Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts

Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!!! the trick or treaters are going to get chilly here tonight.
It was a busy week last week but not much that was blog worthy, I had son's dog for a few days we had lovely weather for long walks I got my 10,000 steps in those days.  She forgot that at my house she has to stay in the kitchen or dining room I ran downstairs for something when I came up she was sitting on the carpet waiting for me so I sat in my spot in the sun room and read and knit for the duration for her visit. My sweater is the same color as her fur. In natural light they match, the flash really washed out the sweater.  Then son came and took her home so I had to vacuum and scrub the drool spots from the floor.

Darling daughter came for a long weekend since the guys went hunting again.  We spent a day shopping we bought apples from the orchard, I bought yarn and we had a delicious lunch.  The rest of the weekend we watched movies and I knit some more and she went home.  Then I did necessary things like rearranging my closet so I could get at my cozy warm sweaters without using a stool and put the short pants out of reach until next spring.  The trees are almost bare,  the wind is cold and the sky is grey tomorrow must be November.  --Ann--

Monday, December 9, 2013

Design Wall Monday

Nothing has changed on my design wall since a couple weeks ago, I'm still basking in the afterglow of finishing sewing all the curves of  After Image. I typically don't sew much after Thanksgiving until after the New Year. Its time to slow down and enjoy the season.
 We had more snow over the weekend it came down like sifted sugar. And really cold temps, it didn't get above 0 F a couple days. Brrrrr  And I have son's dog again so I had to bundle up to take her for a walk a couple times a day. Just short walks to get the necessary done. I found a pair of snow pants don't know if they belonged to one of the boys or I bought them for daughter or me but they are a medium in mens. Did you know that girls and womens snowpants have a lot less insulation than boys and mens??!! Which is why I would have bought them.   Anyway I put the snow pants on and can get it zipped  and after adjusting the straps I can breath and I don't feel as crushed and I'm not that big on top. There was a magical age when my years equaled my bra size. So I put on my down filled coat, scarf and hat then to put my snow boots on.....just try and bend over or sit down to lift my foot high enough to get my boot on let alone tie it. In the end it was easier to put on my winter clogs and stay on the path. They are fine walking in  less than 2 inches of snow. Mittens on and hood up, I'm feeling  guilty getting all bundled up to go out when the poor dog is going out in her pajamas. But she takes to the snow like a yellow lab in winter. Oh that's what she is. No need for me to feel guilty just glad we didn't have freezing rain if I fell I would never be able to get up. More tatted snowflakes tomorrow. Check out the design walls at Patchworktimes.  Hope you are staying warm. --Ann--