Showing posts with label hearts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hearts. Show all posts

Friday, February 12, 2021

out of the cupboard


Another little quilt out of the cupboard for Valentine's Day.  Just little 4 patch hearts with an applique vine and leaf border  I must have made this 20 some years ago.  --Ann--

Thursday, May 15, 2014

out of the cupboard

 This is a round robin quilt from at least a decade ago.  Each of the quilters from the Wednesday night ladies chose a color palette and made our own center block then it was passed to quilter # 2 who was to add a border with triangles, #3 was to set it on point, #4 add a narrow border, #5 add something pretty, #6 I can't remember the specifics for the border with the saw tooth stars on point, #7 was an applique border, #8 half a border with stars, #9 the other half border with hearts. And then we each got our quilt back after months of not seeing it. I was thrilled with mine. I sent a bundle of fabrics with mine to keep everyone on track with my colors. It was professionally quilted by Kay at my Olive Branch, she did a wonderful job.
The other quilt I showed in yesterdays post was the spool quilt  which still isn't finished I only have a couple spools left to hand quilt then all those flying geese. I need to set a side a couple hours a week to hand quilt instead of knitting. --Ann--

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Vintage Valentines

I have a box of my Mother's Valentine cards some have dates written on the back. The arm moves with the ace of hearts, the dogs eyes move, the dogs head moves and the clowns head pops up. More vintage hearts tomorrow. --Ann--