Our snow is gone! It melted then it evaporated!! It’s gone!
Then I saw some daffodils blooming, is it really spring?
It's time for a new project I'm tired of sewing masks and I need to clear the design wall.
Finish this flimsy!!!
These blocks have been arranged and rearranged now they are stitched and set for life. Maybe I will add a border maybe I won't. Add it to the stack for the next basting day.
I pulled out a stack for fabric from the stash because I was inspired by a book I read, more on that next week. I have been working on graph paper and doing math on paper and in my head and making lots of notes so that I make the best use of the fabrics with as little waste as possible. My head is swimming with ideas, will it be one quilt or two. The end of the 6th week of staying home.