It was that kind of a day........a day I just needed to accomplish one thing........the blizzard warning dudded out in our area we were on the outside edge of the snowstorm, we got snow but not with the viciousness that was forecast. I had a stomach bug but we don't need to go into any details--not polite conversation --I'm better now but certainely didn't do much for a few days other than read and knit a little then fall asleep. Monday was a new day with fresh snow, I wasn't going anywhere so do something..........

This quilt has been lounging in the sewing room for more weeks than I care to admit the only thing left was the binding which was also lounging by the sewing machine. I went downstairs to get to work before lunch and sat for a while I usually start by tidying up but my table was clear—when did that happen!?! Just one thing...... my jeans were laying there by the machine….fix those first. Then it was time for lunch. Back to the sewing room the one thing was done but I had the rest of the day…….finish the quilt…..the snow put me in a festive mood. I bought the plaid fabric for a skirt 30 some years ago. I think the quilt wears it better.—Ann—