Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts

Sunday, October 31, 2021


 Happy Halloween 

Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!!! the trick or treaters are going to get chilly here tonight.
It was a busy week last week but not much that was blog worthy, I had son's dog for a few days we had lovely weather for long walks I got my 10,000 steps in those days.  She forgot that at my house she has to stay in the kitchen or dining room I ran downstairs for something when I came up she was sitting on the carpet waiting for me so I sat in my spot in the sun room and read and knit for the duration for her visit. My sweater is the same color as her fur. In natural light they match, the flash really washed out the sweater.  Then son came and took her home so I had to vacuum and scrub the drool spots from the floor.

Darling daughter came for a long weekend since the guys went hunting again.  We spent a day shopping we bought apples from the orchard, I bought yarn and we had a delicious lunch.  The rest of the weekend we watched movies and I knit some more and she went home.  Then I did necessary things like rearranging my closet so I could get at my cozy warm sweaters without using a stool and put the short pants out of reach until next spring.  The trees are almost bare,  the wind is cold and the sky is grey tomorrow must be November.  --Ann--

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

I sat outside most of yesterday afternoon, it was sunny and warm. My son called and asked me to let his dog out so I walked to the post office then to his house and brought her home with me for an excuse to sit outside and soak up some vitamin D.  Happy Halloween!!!! Batik fabric no plan in mind, pumpkins from my sketch book and the hunter's moon. Counting my blessing that I live where I do.  We just  have thunderstorms with hail and drought and heat and wind then harvest fires followed by blizzards and cold and some almost perfect days in between.  Prayers to all in the Northeast.  --Ann--

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween


Happy Halloween,

Monday, October 10, 2011


My kids helped with this wall hanging more than a few years ago. Its just not October without hanging it.

Each of my kids drew jack-o-lantern faces on the paper backing from the fusible then drew the faces onto the fabric pumpkin. Their drawings are typical of children at that age.


The scribble face of a 4 year old and the "no brainers" of the 9 and 11 year olds. (The eyes at the top of the head with no room for a forehead or hair line not that a Jack-o-Lantern needs one.)  They got bored after making 2 faces each so I copied their practice faces onto the remaining pumpkins.  When the 4 year old was about 8 she wanted to replace her Jack-o-Lanterns with better faces. Now that she is 20 and has done a lot of babysitting she sees the charm in it.

The blocks with the Halloween motifs are from an Alexander Henry fat quarter. I let the kids pick out fat quarters when we were fabric shopping. She still remembers the day she picked that one.  We shopped then went to the park and crunched the leaves and had a picnic. It was mommy Erin time. The boys were in school.

It is free motion quilted with copper metallic thread. I stitched around real oak leaves in the borders.

Happy quilting,