About Working Out:
I favorite piece of exercise equipment is my ipod. I love it. Pain is still pain, but somehow the time goes faster when listening to a good book. When I first started working out, my trainer asked me to do several things. I did everything he asked -- changed diet, faithfully showed up to appointments, changed schedule, started eating breakfast -- except for two things. First, I did not go to the doctor. Second, I did not get an ipod. He said that listening would help me. I thought he was nuts. I told myself I would enjoy the quiet, since I am always craving time to just think. However, when exercising, all I seem to think about is how much longer I still have on the clock.
A good book keeps you engrossed. More than that, since I choose to only listen to certain books when I work out, it forces me to get back on the pavement so I can find out what happens next.
I've been reading the Library Policeman on nights when I go running alone. It's been too hot to run, and most nights a friend has been going with me. But the Library Policeman have not driven me out of the house, either. That is, it's not the kind of story that makes me think, "Wow, I've got to go running so I can listen to the next section of this story." In fact, almost the opposite!
Keep Running
I went running tonight, even though it is approximately only six degrees cooler than hell here. The California Desert almost glows with heat. I fought off the urge to thumb through my ipod and find a new book. I have not been drawn into the Library Policeman like I am so much of King's work.
The novel is not engaging because there are few surprises in the early set up of the story. Sam needs to do a speech. Someone suggests library for research, so he goes. He meets a strange librarian who tells him to be sure to bring the book back or the Library Policeman will come after him. Of course (OF COURSE!) Sam forgets to return the book. This story drags on and on with information the reader can see coming from a mile away.
I found myself so bored, I began rethinking the story. Wouldn't it be more interesting if instead of losing the books, Sam deliberately chose not to return them? Just to tick the librarian off. But no, he looses the book and goes on a wild hunt to track it down. "This is not interesting," I found myself thinking.
Sam decides to return to the library and explain that he lost the books and pay the fines. A fresh confrontation? I was suddenly interested. Only, when Sam got to the library -- it was totally different! King went Twilight Zone on me!
Here's the crazy thing, I was on the home stretch of my run when Sam decided to go back to the library. But I wanted to know what would happen. I look foolish walking in circles outside my own house listening to my ipod at midnight. So I just went right by the house. So a book that couldn't get me interested in listening to it, actually got me a bit hooked.
What's So Interesting?
This is a crossroads for me and The Library Policeman. So far every domino has fallen just as I thought it would. The plot has not surprised me at all; until Sam walked into the Library and everything was different! Now King is telling a story that is all new to me. I can't humm along and go, "uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh."
Perhaps that's one reason I usually enjoy reading Stephen King, I don't typically know what he's going to do next. I'm left turning pages because I don't know how the plot will shake out, and he doesn't either until it's written.
Surprised When. . . (spoilers, people)
I was genuinely surprised when
- The Nuke Went off in The Stand
- Nick died in The Stand
- The Mist didn't have an ending!
- The two women fought it out int he middle of the street in Needful Things
- They found all that strange stuff in the kids head in The Dark Half
- Dolores Claiborne executed her brilliant revenge
- Bockade Billy threw me for a total loop!
So, as Holme's would say, the game is afoot! The Library Policeman is now a complete mystery as to what lies ahead. I have no guesses. It's all suspense for me from here on.
What surprises or curve balls has King thrown your way?