Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Monday, February 24, 2025

Enjoying the moment


The Hubby was off on an ice fishing adventure, I had an eye appointment and a dentist appointment so I had to stay home not that I wanted to go ice fishing with him…..not my idea of fun. It was also extremely cold that week not a good week for even a day trip so I stayed home I didn’t want to put the big coat on unless I had to go somewhere and neither did anyone else.  I had a list of things I wanted to do but a lot of those things were downstairs and it takes forever for the electric radiators to warm up the room even with a space heater by my sewing machine.  So I stayed upstairs and read and knit and watched girl stuff on tv, like the recently released season of Sweet Magnolias after that the “suggested viewing” suggested Dolce Villa a little romance movie that takes place in Italy.  Dolce far niente  was mentioned many times throughout the movie. The sweetness of doing nothing. Put down your phone enjoy your coffee (some of those cold cold days I put an extra nip in my coffee) some days I slipped off my shoes to feel the sun on my toes and do nothing and above all don’t feel guilty about doing nothing for a little while.  Color coordinated socks and mug again—Ann—

Saturday, January 27, 2024

A sunny day


A sunny day after a week of grey, damp,  gloomy days. This picture was taken after Christmas of the fresh snow then coated with freezing rain; looking across the Missouri River in north central South Dakota. Everywhere was sparkly like millions of tiny Christmas lights. Earlier this week was warm enough the snow was melting from the rooftops a symphony of dripping water followed by a gravelly swoosh and a whump as snow slid off the roof. I went for a walk everyone I greeted was so happy to be out, the sun felt so good on my jeans. Water meandered down the gutters, the snow has a nice crust on top now no more blowing snow. The landscape looks like a giant glazed donut.


Monday, January 15, 2024

It was a cold and windy weekend……


It was a cold and windy weekend…..when I looked at the temperature -16, -21, -13…..blizzard warning, in town it didn’t look so bad but on the open prairie near white out conditions and we weren’t getting any new snow. It was snow relocating from the counties north and west. DD and I had tickets for the Saturday matinee the way the weather was she decided not to make to 2 1/2 hour drive, she suggested I call the box office first thing Saturday and see if I could exchange tickets for Sunday when the weather might be better. I did they were very gracious and I got tickets for the Sunday matinee two seats away from my original seats high in the center of the balcony. I called my SIL lo and behold they already had tickets to the Sunday matinee! So I rode with them and met my son there.  Everything worked out, my brother drove,  the interstate was clear no ice no packed snow no problems. The play was wonderful Richard Thomas played Atticus.  I need to read the book again. Mrs. Dubose, the cranky old lady who Jem read to in the book was played by Mary Badam who played Scout in the movie.
 Sometimes you have to get the big coat out and the thick stocking cap and brave the weather. —Ann—

Friday, March 3, 2023

Busy week


The snow last week a lot has melted but there are piles that will be here until the end of April. We drove up to see the kids again the snow on the hay bails looked like frost mini wheats. I delivered the new stocking caps and mittens the weather was nice enough, no wind, that they went ice fishing and caught three. —Ann—

Monday, January 2, 2023

Happy New Year

 Fresh snow like a clean sheet of paper anything is possible……..  Ann

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Another below 0 day


Another cold cold day on the Dakota plains at least it’s not snowing......too cold to snow. It makes a person very thankful for central heat and to stay home.

A small finish, my blue and yellow cowl. I should have finished this 3 weeks ago but wrist stress probably tendinitis I have given my wrists a rest. Knitting in the round on a short cable goes fast but the repetitive motion as small as that movement has stressed my wrists. Maybe that was the problem the small movement rather than the big movement of repositioning the fabric on the needles. Anyway I went a week and a half without knitting! Then I would knit 2-4 color changes a day so slow. I must remember to stop and flex my hands and wrists more frequently. The cowl is done. Scroll down to the post with this yarn for a link to the pattern. Something new to bundle up in the next time I venture outside.  Stay warm —Ann—

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Happy Groundhog Day

I had the sneaking suspicion that I was being followed, son’s dog was in front of me. I turned around quick and there it was my shadow! It seems like forever since it was by my side or behind me or in front of me.
Happy Groundhog Day!! —Ann—
Frontwards and backwards

Thursday, January 16, 2020

End of the saga

These books were supposed to last me all winter but once I started reading I couldn’t stop. There was snow, a good day to read, then there was wind, a good day to read, then it was just plain cold, a good day to read. I got so wrapped up, not just in a quilt, but with the characters and story that I would go to bed wondering what they would do tomorrow.

More adventures and misadventures for Ross always the good guy fighting for the underdog,   Demelza  holding down Nampara while he is away. They are still the hot couple in Cornwall,  their children are growing up, getting into scrapes, romances, and heart breaks.  George Warlaggen still caring only for himself while butting heads with everyone, he does remarry to a beautiful woman who loves to spend his money. Georges relationship with son, Valentine, is strained as Valentine gets more irresponsible and eccentric. Dwight Enys,  the country doctor,  tending the poor and the wealthy while keeping their secrets.  England is dealing with repercussions of the French Revolution and the Napolonic Wars.  Steam power has come and is pumping water from the lower levels of the mines.  Social and economic change is creeping across the country.

Winston Graham’s Poldark books: Ross Poldark, Demelza, Jeremy Poldark, Warlaggen,  The Black Moon, The Four Swans, The Angry Tide, The Stranger from the Sea, The Miller’s Dance,  The Loving Cup, The Twisted Sword, Bella Poldark.  The first book was written in 1945 and the last book in 2002.  Winston Graham died in 2003 at age 95.

I finished the last book on Saturday and I’m still wondering what they will do next, their youngest is just a boy and they have a grandchild. Ross has a title, well earned for his service to the Crown and Parliament making Demelza a Lady.

Some stories are limited to the pages of the book, when I close the book I’m done. Not so with these books Winston Graham has created a world and an era by bringing real events and people into the story but also by including small characters and local events which add so much to the depth of the story.  Each book left me wanting to know more and sad that I came to the end.  I guess it’s time to get back to my life in the present. More cold, snow and wind.  ~~Ann~~

Monday, October 14, 2019

Then the weather changed

Three days of sunshine and blue sky!  I sat outside on the deck and read, I love the October sun, the rays are low in the sky and don’t burn my fair northern European complexion. Every day the trees are a little redder and one by one the leaves flutter to the ground.
 And then the weather changed, the temperature dropped and suddenly the ash trees turned yellow almost overnight and shed their leaves in mass. I went downstairs to figure out my next project, look at my books, look at my stacks of fabric, look at the books again, look through the file folders, choose some fabrics and start ironing, check measurements, make supper. Woke up to snow on the rooftops not enough to cover the grass another great day to spend in the sewing room.  Look at all the possibilities again and change direction, iron a different pile of fabrics, start cutting, look at the recipe for this quilt, figure out how many strips I actually need, write numbers down, continue cutting, wind a couple balls of yarn, sort through knitting patterns, group scarf and wrap patterns together, pull out patterns for red sweater,  separate my strips into lights and darks, count how many of each, time for coffee, cut more...........

Finally start sewing on new quilt blocks, I still need to cut more light strips but I needed to sew.  Does anyone else work like that?  The snow is gone!  Its a great day to sew.  --Ann--

Monday, April 15, 2019

a little green

 A little green grass is peaking out from the snow as it shrinks away.  I don't remember any green before the last snow.  Maybe a good showing of grass will give warmer days a reason to stay.  Hubby watched golf on tv this weekend.  He made the comment that the Masters tournament means spring is here.  The greens of the golf course were a welcome diversion from our snow and the occassional panning of the cameras to the bridge and flowers released more than one sigh from me. Its spring at Augusta.  In past years the singing cardinals have sent me to the window in search of the illusive little bird usually perched high in the tree but this year the windows were closed tight, the singing was defiantly coming from the tv.  It was a good time to knit.  A little green in the sweater and just a few more rows and I'll be done.   --Ann--

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Thunder Snow

 Lightening in the early morning hours woke me last night followed by thunder and it is still thundering as it snows.  The lightening flashes are not so bright now but thunder and snow and ice pellets,  just another April snowstorm in South Dakota.  The snow is just falling at present but wait until later and the wind churns things around.  My pantry and fridge  were well stocked yesterday.
I have binding to sew and quilts to quilt and knitting to knit and books to read and coffee to drink and wine to sip.  Staying warm and safe travels to anyone on the road  --Ann--

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Snow in the neighborhood

 Yesterday was +15 F so I went for a walk around the neighborhood.  The sun on my face felt so good!!!! and no wind.  Top and bottom pics are my house we can still see out our windows some neighbors cannot.  We have very narrow streets and parking on the street is discouraged so there are several parking pads around the loop for 3-5 cars each so there are piles of snow and bigger  piles of snow.  The neighbors say this is more snow than they have seen in the 20 some years that these houses were built.  It's been 5 days since it snowed can spring be far behind?  --Ann--

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

wasting snow

I read To Kill a Mockingbird again its funny the things you remember and don't remember from reading a few years ago and maybe its because we are having a snowy winter that this caught my attention.

Chapter 8 and I'm abbreviating and paraphrasing a lot here
Atticus:  "That was Eula May,  I quote---' As it has not snowed in Maycomb County since 1885, there will be no school today.'"  Kids here in South Dakota are actually getting tired of that announcement.
Atticus finally got them to look at their breakfast plates instead of out the windows.
Jem:  "How do you make a snowman?"
Atticus: " I don't have the slightest idea,  I don't want you all to  be disappointed, but I doubt if there'll be enough snow for a snowball, even."
Jem and Scout go outside to find a 'feeble layer of soggy snow.'
Jem: "We shouldn't walk about in it, Look, every step you take's wasting it."
Scout looks back at her mushy footprints. Jem says if they wait until it snowed more they could scrape it all up for a snowman.
Scout catches a snowflake on her tongue "Jem, it's hot!"
Jem: "No it ain't, it's so cold it burns.  Now don't eat it, Scout, your wasting it.  Let it come down."
Scout: "But I want to walk in it."
Jem: "I know what, we can go walk over at Miss Maudie's."
Jem and Scout proceed to make a snowman by hauling dirt and sticks from the backyard, Scout says some politically incorrect words about a dirt snowman, then Jem covers it with snow collected in a peach basket from Miss Maudie's backyard and their own. 
Atticus comes home and complements Jem on his ingenuity and the snowman likeness to the neighbor.  Jem makes some alterations.
Later that night Miss Maudie's house burns.

Wasting snow what a concept!  The snow is so cold and dry here that it won't stick together to make a snow ball and you have to make a small snowball before you can roll it into a big snowball for a snowman. --Ann--
P.S. the reason I read the book again other than it is a wonderful book is because DD and I are going to the play and a great adventure.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019


The snow fell without making a sound, it just fell all soft and pretty like a kitten and just like a kitten the cuteness wears off when you realize it’s going to turn my into a cat.  But the snow just fell vertically usually it comes sideways and stings when it hits flesh.  The snow turning into bigger and bigger piles and staying until May.  I don’t really dislike cats but a cat would tangle my yarn and rearrange my quilt blocks and lay on my kindle when the battery gets warm. I had a cat a long time ago and the winter.... well its going to be a long one.  --Ann--

Monday, February 4, 2019

HST progress

Those days last week when it was so cold I sewed half square triangles.  And it really was cold here -27 F.  And the furnace quit so it was 52 F in the house when we woke up Wednesday morning.  It was three times colder outside!  Fortunately we have a couple space heaters and double fortunate the electricity was not out.  Apparently the natural gas line froze but when the sun hit the meter and warmed it just enough that the furnace kicked in.  I put my leggings on under my baggy jeans with a turtle neck and my favorite alpaca wool sweater and a cup of hot coffee in my hands.   Hubby made several calls to heating and electric guys and the natural gas guys and they did come over and check the furnace and the gas meter.    Over the weekend it warmed up to 37F heat wave the streets were slushy and I even went for a walk.  All is well and its only -4 F here today.  --Ann--

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

tadada done

against a polar vortex is what I named this quilt as the temps are dropping here.  I think all the schools in eastern South Dakota are closed; there are constant PSAs to call before going anywhere to be sure wherever you want to go is open.  I went to the grocery store yesterday I have everything I need.  I'm staying home and curling up with this quilt and pretend I'm a cat.  Even the post office is taking the day off.  What do you do on a snow day?  Quilt, knit, read, drink coffee, tea?  --Ann--

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Snow Day

 Fresh snow here! and I did what any sensible person should do stay home and knit or read or quilt and drink coffee so I finished these socks of scrap yarn.  --Ann--

Monday, April 16, 2018

A January blizzard in April

Alleluia chorus the sun is out and the sky is blue and the streets are sloppy!!

The rain came in ice pellets sometimes pea sized hail, enough to cover the ground in pearls.  The constant clicking on the windows sent me to my sewing room for most of the day.  I would knit a few rows on my sweater then move a few pinwheels and knit a few more rows while I planned my next move. That was Friday.

April snow usually comes in big wet globs that splat on the windshield, that didn’t happen but then I didn’t drive anywhere either. During the night it turned into January blizzard, the clicking on the windows ceased but the wind continued as if it were breathing expelling great bursts of air with snow then almost gasping too catch its breath for another outburst.  The snow was fine like sifted sugar and at times I couldn’t see across the neighbors lot to the next street.
 I  updated the weather app on my iPad, it kept sending messages that snow would start at ..:.. down to the minute. I much prefer the format of the old app without the updates.  It was snowing on and off all day I really didn't care what time more snow would come because I wasn't going anywhere and neither should anyone else as nasty as it was outside. The app could have told me something important like what time it was going to stop!!  Or when the roads were going to be clear.
Back to my sewing room I sewed a few rows together and knit some more.
Sunday we cleared snow oldest son came over to help so I made a farm meal a roast, potatoes and vegetables.  It was delicious! There were more snowflakes in the air whether they were falling from the sky or airborne from other snowblowers I don't know.  A little blue sky could be seen through a thinning veil of clouds.  I knit some more and watched some movies.  Spring might be here the end of the week  --Ann--

Friday, April 13, 2018

Ready for more snow

Another big snow event is brewing in the upper Midwest.  The wind is howling, an occasional raindrop hits the window, the birds fight the wind then glide with it and grab the nearest tree and try again in search of a sheltered roost.
  • I went to the grocery store yesterday check, 
  • Knitting in progress socks check, 
  • Sweater check, 
  • More sock yarn check just in case.  
  • Electronic devices charged and loaded with books check.  Just in case we loose power.
  • Quilt blocks to arrange and rearrange then sew together check.  
  • More fabric to cut just in case
  • Coffee check
  • Wine check 
I hope this is our last snowstorm until December.  - - Ann- -

Saturday, April 7, 2018

sweater finish

Here we are in the first week of April and I should be giving my wool sweaters their favorite spa day instead of still wearing them.  You know the long soak in the tub then a spin in the washer to get all the water out then a relaxing afternoon basking in the sun on the patio before I carefully fold each one and wrap it in cotton before placing them on the shelf until next fall.  Winter is hanging on forever here, we comfort ourselves after the March snows by saying "it won't last long" but last Mondays snow is still here and more is in the forecast and the temps have been in the teens! Oh well its great weather for knitting.
I finished my sweater.  I love the feel of the viscose  and linen yarn and after blocking it was smooth and shiny and drapes so nice.  I wasn't sure I was going to like it as I was knitting because it was a little stiff and looked coarse not really like burlap but along that line.  I might just knit this sweater again.  Hope you are staying warm.  --Ann--