Showing posts with label plaid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plaid. Show all posts

Friday, April 1, 2022

Pairing #3 Bow Ties

Sometimes I come across a fabric that says perfect quilt backing even though I haven’t made a quilt for the front. This light tan with the mustaches, top hats and bow ties was one of those purchases. It was kinda like choosing the side dishes before deciding on the entree. It nudged me and said make another bow tie quilt. So I did.  —Ann—

Friday, October 29, 2021

One row of poppies

 One row is almost done still have all those leaves to stitch. This may be a very slow project. —Ann

Thursday, April 15, 2021

another finish


I made this quilt to replace one I made a couple decades ago its hubby's favorite because its homespun and after it is washed and through the dryer a few times it has a very soft drape to it.  One day after washing the old quilt I noticed a hole in the back. It apparently got caught in the joint of the footrest hardware of the recliner, someone fixed the tear with super glue.  That's someones fix for almost everything.
I have been finishing a lot of things lately more so than starting.  I have changed I used to start things lots of things and not finish them for a very long time.  I can still find some unfinished projects in the Hall of CRAP. Why the change I wonder.........especially with quilts?  Part of the fun was emptying a new bag of fabrics fresh from the store and I usually had a pattern in mind when I purchased the fabric.  Now the decision is round about when I work from my stash I look at the fabrics then think of a pattern then look at my books and think of a different fabric eventually the pattern and fabrics come to an agreement and I get to work.  I need to get started on graduation quilts but this one was sitting at the machine and I just couldn't get my head around starting a new quilt until this was finished. I had pulled out fabrics but didnt want to cut until this was finished, I even had to finish the binding before starting the next. Now I'm ready to start something new.  --Ann--

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Snow day Sew day


It’s not an oficial snow day because school is in session here. But we do have snow and a good excuse not to go anywhere like that is a choice these days. It is a good day to sew.  The piano key borders are complete. One of the borders got turned around on the trip from the design wall to the table because I would have noticed the arrow pointing in. Fortunately it points where the yellow triangles are, start at the arrow and follow the yellow brick/ triangle road across the quilt. That zig zaggy line was planned.  Studying the stash for what I should make next. Happy stitching --Ann--

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

just scraps


I was a little to ambitious the week before last when I cut sashing to finish 2 quilt tops then machine quilted 4 quilts and cut and finished the binding.  I could feel it in my wrists so have been taking it easy since then I had to find a little project that didn't require any cutting.  I found these 16 patch strips all cut and leftover from wedding quilt for son and daughter-in-law. There were only 2 sets of 4 I had play mix and match with the rest.  Just scraps and a nice little lap quilt.  My hands need a vacation.  --Ann--

Monday, August 26, 2019

another one done #4

 Another one done and I'm done with these plaids for a while.   There are some leftover blocks and segments and a few yards yet to be used.  Those will have to wait until I'm in the mood for plaids again.  I passed the 5 million stitch number on my sweet 16 machine! --Ann--

Monday, August 19, 2019

tadada done #3

 Slow quilting on this quilt but in the quilt's defense it is a queen size and 90 inches square.  It took time, and going is slow is better than ripping.  Its a simple design, simple piecing and needed simple quilting just an arc from corner to corner and the same in the border.  Red, Black and Plaid is what I am calling this quilt.  --Ann--

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

A good start

 I machine quilted about half of this quilt Red Black and Plaid yesterday, 3 bobbins worth of thread.  I'm just stitching an arc from corner to corner I think it is called the orange peel design.  The backing fabric is a rich burgundy color not orange the way it showed up in the photo.  Can you see I have worn the rubber coating off these garden gloves from free motion quilting?  They make it so much easier on the arms and shoulders I can quilt for hours or at least 3 bobbins of thread.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

One done

One done!  just need to make the label.  I started quilting with one spool of thread and ran out then found another and ran out then a third and ran out and a 4th and did not run out.  One spool was black, brown and red, the next was black and purples, the third was dark greens and black and the last was dark blues and reds and they each blended marvelously with the plaids.  In fact now I would really have to look hard to find where I changed thread.  One is done!   And so is summer or so it seems as the back to school ads begin.   Slow down and enjoy August with all the good food.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


 These are the leftover cuts from the red, black and plaid quilt top 50 by 60 inches just right for a throw quilt.  I was going to offset the 4 square sets on the top and bottom border of the quilt but took a set apart to make a 4 patch for the corners.  I like that much better.  --Ann--

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Red black and plaid

 The borders of this were nagging me all last week.  I decided I couldn't come upstairs until it was finished and to sweeten the deal I rewarded myself with a glass of wine.  Good thing hubby was still fishing because it was 6:25 pm when I finished his supper would have been late.  A couple little road trips for me then back to the sewing room next week.  --Ann--

Thursday, May 23, 2019

March 84th

 From a distance and in a photo these blocks look like there is alot of brown but the fabrics are blacks and reds with some green, oranges and golds thrown in because I had them.  Now to work on something else for a couple days while I rearrange the blocks and think about the border.  Maybe a 3 inch strip of black with a row of strip segments or a 1 1/2 inch black border then offset the strip segments and do 2 rounds of the squares.  Now I'm wishing I didn't cut all those strip sets into 3 inch square segments, I could have had a nice piano key border which is always a great finish to a scrappy quilt.  oh well................this will work.  Still turning up the furnace every morning and putting on the wool socks. --Ann--

Monday, May 20, 2019

March 81st

March 81st that’s what May has felt like overcast, cold, wet and windy.  But on the upside many productive hours were spent in the sewing room over the weekend. The sun is shining bright today and the clouds have all gone elsewhere.  I hope it warms up here. --Ann--

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

new project

Many hours were spent cutting strips last week, 3 inch wide strips equivalent to about 15 yards of  all plaids, stripes and homespuns. I pretty much eliminated one stack of fabric which was half yard cuts and fat quarters, the leftover pieces are wide enough for another bow tie quilt.  I'm sewing 16 patches and no doubt I cut enough to make 2 quilts one will be a queen size for son and future daughter-in-law and who knows abut the second or third......another 16 patch? tri rec stars with court house steps or the tri rec pinwheel?  There are ideas stirring in my head.  Sunny day yesterday and today!!!!! I did not wear long jeans or wool socks!!!  --Ann--

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Log Cabin Fish

Another boyish quilt and this time with No 9 patches!  I cut 5 inch squares for the center from a fish fabric and sewed strips from my bags of leftovers.  No rhyme or reason for placing the strips just what fit then I squared up the blocks to 15 1/2 inches and sewed them together.  Pretty simple.  One of these days I'm going to have to choose some fabric from the stacks instead of the bags of leftovers, I keep hoping I'll get a great idea but in the meantime its leftovers.  --Ann--

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Bow tie quilt top

Once I found the method and scheme for sewing the bow tie blocks they fell into place.  I grouped them by color and value to bring some order to the chaos of so many different plaids and prints. I purposely used the darker blocks for the outside for a border.  One flimsy done!  I will sew a couple more quilt tops before layer them for machine quilting.  It looks like another beautiful day on the prairie.  Better enjoy some sunshine.--Ann--