a little later than the time portal takes Al and Jack to in King's latest novel,11.22.63.  A picture is worth a thosuand words!  It certainly confirms the flavor of what King describes early in the novel.  I found the photo HERE.