Showing posts with label sailboats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sailboats. Show all posts

Friday, July 14, 2017


Recent finish on the top quilt.  These quilts really do have nice square corners but no matter what I do or how  I stand I cannot stand square in front of them to take a picture, always some distortion.  These are all the same Buggy Barn pattern from the book Those Crazy Kids. The bottom quilt was made just like the pattern.  The others I used the full fat quarter and for a quick and colorful baby quilt its perfect.  --Ann--

Monday, July 3, 2017


 I love sewing these Buggy Barn Sailboats they are so quick and so fun to pick the fabrics and always a surprise to see how the fabrics pair up when you shuffle the stack.  The only thing left is the binding and the label but I will wait with the label until the baby has been born and that is a few weeks away. Sailboats in the summer and another quilt entirely from my stash  --Ann--

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


A bowl of sunshine to celebrate the longest day of sunshine of the year then sadly the days get shorter tomorrow.  And sailboats, a cousins daughter is having a baby in August the buggy barn pattern is so easy and so much fun to do in bright colors.  Happy summer solstice --Ann--

Monday, October 10, 2016

Sail Away

Somedays I sit down to do something and everything goes wrong.  Machine quilting on this was one of those things.  I could not get the thread tension right for anything.  I finally got the book out and adjusted the screw on the bobbin case and then the upper tension and adjusted and adjusted some more and I got it right.  Then I ripped everything that I had machine quilted.  Fortunately since the tension was so off it pulled right out.  Better days in the sewing room.  --Ann--

Monday, September 26, 2016

Design Wall Monday

After almost 3 months of no sewing I was able to spend some much needed time in my sewing room. My Elna machine just groaned when I put my foot to the pedal.  She just needed a little oil which I found in the safe spot where I knew I put the oil when I packed my sewing room.  It was in a sealable bag in a tin box and after I thought a bit I found the right tin box, the box that always sat to the left of sweet 16 machine, I should have looked there first.  But I honestly couldn't remember where I packed it.  I just had to pause and think for a few minutes with a cup of coffee and wait for the aha moment. And there it was.
A cousins daughter has a new baby boy, these Buggy Barn sailboats are quick and easy and such fun to sew and I found all these fabrics in my newly organized closet with all the neat and tidy stacks of fabric.  Next to find the jar of thimbles and extra SD cards which might be in the camera bag but then I need to find the camera bag, and a couple books.  It seems I spend at least an hour everyday looking for something in a safe spot that was at my fingertips before we moved.  Or maybe its a memory thing but there are so many things to remember after a move like where I put everything!  The treasure hunt for safe spots continues.  --Ann--  Linking to Judy's DWM

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Everything is Just Beachy!

 Machine quilting this has been fun. A lot of spirals in and out of the beach balls where the stripes go in circles and loops or Vs when the stripes are the other directions. Lots of scrolls for waves in the turquoise. And of course a red hand for Wilson, from movie Cast Away on the black and white ball. It was suggested that I applique a red hand on the black and white ball but I thought that would look too much like the Red Hand of Ulster. Upon finding the link my thumb is on the wrong side for the Red Hand of Ulster. Some crazy Irishmen had a bet on who touched the shore first could claim it for their kingdom, they were racing in row boats, so the one who was behind cut off his hand and threw it ashore. I wonder if alcohol was involved? I free motion quilted sailboats in the borders and squiggly lines between the sails for clouds. Some of the stripes made me think of the setting sun as I was stitching. Now onto  the binding. Happy sailing--Ann--

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Summer Sailboats

sold on etsy

gift to great nephew

Two quilts I no longer have but sailboats always speak to me of summer. The top quilt I used the whole fat quarter for the sailboat blocks the second I cut the sailboat to pattern size Buggy Barn for the ocean wave borders. Both are free motion quilted. Wishing for a cooling breeze. --Ann--